
Fire King: deck recipe [June 6]

Duel Links Fire King deck, Fire King deck in the meta, how to play Fire King deck.
update 06/06/2022

Required Card Boxes

Main Deck

The Ultimate Rising Rage of Volcano Chaotic Soldiers Selection Box Vol.05 Return of the Fire Kings

Extra Deck

Voltage of the Metal Shining Hope Infinite Ray Photons of Galaxy Phantom of Rebellion

Example Deck

Standard Version

True King Agnimazud, the VanisherTrue King Agnimazud, the VanisherFire King High Avatar GarunixFire King High Avatar GarunixFire King High Avatar GarunixSacred Phoenix of Nephthys
Fire King Avatar ArvataFire King Avatar ArvataFire King Avatar ArvataBattlin Boxer VeilBattlin Boxer VeilBattlin Boxer Veil
Fire King Avatar BarongFire King Avatar BarongFire King Avatar BarongMonster RebornMystical Space TyphoonBook of Moon
Book of MoonBook of MoonCircle of the Fire KingsOnslaught of the Fire KingsOnslaught of the Fire KingsFire King Island
Fire King IslandFire King Island----
Dark Rebellion Xyz DragonAbyss DwellerNumber C39: Utopia RayNumber 39: UtopiaNumber 70: Malevolent SinSteelswarm Roach
Diamond Dire Wolf-----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Destiny Draw
Can be used when your Life Points decrease by 2000. In the Draw Phase, instead of conducting your normal draw, draw a card of your choice. This Skill can only be used one per Duel.
Yami Yugi
Yami Yugi

How to Play

True King Agnimazud, the Vanisher

True King Agnimazud, the Vanisher
True King Agnimazud, the Vanisher
FIRE Wyrm ★9
ATK 2900 / DEF 1900
Selection Box Vol.05 [UR]
If this card is in your hand: You can destroy 2 other monsters in your hand and/or face-up on your field, including a FIRE monster, and if you do, Special Summon this card, and if you do that, you can banish 1 monster from your opponent's field or Graveyard, if both the destroyed monsters were FIRE. If this card is destroyed by card effect: You can add 1 non-FIRE Wyrm-Type monster from your Graveyard to your hand. You can only use each effect of "True King Agnimazud, the Vanisher" once per turn.

It's a powerful boss monster since it has a non-targeting monster removal effect. The cost of summoning isn't a big issue in this deck since your Fire King monsters have effects when destroyed.

Ideally, you want to use a Fire King High Avatar Garunix or Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys for Wipe Monster and Backrow.

Arvata is good too since it can special summon a monster from your graveyard. The special summoned monster is negated so it's mostly just to have another monster on the field for tribute or help with Xyz/OTK.

Fire King High Avatar Garunix

Fire King High Avatar Garunix
Fire King High Avatar Garunix
FIRE Winged Beast ★8
ATK 2700 / DEF 1700
Return of the Fire Kings [UR]
During the next Standby Phase after this card was destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard: Special Summon this card from the Graveyard. When you do: Destroy all other monsters on the field. When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard: You can Special Summon 1 "Fire King" monster from your Deck, except "Fire King High Avatar Garunix".

Fire King is a high-risk high-reward type of deck which is exemplified by their boss monster, Fire King High Avatar Garunix. High Avatar Garunix only revives himself during your Standby Phase, which is usually on your next turn leaving the field unprotected. But when he does comeback he wipes out all other monsters on the field easily setting up an OTK.

In most cases the best monster to float into would be Arvata. The effect negation can deter Desperado Barrel Dragon's removal effect. Arvata will also float into another monster to catch a subsequent attack.

Fire King Monsters

Fire King Avatar Arvata
Fire King Avatar Arvata
FIRE Beast-Warrior ★4
ATK 1800 / DEF 200
Rage of Volcano [SR]
When a monster effect is activated while this monster is on the field (Quick Effect): You can negate the activation, and if you do, destroy 1 other FIRE monster in your hand or field. If this card is destroyed and sent to the GY: You can target 1 FIRE Beast, Beast-Warrior, or Winged Beast monster in your GY, except "Fire King Avatar Arvata"; Special Summon it, but it has its effects negated, also it is destroyed during the End Phase. You can only use each effect of "Fire King Avatar Arvata" once per turn.

Aravata is a great monster to have onboard, mainly due of its ability to negate monster effects. This lets you stop enemy search effects such as Cyber Dragon Core, or prevents them from getting powerful monster onboard with effects such as Spiritual Beast Tamer Winda. Destroying another FIRE monster after using the negation effect gives Arvata some extra utility. Ideally, you use this to destroy High Avatar Garunix or Barong in your hand to get their effects off on the next turn.

The monster revived by Arvata only has its effect negated on the field. Luckily most Fire King monster effects activate from the graveyard to bypass this. So you can revive High Avatar Garunix with Arvata then have it revive itself on the next Standby Phase.

Fire King Avatar Barong
Fire King Avatar Barong
FIRE Beast-Warrior ★4
ATK 1800 / DEF 200
Blades of Spirit [R]
If a face-up "Fire King" monster you control is destroyed by a card effect (except during the Damage Step): You can Special Summon this card from your hand. During the next Standby Phase after this card was destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard: Add 1 "Fire King" card from your Deck to your hand, except "Fire King Avatar Barong".

Barong searches any Fire King card, making it your most versatile search effect. The turn Barong is destroyed, put Yaksha or Arvata onboard; so that you have some way of destroying the card you searched during the opponent's turn.

A sample combo you can perform is:
(Requires Barong, Fire King Island, and Circle of the Fire Kings onhand)

  1. Destroy Barong with Fire King Island to search Yaksha.
  2. Summon Yaksha and set Circle of the Fire Kings before you end the turn.
  3. Barong's search effect goes off to fetch High Avatar Garunix.
  4. Activate Circle of the Fire Kings to revive Barong and Destroy Yaksha.
  5. Yaksha's effect destroys the newly searched High Avatar Garunix.

Similar to Yaksha, Barong can also be Special Summoned in case of a field wipe by Fire King Island, so your field isn't left defenseless.

Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys

Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys
Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys
FIRE Winged Beast ★8
ATK 2400 / DEF 1600
Dawn of Destiny [UR]
During your next Standby Phase after this card was destroyed by a card effect and sent to the Graveyard: Special Summon this card from the Graveyard. When you do: Destroy all Spell and Trap Cards on the field.

Similar to High Avatar Garunix, but instead of wiping monsters Nephthys wipes backrow. Not searchable by Fire King Island but can be searched by Onslaught.

Battlin Boxer Veil

Battlin Boxer Veil
Battlin Boxer Veil
FIRE Warrior ★4
ATK 0 / DEF 1800
Rage of Volcano [R]
When you take battle damage: You can Special Summon this card from your hand, and if you do, gain Life Points equal to the damage you took.

Keep Veil in your hand until you take your first large amount of damage. Then Special Summon him to effectively nullify the damage from that attack, and getting a body on board to catch a subsequent attack. If Veil survives till your next turn, you can use it as Xyz material.

Fire King Island

Fire King Island
Fire King Island
Field Spell
Dawn of Destiny [R]
If this face-up card in the Field Zone is sent to the Graveyard or banished: Destroy all monsters you control. You can only use 1 of the following effects of "Fire King Island" per turn, and only once that turn.
● During your Main Phase: You can destroy 1 monster in your hand or you control, and if you do, add 1 "Fire King" monster from your Deck to your hand.
● If you control no monsters: You can Special Summon 1 FIRE Winged Beast-Type monster from your hand.

Fire King Island's first effect is a good way to trigger the effects of Fire Kings. As stated above this effect can combo well with Yaksha.

The second effect lets you Special Summon High Avatar Garunix from your hand without cost. This is good for field presence especially if you don't have Kiteroid onhand to protect you while you wait for High Avatar Garunix to revive on your next turn.

Onslaught of the Fire Kings

Onslaught of the Fire Kings
Onslaught of the Fire Kings
Normal Spell
Return of the Fire Kings [SR]
If your opponent controls a monster and you control no monsters: Special Summon 1 FIRE Beast, Beast-Warrior, or Winged Beast-Type monster from your Deck. Its effects are negated and it is destroyed during the End Phase. You can only activate 1 "Onslaught of the Fire Kings" per turn.

Use Onslaught to Special Summon High Avatar Garunix from the deck. This is the best way to search High Avatar Garunix and you can still use him to battle before he self-destructs during your End Phase. This self-destruction is actually beneficial since it will also prepare High Avatar Garunix' self-revival on your next turn.

Circle of the Fire Kings

Circle of the Fire Kings
Circle of the Fire Kings
Quick Spell
Return of the Fire Kings [UR]
Target 1 FIRE monster you control and 1 FIRE monster in your Graveyard; destroy that monster you control, and if you do, Special Summon that other monster from your Graveyard. You can only activate 1 "Circle of the Fire Kings" per turn.

Lets you destroy a Fire King to later activate its effect without leaving your field empty. You can destroy High Avatar Garunix and revive High Avatar Garunix for no overall loss in field presence while preparing to wipe out your opponent's monsters the next turn.

Book of Moon is generally a great tech card. Arvata only negates activated monster effects, so if you want to turn off continuous effects you can put them face-down. Book of Moon can be used defensively to put an attacking enemy monster face-down, or offensively to expose weak DEF stats.

Extra Decks

This deck has above average Xyz summon capabilites mainly due to teching in Rekindling. Because of this, fill your Extra Deck with the best Rank-4s you have.

Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
DARK Dragon ★4
ATK 2500 / DEF 2000
Phantom of Rebellion [UR]
2 Level 4 monsters
You can detach 2 Xyz Materials from this card, then target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls; its ATK becomes half its current ATK, and if it does, this card gains that lost ATK.

General Rank 4 Xyz Monster for players to use so far. Its effect essentially lets you deal 2500 (its own ATK) damage if this attacks the monster you targeted. The advantage is that your opponent's monster's ATK is also lowered, allowing you to attack over it with your other weaker monsters.

Number C39: Utopia Ray
Number C39: Utopia Ray
LIGHT Warrior ★4
ATK 2500 / DEF 2000
Infinite Ray [UR]
3 Level 4 LIGHT monsters
You can also Xyz Summon this card by using a "Number 39: Utopia" you control as the Xyz Material. (Xyz Materials attached to that monster also become Xyz Materials on this card.) You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; it gains 500 ATK and 1 monster your opponent controls loses 1000 ATK, until the End Phase. You must have 1000 Life Points or less to activate and to resolve this effect.

Since you can only use Utopia Ray's effect when down to your last 1000 LP, he is best used to clutch the game. The ATK manipulation can help you get rid of a powerful enemy monster and deal massive damage. Keep in mind this effect can be activated multiple times per turn as long as you have the materials.

Number 39: Utopia
Number 39: Utopia
LIGHT Warrior ★4
ATK 2500 / DEF 2000
Shining Hope [UR]
2 Level 4 monsters
When any player's monster declares an attack: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; negate the attack. When this card is targeted for an attack, while it has no Xyz Materials: Destroy this card.

Reserve Utopia until you plan to make Utopia Ray.

Abyss Dweller
Abyss Dweller
WATER Sea Serpent ★4
ATK 1700 / DEF 1400
Photons of Galaxy [UR]
2 Level 4 monsters
While this card has an Xyz Material attached that was originally WATER, all WATER monsters you control gain 500 ATK. Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; any card effects that activate in your opponent's Graveyard cannot be activated this turn.

Abyss Dweller is great at preventing the opponent from using resources from the graveyard such as The White Stone of Ancients and all Noble Arms. But making Spider Shark usually take priority.

Make sure to toggle your chain to "ON" instead of "AUTO" then use Abyss Dweller's effect at the start of the opponent's turn for best results.

Diamond Dire Wolf
Diamond Dire Wolf
EARTH Beast ★4
ATK 2000 / DEF 1200
Voltage of the Metal [SR]
2 Level 4 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 Beast, Beast-Warrior, or Winged Beast-Type monster you control and 1 other card on the field; destroy them.

Diamond Dire Wolf excels in this Deck more than any other Deck that toolboxes it due to the fact Fire Kings like to be destroyed.

Number 70: Malevolent Sin
Number 70: Malevolent Sin
DARK Insect ★4
ATK 2400 / DEF 1200
Photons of Galaxy [SR]
2 Level 4 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; banish it until your opponent's next Standby Phase. At the end of the Damage Step, if this card attacked: You can make this card gain 300 ATK, and if you do, increase its Rank by 3.

If you don't need a permanent removal like Diamond Dire Wolf, or can't use destruction effects against the monster you want to remove, make Malevolent Sin. This monster also grows into stronger beater as it battles easily attacking over most monsters after a few turns.

Notably, when temporarily banishing an Xyz monster with Malevolent Sin's effect, the Xyz monster comes back with no materials attached. This can be used strategically against threats such as Number 37: Hope Woven Dragon Spider Shark and Abyss Dweller.

Steelswarm Roach
Steelswarm Roach
DARK Fiend ★4
ATK 1900 / DEF 0
Photons of Galaxy [SR]
2 Level 4 monsters
During either player's turn, when a Level 5 or higher monster would be Special Summoned: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; negate the Special Summon, and if you do, destroy it.

Roach can be used as additional monster suppression alongside Arvata. Firstly, Roach actually destroys the negated monster while Arvata does not. Roach also destroys the monster upon summoning, removing the monster even before it becomes a problem. Arvata on the other hand covers Roach's weaknesses such as being unable to deal with low-Level monsters and Xyzs.

Other Useful Cards

Fire King Avatar Garunix

Fire King Avatar Garunix
Fire King Avatar Garunix
FIRE Winged Beast ★4
ATK 700 / DEF 1700
Return of the Fire Kings [SR]
If a face-up "Fire King" monster you control is destroyed by a card effect (except during the Damage Step): You can Special Summon this card from your hand. If this card in your possession is destroyed by your opponent's card (either by battle or by card effect) and sent to your Graveyard: You can Special Summon 1 "Fire King Avatar" monster from your Deck.

Usually you'll be using this floating effect to fetch Arvata. Set Fire King Avatar Garunix to have it be destroyed by the opponent during battle to activate its effect.

Fire King Avatar Yaksha

Fire King Avatar Yaksha
Fire King Avatar Yaksha
FIRE Beast-Warrior ★4
ATK 1800 / DEF 200
Dawn of Destiny [R]
If a face-up "Fire King" monster you control is destroyed by a card effect (except during the Damage Step): You can Special Summon this card from your hand. If this card is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard: You can destroy 1 card in your hand or that you control. You can only use this effect of "Fire King Avatar Yaksha" once per turn.

Yaksha combos with Fire King Island to search and destroy High Avatar Garunix in one combo. Use Fire King Island to destroy Yaksha and search High Avatar Garunix. This will trigger Yaksha's effect letting you destroy the recently searched High Avatar Garunix.

If you don't draw Fire King Island, set Yaksha. Let your opponent destroy Yaksha so you can destroy a High Avatar Garunix from your hand.

Even though Fire Kings like to be destroyed, Fire King Island wiping your monster zone upon leaving the field is just too much. This can give your opponent an opportunity to OTK you just by getting rid of Fire King Island. This can be somewhat mitigated by Special Summoning Yaksha from the hand so you don't take all the direct attacks.

Other Defensive Options

Sphere Kuriboh
Sphere Kuriboh
DARK Fiend ★1
ATK 300 / DEF 200
The Ultimate Rising [UR]
When an opponent's monster declares an attack: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; change the attacking monster to Defense Position. When you Ritual Summon a monster, you can banish this card from your Graveyard as 1 of the monsters required for the Ritual Summon.

Except for High Avatar Garunix, the ATK stats in this deck are quite low so teching Sphere Kuriboh as a defensive option is a good choice. This will also help you when you get field wiped by your own Fire King Island.

WIND Machine ★1
ATK 200 / DEF 400
Card Trader [SR]
Activate when you discard this card from your hand during damage calculation after a direct attack. Any Battle Damage you would receive from that direct attack becomes 0. Only once, if you remove this card from the game when it is in your Graveyard, any Battle Damage you would receive from a direct attack becomes 0.

Unlike Veil, Kiteroid actually nullifies the damage so you can use it against attacks that would've been lethal. One Kiteroid can nullify damage twice; once from the hand and another time while in the graveyard.

Fire Formation - Tenki

Fire Formation - Tenki
Fire Formation - Tenki
Continuous Spell
Eternal Stream [SR]
When this card is activated: You can add 1 Level 4 or lower Beast-Warrior-Type monster from your Deck to your hand. All Beast-Warrior-Type monsters you control gain 100 ATK. You can only activate 1 "Fire Formation - Tenki" per turn.

Most of your Fire King monsters are Beast-Warriors which you can fetch with Tenki. The usual search target would be Arvata because of his powerful negation effect.


Normal Spell
Rage of Volcano [UR]
Special Summon from your Graveyard as many FIRE monsters as possible with 200 DEF, but banish them during the End Phase.

Amazing Xyz enabler. Most of your Main Deck monsters are level-4 with 200 DEF, so simply activating Rekindling will almost always net you at least one Xyz monster. The downside is nothing to worry about as long as you use up the monsters you revived as Xyz material or other purposes.

Other Extra Decks

Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis
Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis
LIGHT Dragon ★8
ATK 3000 / DEF 2500
Infinite Ray [UR]
2 Level 8 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; Tribute any number of monsters from your hand and/or your side of the field (minimum 1), then destroy an equal number of cards on the field.

Summon Heliopolis by using two High Avatar Garunix as material. With the removal targets only being limited by the resources you control, Heliopolis is able to wipe out the enemy field and attack directly for 3000 damage. Keep in mind this cost is a tribute so it won't activate the effects of Fire Kings.

Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King
FIRE Beast-Warrior ★4
ATK 2200 / DEF 1800
Eternal Stream [UR]
2 Level 4 Beast-Warrior-Type monsters
When this card is Xyz Summoned: You can Set 1 "Fire Formation" Spell/Trap Card directly from your Deck. Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; negate the effects of all face-up Effect Monsters currently on the field, except Beast-Warrior-Type, until the end of your opponent's turn. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard: You can send 3 "Fire Formation" Spell/Trap Cards you control to the Graveyard; Special Summon 2 Level 4 or lower Beast-Warrior-Type monsters with the same ATK from your Deck, in face-up Defense Position.

Upon summoning Tiger King, you get to fetch Tenki which results in fetching another Beast-Warrior monster, great for resource gain. The mass effect negation is very powerful because it can shut off powerful effects, like Cyber Slash Harpie Lady. This won't interfere with any of your monster effects because Arvata is a Beast-Warrior and High Avatar Garunix won't be on the field when Tiger King activate his effect. Lastly, Tiger King floats into two Level-4 monsters letting you set up your next Xyz play. However, you do need to clog your entire backrow for this to work.

Number 32: Shark Drake
Number 32: Shark Drake
WATER Fish ★4
ATK 2800 / DEF 2100
Shark Fang [UR]
3 Level 4 monsters
Once per turn, when this attacking card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; Special Summon the destroyed monster to your opponent's side of the field in face-up Attack Position, also it loses 1000 ATK, and if you do Summon this way, this card can make a second attack during this Battle Phase.

Shark Drake uses up all three monsters revived by Rekindling to make. The result is a monster that can aggressive beatdown enemy monsters and deal damage with its decently high ATK.


Hot New Top
Isn’t there a better skill other that Destiny Draw? Yami Yugi sucks.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Wdym? That skill is what carries the whole thing
I found the new fun way to play this deck. Put 1-2 chaos hunter to avoid karma cut, malevolent sin and dragon spirit of white. Since this deck weakness only if one of their cards got banished, discarding any fire king monster is recommended since you can easily get them back with fire king circle or arvata if it's destroyed. But remember, this is still fun deck not top tier.
<< Anonymous(Candend)
anonymouse Reply
the problem is, chaos hunter is not searchable by fire king. also abyss dweller/necrovalley completely cripple this deck
First: this deck is expensive with 3 BOM
Second: this deck dies with Destiny Draw nerf upcoming
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
it will be nerfed after next KC cup
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Is this just another "my uncle that works at konami told me so" situation?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
My uncle's friend's cousin works there and I can confirm that his uncle works there too
<< Anonymous
Uncle Reply
I'm his uncle and I can confirm that my nephew is right
🔥 boi
Four months still no limits and no bans for this deck. Remove it already it's unfunnto play against.
<< Anonymous(🔥 boi)
Anonymous Reply
I'm sorry your battle ox + banner of courage combo doesn't work anymore
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Shu t up I hate this deck pls ban!
<< Anonymous
Konami Reply
Ah yes, the most fun deck to play against. Stalling is fun for everyone involved.
<< Anonymous(Toastyy)
Anonymous Reply
whole family get corona 🔥ing stall
The current event made players play this deck more often than usual.

That 2400 ATK arvata is really something after all. With even further ATK boost it could solo my revendread slayer lol.
Hope dark unit got it share to next time
Time to ban this infinite loop. This can cer still run Kiteroid & Veil.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah right, how many times people have lost just because of Kiteroid, Veil, Kuriboh. Bring on Ash Blossom and stop everyone from taking cards out from the main deck.
Kim Kardashian
I used my sr dream ticket and ur dream ticker for this deck since I'm an f2p player.
This deck is straight up everywhere now. And it’s a 30 card stall deck. Shame
Not sure how this isn’t tier one when sooo many kog players are running it
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
players already at KOG don't need to try to rank up anymore, so they play non-meta decks like this one when they are bored
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If karma cut gets limited this deck will become tier. Mark my words. Also hate the fact that this deck can run 3 boxer 2 kite roids without hurting it.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
weak vs:
-karma cut.
-d.d. crow.
-invoke (no one side this crard)
and it can brick so hard.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Don't forget Blue Eyes Spirit Dragon which is everywhere in ranked
Any good card to replace the book of moon?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
use crédit card, the best card in this game.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Absolutely, nothing can beat credit card once you activate its effect
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I used 3x dive wrath easy win tbh
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
just use your best backrow cards. cosmic cyclone, floodgate trap hole, ultimate providence, hallowed live barrier, anything is good. treacherous trap hole is what I'd use since there aren't other traps in the deck and the destruction effect will trigger your cards.
How is this deck doing now that they dared release Arvata the mighty? It seems to be extremely absurdly strong. I'm thinking of investing in it.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I’m doing it now
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It´s strong alright. Arvata shuts down all your opponents monster effects, and helps setting up the giant fire bird in the GY, just to blow up the field next turn and helping you to get a OTK.

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My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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