
Ra's Disciple OTK: deck recipe

Duel Links Ra's Disciple deck, OTK combo, how to use Ra's Disciple.
update 05/08/2018


This deck is essentially an OTK deck. Hold your combo pieces and abstain from making any big plays until you have everything you need in your hand.
Draw Sense: Light is used to get a copy of Ra's Disciple, which is a key card to this strategy, into your hand.

Example deck

Cyber Style Version

Vision HERO Witch RaiderSphere KuribohSphere KuribohRa's DiscipleRa's DiscipleRa's Disciple
Cosmic CycloneCosmic CycloneHey, Trunade!Hey, Trunade!Enemy ControllerEnemy Controller
Photon BoosterPhoton BoosterPhoton BoosterMirror WallMirror WallThree of a Kind
Three of a KindThree of a Kind----

Draw Sense Light Version [Previous]

Ra's DiscipleRa's DiscipleRa's DiscipleInto the VoidInto the VoidRiryoku
RiryokuRiryokuFire Formation - GyokkouFire Formation - GyokkouParallel TwisterParallel Twister
Anti-Magic ArrowsAnti-Magic ArrowsAnti-Magic ArrowsPhoton BoosterPhoton BoosterPhoton Booster
Chthonian AllianceChthonian Alliance----

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Cyber Style
Can be used each time your Life Points are at 3000 or below. Play 1 "Proto-Cyber Dragon" on from outside of your Deck for every 1000 Life Points below 4000. This skill can nly be used once per Duel.
Zane Truesdale
Zane Truesdale
[Skill] descriptionUser
Draw Sense: Light (skill)
Can be used each time your Life Points decrase by 1500. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, draw a random Light attribute monster.
Ishizu Ishtar
Ishizu Ishtar

How to Use (Cyber Style Version)

Multiple Copies

After clearing your opponent's backrow it is now safe to summon Ra's Disciple and with his effect fill your monster zone with more copies of him, or activate your skill to summon 3 Proto-Cyber Dragons when your LP is 3000 less than your opponent. This is the first step to your combo and should only be summoned during your OTK turn.

Photon Booster

Photon Booster turns all your Ra's Disciple or Proto-Cyber Dragon into 2000 attack beaters. Since we know that we will have 3 copies of those monsters on the field, using Photon Booster on him will always result in 3 2000 attack beaters.

Enemy Controller

During the early game you can use Enemy Controller to stall by stopping some of you opponent's attacks. Later on in the game, during your OTK turn and after you have activated your Three of a Kind, you can tribute on of your monsters to take control of your opponent's strongest monster.

Three of a Kind

Three of a Kind is an extremely powerful card capable of destroying 3 cards for no cost except itself, but the downside is that you need to have 3 monsters on the field with the same name to use it. Although this drawback is not much of a problem for this deck because you can easily fill your board with Proto-Cyber Dragons. Use this card to open up your opponent to OTKs with your boosted monsters, prioritize destroying monsters above 2000 attack and then backrow.

Dealing with Backrow

Your opponent's spell/trap cards make can make OTKs unreliable so we need to get rid of them. It is usually best to get rid of your opponent's backrow before you do anything else during that turn. Giant Trunade returns all set spell/trap cards to the hand. Cosmic Cyclone banishes a spell/trap card at the cost of 1000 LP, because the card is banished it usually means your opponent won't be able to trigger it's effect or interact with it like in the case of Amazoness Onslaught. Summon Vision HERO Witch Raider by tributing your backrow and destroy all your opponent's spell/trap on the field. Then use your skill to summon 2 Proto-Cyber Dragon to perform your OTK.

How to Use [Previous Version]

Spell/Trap Protection

Spell/trap cards are the most common way of disrupting plays. A Floodgate Traphole on your Ra's Disciple completely shuts down your combo. Or a Wall of Disruption can turn all your monster's attack to 0. To prevent these from happening activate Fire Formation - Gyokkou at the start of your turn. Fire Formation - Gyokkou Locks your opponent's backrow meaning they cannot activate it. At the start of the battle phase you can activate Anti-Magic Arrows. This prevents your opponent from activating any spell/traps during the battle phase and your opponent cannot chain any cards to it. This often catches them by surprise and is a great way to open your finishing attacks.

Into the Void

This is a deck whose win condition is purely OTK, meaning the turn after using up your combo doesnt matter. It's either you pull off your combo and win or fail your combo and lose. That is why the consequence of Into the Void doesn't really matter, making it a great card for this deck. Use it only the turn you plan to OTK to draw into a card that could help your combo. Best used after summoning and resolving Ra's Disciple.

More Attack Boost

2000 attack will not always get the job done. Many decks can consistently special summon monsters with much more than 2000 attack during their first turn. In these situations we need support cards to help us get over their big monsters. Riryoku is excellent at doing this since it halves the opponent's attack and gives it to your monster. This means your Ra's Disciple will almost always be 2000 attack higher than your opponent after using Riryoku. Chthonian Alliance is also good because it boosts your monster's attack by 800 for every other monster with the same name as it. This will almost always result in a 1600 attack boost, bringing your Ra's Disciple to 3600 attack.

Card removal

For monster that you are unable to defeat even after boosting your attack, or your opponent just has too many monsters on their field defending them, use these cards to get rid of those monsters. Tribute to the Doomed destroys a monster on the field at the cost of 1 hand card. While Parallel Twister can get rid of any card on the field at the cost of 1 spell/trap card on your field. Set one of your useless spell/trap card,usually an extra Photon Booster ,as fuel for Parallel Twister. Keep in mind that Parallel Twister can also be used to get rid of your opponent's backrow.


Can't really use Cyber-Style anymore, but I think the deck can still work without it.
What a nice oTK with photon booster !!
The hay "otk" stand for
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
One turn kill.

Finishing your opponent even from full LP as long as you got the right cards
never played it actually, maybe i give it a test
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No one cares
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Enemy controller doesn't work! Can't tribute the disciplines.
<< Anonymous(Hizsoo)
Saladfingers Reply
E-Con can tribute Proto and still functions as a defense, it's probably not at full potential, but it's still usable.
I has been using a hibrid style with trio, treaty on uniforme nomenclature and wall of disruption.
i replace gyoku with these traps and added a trunade instead of the cyclone.
Anyone have another suggestion???
Have a brickie hand is an instant surrender 'cause you dont have anything to do if in 2 turn doesnt have any way to neglate the backrow or rise the ATK point at the same time.
any improved deck?

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There are 4 "galaxy" monsters in the deck, for example Galaxy dragon. When at least 1 o...
Skill doesn't work. I have the requirements it asks for. Does not add scales like it says
Could this card still destroy a monster who's original attack is ? Like the calculator a...
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