
Kaibaman deck

Any suggestions for this deck? I don't have champions vigilance,mirror wall or enemy controller.
Any suggestions for this deck? I don't have champions vigilance,mirror wall or enemy controller.
no crystal seers ? they are great deck thinner
<< Anonymous(Tek)
Okay this is my current deck. I'm having a hard time getting past silver 4
<< Anonymous(Drizzydrinkz)
Player J
I think the main problem you have is your failing to grasp the reason people use the below cards:

-Champions vigilance
-Mirror wall
-Enemy controller

Those cards are defensive cards.
They help to protect you from getting crushed.
They are considered the top of the line defensive cards.

<< Anonymous(Drizzydrinkz)
Gem Hunter
Based on your current deck, some replacements.

-2 Berry
-1 Monster Reinc.
-2 Cups
-1 Straight Flush
-1 Kaiser

+1 Double Summon
+2 Jar of Greed
+1 Windstorm of Etaqua and/or Curse of Anubis
+1 Totem Dragon

What you think?

Cards added are easy to get :)
<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J
You don't have them
I fully understand.
It takes time to acquire the top of the line cards.

What I don't understand is your inability to acquire low level or middle level cards.

Just because you don't have the top of the line defensive cards.

Doesn't mean you should completely ignore defense protection.

Do you have WOE? Security Orbs? Rising Energy? Even beginners use Shield Spear?
<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J
If you had protection cards which actually stopped your opponent from attacking you, You wouldn't have your life points drop so low.

You wouldn't need the Berry's to give you more life points.

Simply because you would stop them completely.

<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J
We could have a detail discussion on what monsters to pick.

We can talk about different strategies.
However, I am not going too.

The reason why is because it doesn't matter what 12 monsters you put in this deck.

As long as your spells & traps remain the same, The whole deck will suffer.

The problem of your deck is your spells & traps.

We need to focus on this as top priority.
<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J
You have 12 monsters which means you will only have 8 slots left available.

You have 8 slots which will be filled with either spell or traps.

A deck has 20 cards.
This whole 23 deck card 🔥 is for the birds.

You always want to have the lowest amount you can to help with consistency & searching.

<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J
Sometimes in a duel, You need to find/search for a specific card to win.

It is easier to search in a drawer.
Than it is to search through a junk yard.

Now lets start removing cards.

-2 Cups

Cup of Ace is a card which can help you or your opponent.

You don't want to help your opponent ever!
Decks which use Cup of ace try to benefit from either side of the coin flip.

For example: Burn Decks
<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J
-2 Monster Reincarnation

If you love the monster so much, Why on earth did you let the baster die?

You have no defensive cards.
You are discarding 1 card to bring back a card.

The card you are bringing back died in the first place because you never defended him.

<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J
-2 Berry

You are basically admitting defeat by having Berries in your deck!

You have berries because your deck is preparing for the worse?

Kaiba would be ashamed of you.

<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J
-2 Double Summon

The only play I see you using Double Summon on is on Kaiser?

You normal summon Kaiser
You active Double Summon
Than you tribute summon BEWD

It is a nice play, but you only have 1 Kaiser?

I guess you could try the Soul Exchange play

Normal Summon Blue Summoner
You active Double Summon
You active SE
Than you tribute summon BEWD


<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J
I am getting rid of Double Summon because it seems to far fetched.

The changes seem so small.
You have 1 Kaiser
You have 1 Soul Exchange

It isn't worth having double summon if the plays are long shots.

The majority of the time you will have wasted space.
A dead card in your hand which can't help you.

<< Anonymous(Player J)
Gem Hunter
@Player J

Double Summon can benifit his field by swarming Blue Dragon Summoner and the Seers also. Thus give him more and faster hand power. In his case without econ or cv I suggest to bring that BEWD out as quick as possible :)
That's what I would do at least.
<< Anonymous(Gem Hunter)
Gem Hunter
I would also most certainly drop Str8 flush. And suggest a twister or Nobleman.
Sorry to go in between your book ;) just willing to think with you.
<< Anonymous(Player J)
Okay this is what I have now. I greatly appreciate all the time you've taken to help me. I don't have WOE curse of anubis or rising energy. I do have 1 shard of greed and 1 jar of greed. Should I add either of those?
<< Anonymous(Drizzydrinkz)
These are the most rare traps I have.
<< Anonymous(Drizzydrinkz)
And here are my spells
<< Anonymous(Gem Hunter)
Yeah I was using monster reincarnation bring back my Kaibaman and then using double summon to bring out another blue eyes with Kaibaman. It seemed to be working pretty good. But you are right I really had no defensive cards.
<< Anonymous(Drizzydrinkz)
Gem Hunter
Drop the Spear, str8 flush and Storm. Add the jar and if you get the chance buy another one. Without double summon my suggestion of totem dragon is no good anymore however Vanguard of the Dragon is a good replacer. It's expensive but I think its worth it. Add one of those (if you want) and your deck is complete.

Those are my suggestions :)
<< Anonymous(Gem Hunter)
Gem Hunter
This comment was typed before seeing your images. Keep that in mind :)
<< Anonymous(Gem Hunter)
I'll definitely try to get ahold of vanguard of dragon thanks!
<< Anonymous(Gem Hunter)
Player J
@Gem Hunter

Double Summon can be a very good card.

The problem is I don't think the deck Drizzy is building is the type of deck which needs/uses Double Summon.

I think Drizzy has got his eye on the BEWD Control deck.

The BEWD Control deck doesn't try to swarm the field.
<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J
I will give an explanation.

BEWD is a unique boss monster which has 3k attack.

It has tons of muscle.

Pound for Pound the majority of the Boss monsters you face against will be weaker.

Harpie Lady Sisters are a boss monster for the Harpie deck.

It has 1950 attack.
It doesn't stand a chance against BEWD 1 on 1.

<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J
Decks which try to swarm are decks which knowingly are aware that there boss monster isn't that great.

They know they can't beat the other monster 1 on 1.

Thus, They try to swarm in order to use numbers + play combination's.

They will swarm 2 Harpies vs your 1 BEWD.

Than they will use Order to Charge to 🔥 sacrifice 1 of theirs in order to take down your mammoth boss.

<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J
Other ways for them to take you down would be to use Mirror Wall.

They will wait till you attack than try to have you run into there MW.

They can't beat you 1 on 1.
So they are using trying to use tactics to out maneuver you.

You are the "muscle".
They are the "numbers/swarm".

<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J
BEWD is the teeth of this deck.

If you use double summon, You will bring out Blue Summoner + Seer.

However, look at the stats they have?
Your opponent who is using the swarming deck.

They might have a double summon as well.
The difference is there level 3-4 monsters are the teeth of their deck.

Pound for Pound your low levels can't compete with there low levels.
<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J
The deck which the Drizzy was talking about which uses the below stuff:

"I don't have champions vigilance,mirror wall or enemy controller."

Don't you almost see how they are playing the deck?

They are not swarming BEWD.
They are just bringing out 1.
Than they are setting a heavy back row.

They are strategically using BEWD presence on the board.

BEWD is a very intimidating monster.

<< Anonymous(Player J)
Player J
The trap cards are there as a way of stopping the opponent from getting over him.

If a person puts BEWD on the field, Leaves him there for 10 turns.

How can you deal with that?
It is very tough to deal with psychologically as well.

Your slowly applying pressure.
I call it sadistic.

However, It very effective.
As long as you keep them trying to out muscle you in check.
You will win.


Comments (updated every hour)

Skill doesn't work. I have the requirements it asks for. Does not add scales like it says
Could this card still destroy a monster who's original attack is ? Like the calculator a...
Gem 117
Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
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