
Clear Mind: Antinomy Unlock Event [June 2021]

Duel Links Antinomy Unlock Event, rewards, how to defeat Antinomy, and Antinomy Unlock Event guide.
update 26/06/2021


Period22 June 2021 - 29 June 2021

How to Unlock

Event Missions and Decklist

Event Missions

Summon "T.G. Halberd Cannon" 1 time(s) while playing as Antinomy.Gems x10
Summon "T.G. Halberd Cannon" 2 time(s) while playing as Antimony.Gems x10
Summon "T.G. Halberd Cannon" 3 time(s) while playing as Antimony.Gems x10
Reduce your opponent's LP to 0 by inflicting battle damage with "T.G. Halberd Cannon" using Antimony.Gems x10
Reduce your opponent's LP to 0 by inflicting battle damage with "Shooting Star Dragon" using Yusei Fudo.Gems x10

Halberd Cannon Mission Decklists

Example Deck [Credit to HEROポン]

Evigishki Mind AugusEvigishki Mind AugusJunk SynchronJunk SynchronJunk SynchronT.G. Drill Fish
Jet SynchronLich Lord, King of the UnderworldT.G. Catapult DragonGishki AquamirrorSoul ReleaseMystik Wok
Mystic BoxDe-SynchroWarrior EliminationGreed GradoGreed GradoGreed Grado
Good Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin Housekeeping--X-Saber Wayne

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Set! Delta Accel!
At the beginning of the Duel, add 1 T.G. Halberd Cannon, T.G. Blade Blaster, T.G. Power Gladiator, T.G. Wonder Magician, and T.G. Recipro Dragonfly to your Extra Deck. Once per turn, if you have Synchro Summoned 2 or more “T.G.” Synchro monsters: Play 1 T.G. Recipro Dragonfly from your Extra Deck.

Exclusive Rewards

Exclusive Skill - Halved Synchro

[Skill] descriptionUser
Halved Synchro
Play 1 “T.G.” Synchro Monster from your Extra Deck that has Level lower than half of the Level of 1 “T.G.” Tuner Synchro monster you control. This Skill can only be used if you begin the Duel with no monsters other than “T.G.” monsters in your Main Deck. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.

T.G. Gear Zombie [UR]

T.G. Gear Zombie
T.G. Gear Zombie
DARK Zombie ★1
ATK 600 / DEF 0
Clear Mind: Antinomy Unlock Event [UR]
If you control a "T.G." monster, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). If Summoned this way: Target 1 other "T.G." monster you control; it loses 1000 ATK.

Uni-Song Tuning [SR]

Uni-Song Tuning
Uni-Song Tuning
Quick Spell
Clear Mind: Antinomy Unlock Event [SR]
Target 1 Tuner in either GY and 1 face-up monster on the field; banish that Tuner in the GY, then, until the end of this turn, the Level of the targeted monster on the field becomes the Level of the banished Tuner, also it is treated as a Tuner. You can only activate 1 "Uni-Song Tuning" per turn.

T.G. Blade Blaster [UR]

T.G. Blade Blaster
T.G. Blade Blaster
EARTH Machine ★10
ATK 3300 / DEF 2200
Antinomy Unlock Event [UR]
1 Tuner Synchro Monster + 1 or more non-Tuner Synchro Monsters
During either player's turn, when your opponent activates a Spell/Trap Card that targets this face-up card: You can send 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard; negate the effect. Once per turn, during your opponent's turn: You can banish 1 "T.G." monster from your Graveyard; banish this face-up card on the field (this is a Quick Effect). During the next Standby Phase after this card was banished by this effect: Special Summon this card.

T.G. Booster Raptor [SR]

T.G. Booster Raptor
T.G. Booster Raptor
WIND Dinosaur ★1
ATK 400 / DEF 300
Antinomy Unlock Event [SR]
If you control a "T.G." monster, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). You can only Special Summon "T.G. Booster Raptor" once per turn this way. Once per turn, during the End Phase, if this card is in the GY because it was destroyed on the field and sent there this turn: You can add 1 "T.G." monster from your Deck to your hand, except "T.G. Booster Raptor".

Cumulative Points Exclusive Rewards

330,000T.G. Booster Raptor T.G. Booster Raptor [Prismatic]
510,000Exclusive Card Sleeves New Players
800,000T.G. Blade Blaster T.G. Blade Blaster [Prismatic]
1,300,000Exclusive Game Mat New Player
2,100,000Uni-Song Tuning Uni-Song Tuning
3,300,000T.G. Gear Zombie T.G. Gear Zombie
4,200,000Exclusive Icon New Player
5,400,000Antinomy Unlock Event Completed Achievement

Duel Rewards

EX Jewel Missions and Rewards

EX Jewels can only be obtained from event mission rewards (event + weekly), and farming Antinomy. You can not save the EX Jewels for the next event because they will expire when the EX Jewels shop closes. It is recommended that you carefully choose what to spend them on because you can not obtain anymore after the Antinomy event ends.

Available From 22 June 2021 - 29 June 2021

Win 1 Duel(s) against Antinomy at Level 10 in Duel World.
EX Jewel x10
Win 1 Duel(s) against Antinomy at Level 20 in Duel World.
EX Jewel x20
Win 1 Duel(s) against Antinomy at Level 30 in Duel World.
EX Jewel x30
Win 1 Duel(s) against Antinomy at Level 40 in Duel World.
EX Jewel x40
Win 1 Duel(s) against Antinomy at Level 50 in Duel World.Skill Chips x10
Win 20 Duel(s) against Antinomy in Duel World.
EX Jewel x20
Play 40 Duel(s) against Antinomy in Duel World.
EX Jewel x40
Play 30 Duel(s) against Antinomy in Duel World.
EX Jewel x60
Play 60 Duel(s) against Antinomy in Duel World.
EX Jewel x60


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Again this? I thought my game was malfunctioning when I opened it, the event is pretty much identical to what happened months ago
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You totally sounded like a dlm sheep or a konami white knight
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
We've always had that "two unlock events before gate" system ever least before 5Ds, dumdum.

It's a very old system already.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I've been playing since 2018 dear, the event is pretty much the same thing, which shows that the game is dying. :*
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah no sh it. This game is pretty garbage. It's pretty much the same recolor event and yet this shills always falls for the same trick saying it's new.
two boring event in raw!!!
farm legandary duelist?!!!!
hell yeah, no one plays those event bcs the reward are trash, game is very repeatitive, we need good reward, new event.

-i guess those things are impossible to have, all they care is money.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
the problem is two roaming in raw was too much, farming legandary duelist that we already did it the last time is so boring,
-good reward doesnt mean BOM, but good skills, card ....
- new banlist will be implemanted in 10/07/21, so nothing will change until the next season.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Nothing will change? Then just go ahead and spend all your gems buying Resonator/Harpie pack.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Whatever, you still play daily why should they give you something new if you are okay with literal sh it?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I'm not that anon, but I'm not playing daily lul
Where is Sonic Stun? It's probably one of the best card for every Synchro deck.
Wow, T.G Gear Zombie is such a great card to be given for free as UR. Normally it would be SR in a main box.
Anybody remember what were the speed spell skills for riding duels against Antinomy in this event and which of them were Yusei only?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If I'm not wrong there was only one skill which permits you to:
-Special summon tuner from deck
-Special summon level 2 synchro monster in DEF position from extradeck
-Special summon from GY synchro monster which use other synchro monster for the summon
-Something about synchro tuner (I don't remember)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Ah; yes. I remember now, the last one was special summon from your graveyard one synchro monster that uses a synchro tuner as a tuner. Thanks for refreshing my memory. Now to try to remember if those speed spell skills were Yusei only or not.
Hope Metal Skeleton is a reward
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
and Gear Zombie which I think is also not in DL yet
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Oh nice, I got Gear Zombie right.

But where's Metal Skeleton
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
probably gonna be in a pack or a lvl up reward.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Hopefully. They might as well complete it since Metal Skeleton is the only T.G. monster left not in DL yet, iirc.
what was the point of bringing back bruno at the end of the event. thats not how the official story goes. antinomy is supposed to be dead and does not come back to life. shouldve ended the event with the 5ds team crying and saying goodbye to bruno
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This is yugioh bruh we always want to barge into discussions to be cringe while we believe we are trolling

Or to give our opinion (that no one cares about nor asked) as if we knew anything about the topic or thinking we said something smart
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I do remember that, there were threads talking about how the new protagonist should be like, most supported the idea of a female protagonist to change things a bit. Also which cards should be given an archetype the most popular being the silent archetype (silent swordman and silent magician)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
For someone who babbles about story you sure didn't read the story at all.

It's outright said that Bruno and the Dark Signers are merely representation of a memory of the past, the real them are indeed already dead.
<< Anonymous
WolfgangDS Reply
You're not caught up on the Duel Links story, are you? Nobody in the game is really there. Those are digital copies of each Duelist. That's why we have the Dark Signers, that's why we have Kalin and Carly as normal, and it's why Antinomy and Primo are in the game now. Dark Signer Rex Goodwin was the first to realize this: He's just a copy, a sort of digital memory of the man.
Owh... T_T i love the ending of this event tho.

It's so good to see Bruno (Team 5ds) come back.

I hope Konami/DL Dev add Bruno or make an "Outfit System", it's quite a wasteful since the model have expression,voice,etc (Ex. Sera Avatar DSOD, Bakura DM (model only))
<< Anonymous(YEET)
YEET Reply
Oh wait it's Marik Ishtar, I don't know if Bakura DM have a model, lemme know what i miss
<< Anonymous(YEET)
Anonymous Reply
That "outfit" idea is nice, but if Konami were to do it, it's gonna locked behind paywall like other games.

And apparently we already have some characters who is the same person but as different duelist, Kalin & Carly.

Even those DSOD character is a replicate of DM, except for Scud, Sera & Aigami.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Don't really mind them locked behind paywall, better those than having more cards and mats locked behind paywall.
Where to get Shooting Star Dragon? Can't find it!
<< Anonymous(Eduardo)
Anonymous Reply
play using Yusei against the Antinomy outside the Gate (not the Gate one)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
if you use Yusei, Formula Synchron and Shooting Star will then be added to your Extra Deck, you can summon Formula Synchron via the EX Skill, so just focus on getting Stardust Dragon into the field, use the skill (remember you need 7 speed counters), then bring out Shooting Star
lv50 antinomy shows the dueling field where he dies in the show. so does that mean konami is gonna 🔥 him off at the end of the event. antinomy shouldnt be in the game cuz hes dead
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Marik too
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
and many others
<< Anonymous
WolfgangDS Reply
You probably don't remember this, or weren't around for it, but Dark Signer Rex Goodwin realized that he and the other Dark Signers are actually just digital copies created for Duel Links. I suspect that the same is true for all of the characters, and it certainly has to be true of Antinomy and Primo.

By the way, I'm pretty sure that Antinomy was reincarnated as T.G. Star Guardian.
<< Anonymous(WolfgangDS)
MangakaJ96 Reply
Shouldn't Atem be dead by that logic then? He's in the afterlife already.
New player got no chance to beat this.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No you're just bad you jumped in the bandwagon and made blue eyes deck or nk without thinking if you can farm pve content. Deal with it.
Very long event, it could end on the 4th
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Agree this event is to long, it should for 7 days

If they wanted to make it longer add something new (more chapter event, special duel, limited reward)

This event feel so bland after you complete everything
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
nah, the event's duration is just fine in my opinion.

Those who can't do those things, can't do them because they're the ones making it harder for themselves.

For example, the ones who still ask where is Shooting Star Dragon most likely never bother reading the note stating to use Yusei for it.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
How 🔥 are you if you cant summon shooting dragon lol. Its literally a one card combo. Having difficulties summoning halberd is more realistic, because you need star guardian, and a good hand. Still tho, so many videos about f2p decks on yt, kids like that need to stop complaining
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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