
Clear Mind: Antinomy Unlock Event [June 2021]

what was the point of bringing back bruno at the end of the event. thats not how the official story goes. antinomy is supposed to be dead and does not come back to life. shouldve ended the event with the 5ds team crying and saying goodbye to bruno
🔥 dl timeline is different from anime
In the duel links plot aka DsoD no single character in any of the worlds besides DSoD is real, all those are just holograms made by Kaiba while he was trying to find a way to get to atem
<< Anonymous
Remember that interview with one of the developers back then in 2017? Where duel links was supposed to be a stand alone series in the future with it's og main character and decks made specifically for duel links?

Sad but expected from konami to abandon all thay and focus on the cash grab aspects only
<< Anonymous
That's how konami is "always do the minimum possible we have been spitting in our customers faces for years they can handle more"
<< Anonymous
sounds like u keep losing in pvp

getting angry with komoney won't solve anything
<< Anonymous
no idea what pvp has to do in a discussion about the plot of the game
<< Anonymous
This is yugioh bruh we always want to barge into discussions to be cringe while we believe we are trolling

Or to give our opinion (that no one cares about nor asked) as if we knew anything about the topic or thinking we said something smart
<< Anonymous
I do remember that, there were threads talking about how the new protagonist should be like, most supported the idea of a female protagonist to change things a bit. Also which cards should be given an archetype the most popular being the silent archetype (silent swordman and silent magician)
For someone who babbles about story you sure didn't read the story at all.

It's outright said that Bruno and the Dark Signers are merely representation of a memory of the past, the real them are indeed already dead.
You're not caught up on the Duel Links story, are you? Nobody in the game is really there. Those are digital copies of each Duelist. That's why we have the Dark Signers, that's why we have Kalin and Carly as normal, and it's why Antinomy and Primo are in the game now. Dark Signer Rex Goodwin was the first to realize this: He's just a copy, a sort of digital memory of the man.


Comments (updated every hour)

My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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