
Ninja: deck recipe

update 19/07/2017


This deck is more of a control type deck even though it has some potential to swarm. Ninjas use unusual effects that support each other well, making this deck somewhat unpredictable to duel against.

skillDuel, standby!
Essential cards
CostBudget - Expensive
(Box reset)
Dawn of Destiny
Electric Overload
Valkyrie's Rage

Example deck

Ninja Grandmaster SasukeNinja Grandmaster SasukeNinja Grandmaster SasukeBlack Dragon NinjaBlack Dragon NinjaRed Dragon Ninja
Senior Silver NinjaSenior Silver NinjaSenior Silver NinjaFlame Armor NinjaWhite NinjaWhite Ninja
White NinjaSoul ExchangeEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerNinjitsu Art of TransformationCurse of Anubis
Windstorm of EtaquaNinjitsu Art of Duplication--------

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Duel, standby!
Gives 1 more card in each player's starting hand.


How to use this deck

Summon high-leveled ninjas

Ninjas aren't really strong in terms of attack, so it would be better to quickly summon your higher leveled monsters to start hitting harder.

  • Use Soul Exchange to tribute summon your monster by tributing one of your opponent's monster. This also serves as monster removal, but you will not be able to conduct your battle phase that turn.
  • Use Ninjitsu Art of Transformation to special summon Black Dragon Ninja from your hand or deck by tributing any of your level 4 ninja monsters.

Change enemy monsters to defense position

Changing opponent's battle position serves 2 purposes in this deck. First is to protect your monsters. And second is because your ninjas can destroy defense position monsters with card effects. Enemy Controller can also be used to take your opponent's monster to use as tribute and open for a direct attack. Be careful of using Curse of Anubis during your turn. Keep in mind that your ninjas are also effect monsters, therefore will also be changed to defense position if they are face-up.

Destroy defense position monsters

These two monsters are very important to this deck. Comboing these cards with changing your opponent's battle position will be your main method of monster removal.

  • Flip White Ninja to destroy a defense position monster on the field, but be careful so that you aren't forced to destroy your own monster.
  • Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke destroys any face-up defense position monster he battles.

Other useful cards

For cards that can be used in any deck, check the link below!

Air Armor Ninja
Air Armor Ninja
A Ninja card that can reduce his level by 1 so you can special summon 6 starred monsters with Ninjitsu Art of Transformation.
Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys
Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys
Canbe summoned with Ninjitsu Art of Transformation if you adjust your level with Flame Armor Ninja.


Hot New Top
sorry typo
plus ninjas are jus plain fun to play in my opinion.
My version
<< Anonymous(MS13)
Anonymous Reply
What is that SR card on the far right corner?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I assume you meant the Spell. It's "Armor Ninjitsu Art of Alchemy".
<< Anonymous(MS13)
Anonymous Reply
What's the skill?
<< Anonymous
jacob Reply
ninja grandmaster sasuke
technically a ninja deck can be strong when used correctly.
it has a few strong monsters like a link ninja, dragon ninjas ,senior silver ninja, the xyz armor ninjas and twilight ninjas. the spell and traps are good too by allowing them to special summon, banish, negate, swarm, use flip effects and stall. they also have a decent lock that can be used and maintained fairly easily. and they can be useful in getting rid of the other players spells,traps and monsters while protecting its own.
I don’t feel bad at all timing out ninja players. “Sit there and think about what you’ve done.” Cannot wait for the 3SD nerf!
<< Anonymous
LordKarasu Reply
Youre gonna get banned.
Air Armor Ninja is useless, the trap says you can summon a monster with equal or LESS stars.
<< Anonymous(Dystopian)
Anonymous Reply
equal or less than +3
Ninja is week against toons , redeyes , phoenix and gravekeeper's .. And if you don't have E-con and spheres you lose
<< Anonymous(X-Virus)
Anonymous Reply
curse of anubis, windstorm and sphere kuribo switch toon monsters to defense mode and sasuke gets rid of them.

Your Econ and sphere kuribo argument is dumb. If toons don't get toon kingdom/table of contents/planet pathfinder they lose. If Red-eyes bricks, which is pretty common, they lose. If naturia doesn't get one it's two level monsters they run, they lose. See where I'm going with this ?
<< Anonymous(X-Virus)
Anonymous Reply
I used ninja pretty often and when I face toons I often use turnabout and set the toon monster face down and pop it with white ninja afterwards. And red-eyes pretty much give a lot of deck hard time so its not exclusive to ninja but again I use turnabout with red ninja for phoenix well I never really have problem with them to be honest.. Gravekeeper rarely bump into one so I can't really tell
<< Anonymous
Ninja deck sucks Reply
I've never lost a single match against ninja decks using Phoenix decks. Ninja decks heavily relies on spells/traps like control decks which I've never lost to also. Turnabout is a dead card if you don't summon armed ninjas so it's garbage.
<< Anonymous(Ninja deck sucks)
Anonymous Reply
*Armor Ninjas
I found 3SD to be better for now since dakini can send the only mon away. Duplicate+shadow seal for cyber.
<< Anonymous(Sach)
Sach Reply
Don't slunk on ebisu bounce back card ability.
Any Suggestions ?
Is Mind Scan or Restart an Option?
<< Anonymous(Dahakker)
Anonymous Reply
Mind scan works here and it's better since you use 3 red ninja but I think you should get rid of one transformation art and add in storm to help clear your backrow because you will get clogged up and you destroy your opponents backrow as well.
<< Anonymous(Dahakker)
Anonymous Reply
Mind scan works here and it's better since you use 3 red ninja but I think you should get rid of one transformation art and add in storm to help clear your backrow because you will get clogged up and you destroy your opponents backrow as well.
<< Anonymous
Dahakker Reply
I am Farming for the lvl 40 Odion Card. I Think this card fits better than Storm. But thanks for your idea
<< Anonymous(Dahakker)
Dare devil Reply
Use mind scan skill..
iam still working my own deck... BUT

there are a few more usefull cards not mentioned above for a strong easy one-shot combo
if you are able to clear the spell zone from at least a few cards and be able to dodge a kuribo ball... basicly if you have a clear attack you can deal 4200Lp
in 1 step

not mentioned...
2 red dragon ninja
2-3 ninjutsu art of duplication
1-2 armed ninja
2-3 ninjutsu of shadow sealing
1-2 crimson ninjas
1-2 armed ninjas
1 sogen
1-2 wicked-breaking flamberge

skills: restart/labyrinth builder etc...
i play 30 cards 15 monsters 15 spells /traps i say i win 70% of my pvp

point is to get the red dragon ninja
as fast as you can on your hand and mabe with labyrinth builder in the turn you draw it on the field without wasting all your crimson/armed and sasukes from your DECK...

1 sealing and 1 duplication ninjutsu have to be on the field and ready... keep in mind a ninja monster in your graveyard allows you to remove to deck one face down monster/spell from your enemy when summoned...

now with a clear shot AFTER you attacked with the red dragon ninja tribute it with ninjtsu duplication...

SPECIAL summon 1 Sasuke and 1+1 crimson/armed ninja... sasuke attack possition everything else face down... now you got a second attack with sasuke and you dealed 4200Lp...


if you rather skip the second attack with sasuke in face up attack position... this can be also a strong trap/bluff cause you have a chance to destroy some spells next round with your face down ninjas which flip when attacked and act also as a shield or stall some monsters with sealing ninjutsu...

pretty much endless mean trap/bluff combos

<< Anonymous(K1llua)
K1llua Reply

few errors in my list...

2-3 ninaja sasuke
only 1-2 armed ninja
i use no black dragons in my deck

<< Anonymous(K1llua)
K1llua Reply
wicked-breaking flamberge act as a way to get at least 1 ninja to your grave yard
<< Anonymous(K1llua)
Anonymous Reply
your not gonna get out of gold with that jaloppy deck dude. 3sd with 2sk, 3sasuke, 3 black dragon, 3 red dragon, 3 ninja trans, 3 ninja dup, windstorm, shadow sealing.
<< Anonymous(K1llua)
t Reply
I'm sorry, but your deck list is terrible. And pointing out obvious otks with the Ninjitsu Traps makes you look silly.
The example deck is so poorly built, but this archetype is really strong. Duel Standby over Beatdown is a terrible choice to start. White Ninja is fine as filler to beef up the numbers of level 4 Ninjas, but playing any before maxing out Sasuke and Flame Armor is crazy. White is way too slow in most cases. Senior Silver Ninja isn't worth the effort at all. 1 Transformation isn't enough, you should play as many copies as you pull. Transformation into Red Dragon is the strongest play in the deck.
<< Anonymous(t)
t Reply
And multiples of Black Dragon is also terrible. You never want to draw it, so you should only play 1 to summon from the deck when your opponent doesn't set any cards to spin. Usually you just summon Red Dragon.
GameA, get that garbage example deck out of the way

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484-650-984 will battle you with random DM/DSOD decks
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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