
Reginald Kastle Unlock Event: Shark Attack - Number Appears!

Duel Links Reginald Kastle Unlock Event, rewards, how to defeat Reginald Kastle, and Reginald Kastle Unlock Event guide.
update 07/01/2021


Period5 January 2021 - 12 January 2021

How to Unlock

Complete Challenge #3 after 7 Jan 2021

Event Missions and Decklist

Win the Duel with "Number 32: Shark Drake" in the deck, while playing as Reginald "Shark" Kastle.Gems x10
Summon "Number 32: Shark Drake" 1 time(s) in Duel World.Gems x10
Summon "Number 32: Shark Drake" 2 time(s) in Duel World.Gems x10
Summon "Number 32: Shark Drake" 3 time(s) in Duel World.Gems x10
Reduce your opponent's LP to 0 by inflicting battle damage with "Number 32: Shark Drake" using Reginald "Shark" Kastle.Gems x10
Achieve 3 win(s) using only WATER Monster Cards in Duels against Yuma and Astral using Reginald "Shark" Kastle.Chips x10

Example Deck [Credits to DLC]

Mermail AbyssturgeFlip Flop FrogBlizzed, Defender of the Ice BarrierBlizzed, Defender of the Ice BarrierBlizzed, Defender of the Ice BarrierRain of Mercy
Mermail AbyssmanderMermail AbyssnoseWonder BalloonsMystic BoxRecycleAbyss-squall
Abyss-squallAbyss-squallGood Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin HousekeepingGood Goblin HousekeepingJar of Greed
Graceful TearLocalized Tornado----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Monarch of the Deep Sea: Number 32
At the beginning of the Duel, add 1 Number 32: Shark Drake to your Extra Deck. Can be used only once if your Life Points are at 2000 or below. Return 1 Number 32: Shark Drake from your Graveyard to your Extra Deck.
Reginald Kastle
Reginald Kastle

Reginald Kastle Lvl 50 Appears

Exclusive Rewards

Exclusive Skill - Full Armored Xyz [Black Ray]

Complete Challenge #4 after 9 Jan 2021

[Skill] descriptionUser
Full Armored Xyz [Black Ray]
Place 1 Full Armored Black Ray Lancer from outside of your Deck on top of 1 Black Ray Lancer or Submersible Carrier Aero Shark you control. (This will be treated as an Xyz Summon.) This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Reginald Kastle
Reginald Kastle

Number 47: Nightmare Shark [UR]

Number 47: Nightmare Shark
Number 47: Nightmare Shark
WATER Fish ★3
ATK 2000 / DEF 2000
Reginald Kastle Unlock Event [UR]
2 Level 3 monsters
When this card is Special Summoned: You can attach 1 Level 3 WATER monster from your hand or your side of the field to this card as an Xyz Material. Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 WATER monster you control; this turn, that monster can attack your opponent directly, also other monsters cannot attack.

Depth Shark [SR]

Depth Shark
Depth Shark
DARK Fish ★5
ATK 1400 / DEF
Reginald Kastle Unlock Event [SR]
If you control no monsters, you can Normal Summon this card without Tributing. Once per turn, during your opponent's Standby Phase: Double this card's ATK until the end of this turn.

Number 17: Leviathan Dragon [UR]

Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
WATER Dragon ★3
ATK 2000 / DEF 0
Reginald Kastle Unlock Event [UR]
2 Level 3 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; this card gains 500 ATK. If this card has no Xyz Material, it cannot attack your opponent directly.

Shark Stickers [SR]

Shark Stickers
Shark Stickers
WATER Fish ★3
ATK 200 / DEF 1000
Reginald Kastle Unlock Event [SR]
When a Fish, Sea Serpent, or Aqua-Type monster is Normal or Special Summoned to your side of the field: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. This card cannot be used as a Synchro Material Monster.

Cumulative Points Exclusive Rewards

200,000Shark Stickers Shark Stickers
430,000Exclusive Card Sleeves New Players
1,100,000Number 17: Leviathan Dragon Number 17: Leviathan Dragon [Prismatic]
2,000,000Exclusive Game Mat New Players
3,100,000Depth Shark Depth Shark
4,500,000Number 47: Nightmare Shark Number 47: Nightmare Shark
4,900,000Exclusive Icon New Players
6,100,000Reginald Kastle Unlock Event Completed Achievement

Drop Rewards

EX Jewel Missions and Rewards

EX Jewels can only be obtained from event mission rewards (event + weekly), and farming Reginald Kastle. You can not save the EX Jewels for the next event because they will expire when the EX Jewels shop closes. It is recommended that you carefully choose what to spend them on because you can not obtain anymore after the Reginald Kastle event ends.

Available From 5 Jan 2021 - 12 Jan 2021

Win 1 Duel(s) against Reginald Kastle at Level 10 in Duel World.
EX Jewel x10
Win 1 Duel(s) against Reginald Kastle at Level 20 in Duel World.
EX Jewel x20
Win 1 Duel(s) against Reginald Kastle at Level 30 in Duel World.
EX Jewel x30
Win 1 Duel(s) against Reginald Kastle at Level 40 in Duel World.
EX Jewel x40
Win 1 Duel(s) against Reginald Kastle at Level 50 in Duel World.Gems x10
Win 20 Duel(s) against Reginald Kastle in Duel World.
EX Jewel x20
Play 40 Duel(s) against Reginald Kastle in Duel World.
EX Jewel x40
Play 30 Duel(s) against Reginald Kastle in Duel World.
EX Jewel x60
Play 60 Duel(s) against Reginald Kastle in Duel World.
EX Jewel x60


Hot New Top
Why does Konami insist on giving every farmable character a level 100, level 200, level 300 etc with a 🔥ton of LP? It's not fun. 🔥 this boring event.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It's not like they're hard to beat.....

Seriously, just use your free Zubaba General, or stack Gagaga Samurai with Power of the Guardians.
<< Anonymous
Fetih 1453 Reply
you are supposed to use XYZ monsters. They do 5 time damages.
Got Shark, got all the Event rewards at x3 or higher, I am done here.
Bullet Adams
i wonder whose bright idea was it to make number 25 leviathan dragon, 3,400,000 to unlock? do they expect us to spend 9 days grinding for materials and then blow it all on the final day? if so SOME People have other games to play SOME People have lives
<< Anonymous(Bullet Adams)
Anonymous Reply
Just beat lvl 200 Shark with auto duels a couple of times and you'll get 3 copies very soon.
Bullet Adams
Also i have 200 EX Jewels to spend on getting leviathan and i cant even use em because i have to already have a copy which i do not have #Sadface
I can't get the reward for beating shark at lvl 100 because he's been showing up at lvl 260 every time since the challenge appeared lol fml
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, same with me.

I guess Konami messed up on that one.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Same 🔥 happen to me. Konami really think that nobody will past 100 before this date.
it said mission 4 unlock but the mission is not there???
Got Shark, got the Event Missions for him done & dusted, now to get the Leviathan Dragon copy/Icon/Title, while trying to get a Prismatic copy of Leviathan Dragon from LV. 40 Shark.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I have 7 copies of Leviathan Dragon.

Not ONE of them is even a Glossy...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I already got 2 glossy out of 4
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
my first copy of No. 17 is from drop, and it's glossy XD
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I just found 5 or more, one I upgraded to prismatic
Guess this is as good a time as any to work on getting Yuma and Astral some experience, maybe some more Gagaga support to improve my Gagaga Utopia deck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
When it comes to double summon, if you have no other options then I guess you can go for it, but I would suggest cards like unexpected dai with some normal monsters or some 4* trap monsters.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
There’s also the card we just got from the recent event “Luna the dark spirit” that can banish a dark monster like magician or girl to special summon herself, rock spirit does the same for your earth monsters, or cards that special summon themselves like dynatherium
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The last one I will add is gagaga emergency network that will allow you to special summon a gagaga from your deck, but just know you can’t get other monsters special summoned one you activate it except xyz monsters. This might block coat or mancer’s ability to special summon from the graveyard. Sorry for the really long reply. Have fun!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Definitely need more Galaga support
Just use the Card trader
I know it's Yu-Gi-Oh and wild hair is a thing, but the Zexal characters all look like they have hair made out of plastic.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
YGO characters are lucky, to be characters. Anyone in reality putting 2 pots of gel like that on his hair everyday would finish bald after 6 month (unless he has the DNA of a female schoolgirl of course XD).
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
yeah, Zexal has the most outrageous set of hairstyles in the franchise.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Sadly their wonderful, beautiful hairstyles seen by filthy normies are like pearls shown to swines.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
To be fair they do look like they came out of a Hairspray musical.
If Number 32 isn't a level up reward, probably it will be a new Main Box UR card with Aero Shark (probably SR).
I hope he has #47
<< Anonymous
Vector Reply
He never used 47: Nightmare Shark m8
<< Anonymous(Vector)
Anonymous Reply
He does use No. 47 Nightmare Shark. In the manga.
<< Anonymous(Vector)
Anonymous Reply
Of course the anime character would be unaware of what happened in the manga, lol

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