
Milla the Temporal Magician | Decks and Tips

It seems like you can't floodgate trap hole this card. Is this the case? Seems intentional
do people ever read the card
<< Anonymous
Yeah says the effect not the summon though. I would think that the person should be able to react to it being summoned before the effect happens. Can it prevent CV from canceling its summon as well?
<< Anonymous
The thing is, when a monster has a "when Summoned"-effect, that effect triggers immediately upon summoning before the opponent is allowed to trigger a trap such as Floodgate Trap Hole (Counter Traps such as Solemn Judgment are the exception). In other words: while it's true you react to the summon, you don't chain to the summon but instead to the effect.
<< Anonymous
Fudo Yusei
There's a thing in Yu-Gi-Oh! called priority, the turn's player always has the priority to activate his/her effects before your opponent when both effects reach their requeriments at the same time.
<< Anonymous
Fudo Yusei
Solemns Counter Traps and any other summon negation cards or effects are activated before the monster is properly summoned, they're totally different from Floodgate Trap Hole or any other cards or effects that respond a monster properly summoned.
<< Anonymous
Fudo Yusei
Here's the explanation of Summon Negation Window

And here's the explanation of Summon Response Window
Thanks for the info, how do people play this game with the actual cards. In game all the windows are done for you. Does the player have pause every time he does something until the other player is like "Go ahead"
<< Anonymous
Fudo Yusei
The turn's player cannot progress with the duel without passes the priority to the opponent each time the game state is closed.

This article explains well how a turn flows:


Comments (updated every hour)

045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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