
Kaibaman deck

This page notes Blue-Eyes Combo Deck profile, including essential cards and the best character and skill to use the deck.
update 30/05/2017


A high cost deck that has a potential of ending the duel in two turns.


Using Kaibaman, you can special summon Blue-Eyes very easily without using monsters for tribute summon. Part of what makes this card good is because it can be obtain from the card trader instead of packs, making it easy to obtain and having more than 1 copy, as well as special summoning a high attack monster compared to Black Dragon's Chick.

Deck profile

KaibamanKaibamanKaibamanBlue Dragon SummonerBlue Dragon SummonerBlue Dragon Summoner
Blue-Eyes White DragonBlue-Eyes White DragonBlue-Eyes White DragonCrystal SeerCrystal SeerCrystal Seer
Enemy ControllerEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerChampion's VigilanceChampion's VigilanceChampion's Vigilance
Jar of GreedWindstorm of Etaqua--------

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Last Gamble
Can be used in your Main Phase, starting from the fifth turn. Upon activation, reduces your LP to 100 and discards 2 cards from your hand. You roll a die and draw that number of cards. This skill can only be used once per Duel.

Joey Wheeler

How to use this deck

What makes this deck strong is using BEWD together with Champion's Vigilance. With just 3 cards, you can summon a high attack monster that can prevent your opponent from summoning monsters, or negate a spell/trap card to prevent their plays.

Starting the duel

Early in the duel, you can either summon BEWD right away with Champion's Vigilance if you have them, or set a Blue Dragon Summoner to get a BEWD. Once you manage to get BEWD and champion's vigilance, you can regain board control by preventing your opponent from summoning so you can direct attack, or use it to negate traps your opponent might use that can stop your attack.

Playing it safe

Setting a champion vigilance early before you summon BEWD can be good to get it ready for when you summon the dragon, but there's always a risk of it being locked by Sergeant Electro, or Nobleman of Extermination. If you want to play it safe, set it once you summon BEWD and don't attack if you are unsure if your opponent has a Mirror Wall or any other defensive cards.

Other useful cards

Red-Eyes B. Dragon
Red-Eyes B. Dragon
This deck is also usable with Red-Eyes, with its support cards Red-Eyes Spirit and Black Dragon's Chick.
Vanguard of the Dragon
Vanguard of the Dragon
Using more lower level monsters will prevent possible dead hands.
Totem Dragon
Totem Dragon
Effective in a Dragon monsters only deck. This can help with summoning Blue-Eyes easier.
Kaiser Sea Horse
Kaiser Sea Horse
Helps with summoning Blue-Eyes, and this won't give away your Champion's Vigilance plays.


Hot New Top
So, a new good build for this deck? I use this at the moment
<< Anonymous
cobijin Reply
Any bewd deck looks like nerfed at some point, but you can do it better including the 3 kidmodo because in that way after enemy BP you have 1 normal summon available in your turn and a bewd in the field (if they 🔥 the pretty thing). Kaibaman should be replaced with 2 ancient rules man.
<< Anonymous(Cyb3rchild)
Anonymous Reply
To Cyb3rchild:

Cosmic Ciclone, parallel Twister.
<< Anonymous(JuJU)
JaJA Reply
you can get it if you play the on steam
<< Anonymous(Cyb3rchild)
(*´ω`*) Reply
Cosmic cyclone
Parallel twister
Enemy Controller
this deck is obsolete. Vigilance is now limited, and econ semi limited
I dont have champion of vigilance and windstorm of etaqua :( what should i out please reply??
<< Anonymous(Jayz)
Anonymous Reply
Divine Wrath and Mirror Wall work well, but you can grind some levels with Mai and forget about Mirror Wall
<< Anonymous(Jayz)
Jayz Reply
3 divine wrath and 3 mirror wall right?
<< Anonymous(Jayz)
Jayz Reply
Divine wrath need to use alot of gems, is there anythig that i can replace it without gems card pack?
<< Anonymous(Jayz)
Anonymous Reply
Etaqua ( Mai Lvl reward), Anubis (Odion Lvl reward ) , wall of D. (Mini box).
am i the only one who still uses this deck?
<< Anonymous
Hexie Reply
No, you aren't. I'm playing it, too :D
This deck is outdated. Vigilance limit per deck is 1
<< Anonymous(Blink)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(Blink)
Konstantin Reply
Really and Enemy Controller will be limited with Jule for 2.
<< Anonymous(Konstantin)
Anonymous Reply
Its finally upon us now..
Real men use 6 blue eyes white dragons since now diffrent artwork doesnt count as the same card
only men play this deck pussiws play meta decks
This deck is tier 9 now.
Oh hindsight, how I love thee. Taunting me because I decided that I didn't want the Blue Eyes when I could get them for free. Now I have to relentlessly grind for them.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lv40 Kaiba is easier to get them
Does anyone have an ultimate blue eyes deck?
<< Anonymous(CodeTalker)
DarkBlade425 Reply
Only two ways to run it really are using Cyber or Serket, using traditional Polymerization isn’t very consistent
I love BEWD but it's just so obsolete in duel links pvp.
Any suggestions for this deck? I don't have champions vigilance,mirror wall or enemy controller.
<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J Reply
After looking at your new deck list, I wonder if 3 Blue-Eyes is really necessary?

Could you remove 1 Blue-Eyes?
You have 3 Blue-eyes + 1 White Horn.
Maybe you can have 2 Blue-Eyes + 1 White horn.

It can possible help reduce clog.
What if you replace the 3rd Blue-eyes with another spell or trap?

Do you have transporter?
<< Anonymous(Player J)
DrizzyDrinkz Reply
This one? I have 2 of them.
<< Anonymous(Player J)
DrizzyDrinkz Reply
Ok hell yeah. I've been searching for something to combat that exact issue. Relinquished is a douche. Lmao
<< Anonymous
Adrian Reply
Hey, anyone still on this thread? I would love some help with my deck, you seem pretty good at this stuff.

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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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