
Milla the Temporal Magician | Decks and Tips

This page notes details of Milla the Temporal Magician (LIGHT/Spellcaster/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 17/09/2021

Milla the Temporal Magician

Milla the Temporal Magician
Monster TypeSpellcaster
Card typeEffect
Card Effect TypeTrigger Effect


When this card is Normal Summoned: Target 1 Set card your opponent controls; look at it. Your opponent cannot activate Spell/Trap Cards in response to this effect's activation.

How to Get / Rarity

Level-up reward--
Victory againstYuya Sakaki [SR]
Card trader--
OtherSet Sail for the Kingdom Event [SR]
Ranked Rewards [SR]
Blair Flannigan Roaming Event [SR]




  • Able to look at one of your opponent’s set card, can be set monster or set Spell/Trap.
  • Opponent cannot activate Spell/Trap in response to this effect.
  • Good ATK stats for a level 4 monster.


  • Effect can only use once, and when this card is Normal Summoned only.
  • Defense is quite low which makes it susceptible to attacks when switched to defense position.

Tips, Related Cards, Rulings

Field Spells

Since this monster’s effect can only be used once, we can utilize it as a beater and further increase its ATK by using Field Spells.

Trap support

You can even use this card to bring out more Spellcasters from your deck to swarm the field.

Effect Support

These are the cards to follow up after you have seen your opponent’s face-down Spell/Traps, you have a better choice in which face-down to disable.

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
The Tie that Binds
Until the end of you turn, the ATK of all face-up monsters on your field increases by the number of monsters on your field times 100. This skill can only be used once per turn.

Yugi Muto



ActionsReveals face-down cards
Monster/Spell/Trap categoriesPrevents activation of your opponent's Spell Cards / Prevents activation of your opponent's Trap Cards / Prevents responding to its activation

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Man with Wdjat has the improved version of this effect, but lower ATT. Decent trade-off.

And BTW, if you have one backrow remover and opponent has 2 set cards, it can help to know what one of them is. Just sayin'
<< Anonymous(Ivan)
Anonymous Reply
Blair plays this one? damn
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This card doesn't even exist yet in GX era, and even 5Ds era. This is a Zexal era card.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
She does use this card, in the game anyway. She has dialogue for it.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
"use" and "has a voiceline for it" are not mutually exclusive.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Wait, not "mutually exclusive", that's not the right term.....I mean they don't necessarily have correlation with each other.
Wish they would release this card again.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They finally release this card again outside ticket. And it's an LD drop lol
I really cannot understand why i cannot use the floodgate trap. I should be able to use it AFTER her effect is activated, why can't I?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
There is only 1 chain in response to a Summon. Milla's effect activates in response to her Summon, and can't be chained to. After it resolves, you're no longer in the period you can respond to its Summon. Honestly, that's likely the entire reason she even HAS that effect.
Believe or not guys,i got 3 prismatic of this card.......i dont know if i fell happy or bad lol
Its a nice card. I currently use Milla in the Silent Magician deck, with supporters to destroy spell/trap cards.

Seeing the opponent's cards brings a great advantage in the execution of the strategy. (Obviously).
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
or you can just use mind scan lol
<< Anonymous
Youfool Reply
Yep, if your life is lower than 3000 ......
Ô MIIIIIILLA! Mil e uma noites de amor com você
Na praia, num barco, num farol apagado
Num moinho abandonado, em uma grande alto-astral
Lá em Hollywood, pra de tudo rolar
Vendo estrela caindo, vendo a noite passar
Eu e você, na ilha do sol
Na ilha do sol
Ok, where is Player J and K at?
<< Anonymous(IDGAF)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(IDGAF)
Player L Reply
🔥eing each other?
this card is pretty useful, there is no other 4 star splashable 1800 that can let you check for threats
Bauer gan
<< Anonymous(Bauer gan)
Anonymous Reply
talking about pris card from event...

pris kuribo
<< Anonymous
Bauer gan Reply
She looks like "Lyna the LIGHT Charmer".
<< Anonymous(Kida)
Anonymous Reply
That's because she is you fool
<< Anonymous
Captain obvious Reply
You fool! You activated most peoples trap:Rant!
<< Anonymous
Kida Reply
It's clearly written that her name is Milla though, and there is no need for 'you fool' part -_-
It seems like you can't floodgate trap hole this card. Is this the case?

Seems intentional
<< Anonymous
Fudo Yusei Reply
Solemns Counter Traps and any other summon negation cards or effects are activated before the monster is properly summoned, they're totally different from Floodgate Trap Hole or any other cards or effects that respond a monster properly summoned.
<< Anonymous
Fudo Yusei Reply
Here's the explanation of Summon Negation Window

And here's the explanation of Summon Response Window
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Thanks for the info, how do people play this game with the actual cards. In game all the windows are done for you. Does the player have pause every time he does something until the other player is like "Go ahead"
<< Anonymous
Fudo Yusei Reply
The turn's player cannot progress with the duel without passes the priority to the opponent each time the game state is closed.

This article explains well how a turn flows:

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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