
Gishki: deck recipe [Oct 19]

Duel Links Gishiki deck, how to use, Gishiki in the meta.
update 19/10/2022


Gishki and Evigishki's are a WATER attribute ritual-based archetype with boss monsters that can shuffle a card from your opponent into the deck. The low-level supports have search effects that aren't limited to once per turn, allowing the deck to make repeated plays.

Shadow and Vision helps make ritual summoning less costly, and Aquamirror can recycle itself with a ritual monster. Together with the use of Salvage, they can perform a cycle of ritual monsters repeatedly. And since they are all WATER attributes, they can have easy access to some rank 4s because of "Territory of the Shark" skill.

Required Card Boxes

Main Deck

Abyss Encounter Cybernetic Rebellion Judgement Force Shark Fang Chaotic Soldiers

Extra Deck

Shark Fang Photons of Galaxy Antinomic Theory Eternal Stream

Example deck

Standard Version

Gishki ZielgigasGishki ZielgigasGishki ZielgigasGishki ShadowGishki ShadowGishki Shadow
Gishki AbyssGishki AbyssGishki AbyssGishki VisionGishki VisionMonster Reborn
Night BeamNight BeamSalvageSalvageSalvageCosmic Cyclone
Ice MirrorGishki Aquamirror----
Bahamut SharkAbyss DwellerAbyss DwellerNumber 37: Hope Woven Dragon Spider SharkNumber 47: Nightmare SharkFull Armored Black Ray Lancer
Full Armored Black Ray LancerSubmersible Carrier Aero Shark----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Territory of the Sharks
The Level of all WATER monsters you control becomes 4 until the end of the turn. This Skill can only be used once per turn and twice per Duel. This Skill can only be used if you beign the Duel with a Deck/Extra Deck that contains no monsters other than WATER monsters.
Reginald Kastle
Reginald Kastle

How to Play

Gishki Zielgigas

Gishki Zielgigas
Gishki Zielgigas
WATER Aqua ★10
ATK 3200 / DEF 0
Chaotic Soldiers [SR]
You can Ritual Summon this card with any "Gishki" Ritual Spell Card. Once per turn: You can pay 1000 Life Points; draw 1 card, and if you do, reveal it, then, if it was a "Gishki" monster, shuffle 1 card from the field into the Deck.

Its effect is pretty costly to use, but it has a very powerful payoff. Drawing a card is already very useful, but the added benefit, if it works, is one of the strongest forms of card removal, non-targeting and back to the deck instead of hand.

Since the other Gishki supports are pretty good with searching the deck, you can even summon this multiple times for multiple removals or card advantage. This can be a risky play since you will need to pay 1000 LP for each activation, but it can help win duels quickly.

Once you use the Abyss, Vision, and Shadow, use Salvage to loop the combo again for another ritual summon. Once multiple monsters are on the field, you can use the skill to make all of them to level 4. XYZ into a rank 4 and use its effect to send Zielgigas / Soul Ogre to the grave so you can recover it using Aquamirror in the grave. You can follow it up with another Shadow to fetch the Aquamirror again.

Gishki Monsters

Gishki Abyss
Gishki Abyss
WATER Fish ★2
ATK 800 / DEF 500
Shark Fang [SR]
When this card is Summoned: You can add 1 "Gishki" monster with 1000 or less DEF from your Deck to your hand, except "Gishki Abyss".

Main searcher for Shadow or Vision. It has low stats and level, but it won't matter that much since you can use the skill to ensure that it becomes a level 4 so you can XYZ with another monster on your field.

Gishki Shadow
Gishki Shadow
WATER Sea Serpent ★4
ATK 1200 / DEF 1000
Judgement Force [SR]
If you Ritual Summon exactly 1 WATER Ritual Monster with a card effect that requires use of monsters, this card can be used as the entire requirement. You can discard this card; add 1 "Gishki" Ritual Spell Card from your Deck to your hand.

Discard Gishki Shadow to fetch Gishki Aquamirror. If you already have the necessary cards for a Ritual Summon, Gishki Shadow can be used as cost-efficient ritual fodder.

Gishki Vision
Gishki Vision
WATER Sea Serpent ★2
ATK 700 / DEF 500
Shark Fang [SR]
If you Ritual Summon exactly 1 WATER Ritual Monster with a card effect that requires use of monsters, this card can be used as the entire requirement. You can discard this card; add 1 "Gishki" Ritual Monster from your Deck to your hand.

Gishki Vision is basically Gishki Shadow but instead of searching the Ritual Spell it searches the Ritual monster. Use this to fetch Soul Ogre.


Normal Spell
Abyss Encounter [UR]
Target 2 WATER monsters with 1500 or less ATK in your Graveyard; add those targets to your hand.

Directly increases your resources. All of your non-Ritual Main Deck monsters are viable targets for Salvage, and all of them can lead to further searching since they are not limited to once per turn.

Just keep in mind that the more Gishki cards you take from the deck, the less chance you have for Zielgigas to work.

Gishki Aquamirror

Gishki Aquamirror
Gishki Aquamirror
Ritual Spell
Abyss Encounter [SR]
This card can be used to Ritual Summon any "Gishki" Ritual Monster. You must also Tribute monsters from the field or your hand whose total Levels equal the Level of the Ritual Monster you Ritual Summon. You can shuffle this card from the Graveyard into the Deck to target 1 "Gishki" Ritual Monster in your Graveyard; return that target to your hand.

The standard Gishki Ritual Spell. The ritual cost is pretty normal but is made more efficient with Shadow and Vision's first effects. Added to that, Aquamirror's built-in recovery effect is a great way to recycle both your Ritual monster and Ritual Spell.

Ice Mirror

Ice Mirror
Ice Mirror
Normal Spell
Card Trader Inventory [SR]
Duel Quest Event [SR]
Special Pack Vol. 03 [SR]
Target 1 Level 3 or lower WATER monster you control; Special Summon 1 monster with the same name from your Deck, but it cannot declare an attack this turn.

Mainly to be used on Gishki Abyss for additional searching since it's not once per turn, but you can also use this on Vision in case you want them for Vision's first effect.

With 2 monsters on your field, you can already use the skill to make them level 4 so you can XYZ into a rank 4 right away.

Extra Decks

Bahamut Shark
Bahamut Shark
WATER Fish ★4
ATK 2600 / DEF 2100
Antinomic Theory [UR]
2 Level 4 WATER monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; Special Summon 1 Rank 3 or lower WATER Xyz Monster from your Extra Deck. This card cannot attack for the rest of this turn.

If you get turn 1, you can either XYZ into a Bahamut Shark or Abyss Dweller. Abyss Shark lets you special summon Nightmare Shark so you can go into Full Armored Black Ray Lancer. This lets you have 2 monsters on the field for a decent protection.

Abyss Dweller
Abyss Dweller
WATER Sea Serpent ★4
ATK 1700 / DEF 1400
Photons of Galaxy [UR]
2 Level 4 monsters
While this card has an Xyz Material attached that was originally WATER, all WATER monsters you control gain 500 ATK. Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; any card effects that activate in your opponent's Graveyard cannot be activated this turn.

Abyss Dweller works as a disruption card so that your opponent can't use cards that activate in the graveyard. A common use of this is to prevent The White Stone of Ancients from summoning a Blue-Eyes from the deck.

Having a quick effect also makes this pretty good if you want to make a card on your field to the grave. After using the Soul Ogre or Zielgigas' effect, use the skill and make them level 4 to XYZ into Abyss Dweller with another monster. Activate Dweller's effect right away to send the ritual monster to the grave so you can loop the combo with Aquamirror in the grave and a Vision in hand.

Number 37: Hope Woven Dragon Spider Shark
Number 37: Hope Woven Dragon Spider Shark
WATER Fish ★4
ATK 2600 / DEF 2100
Shark Fang [UR]
2 Level 4 WATER monsters
When any player's monster declares an attack: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; all monsters your opponent currently controls lose 1000 ATK until the end of this turn. When this card is destroyed by battle or card effect and sent to the Graveyard: You can target 1 other monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon it. You can only use each effect of "Number 37: Hope Woven Dragon Spider Shark" once per turn.

Spider Shark is a more reasonable monster to summon. The debuff effect is actually quite helpful for deterring enemy attacks and allowing you to run over enemy monsters. The floating effect is also great because it can bring back a properly summoned Soul Ogre.

Number 47: Nightmare Shark
Number 47: Nightmare Shark
WATER Fish ★3
ATK 2000 / DEF 2000
Reginald Kastle Unlock Event [UR]
2 Level 3 monsters
When this card is Special Summoned: You can attach 1 Level 3 WATER monster from your hand or your side of the field to this card as an Xyz Material. Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 WATER monster you control; this turn, that monster can attack your opponent directly, also other monsters cannot attack.

Special summonable by using Bahamut Shark's effect. Since this deck doesn't have any level 3, you can't use its effect to attach and attack directly. It's either to just have another monster on the field, or to rank up into Full Armored Black Ray Lancer.

Full Armored Black Ray Lancer
Full Armored Black Ray Lancer
WATER Beast-Warrior ★4
ATK 2100 / DEF 600
Eternal Stream [SR]
3 Level 4 WATER monsters
You can also Xyz Summon this card by using a Rank 3 WATER Xyz Monster you control that has no Xyz Materials as the Xyz Material. This card gains 200 ATK for each Xyz Material attached to it. If this face-up card would be destroyed, you can detach all of its Xyz Materials instead. If this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: You can target 1 Spell/Trap Card your opponent controls; destroy that target.

Special summonable by ranking up from Nightmare Shark. It has a built-in protection effect, but only works once. This makes it a decent turn 1 monster to summon to protect your LP.

The effect of being able to destroy a spell/trap can be situationally useful, but having only around 2300 ATK makes this a rare occurence.

Submersible Carrier Aero Shark
Submersible Carrier Aero Shark
WATER Fish ★3
ATK 1900 / DEF 1000
Shark Fang [R]
2 Level 3 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; inflict 100 damage to your opponent for each of your banished monsters.

Special Summonable by Bahamut's Effect and being used for Full Armored Black Ray Lancer Xyz Summoning.

Other Cards Option

Evigishki Monsters

Evigishki Mind Augus
Evigishki Mind Augus
WATER Aqua ★6
ATK 2500 / DEF 2000
Abyss Encounter [SR]
Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Must first be Ritual Summoned. You can Ritual Summon this card with any "Gishki" Ritual Spell Card. When this card is Ritual Summoned: Target up to 5 cards in any Graveyard(s); shuffle those targets to the Deck.

Use Mind Augus to return a huge chunk of the opponent's graveyard setup back to the Deck. This can be extremely annoying to decks like Shiranui and Crystrons that need certain cards in the graveyard.

Evigishki Soul Ogre
Evigishki Soul Ogre
WATER Aqua ★8
ATK 2800 / DEF 2800
Judgement Force [UR]
Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Must first be Ritual Summoned. You can Ritual Summon this card with any "Gishki" Ritual Spell Card. Once per turn: You can discard 1 "Gishki" monster to target 1 face-up card your opponent controls; shuffle that target into the Deck.

Soul Ogre is quite a powerful monster with his ATK stat and removal effect. Returning cards into the Deck is a pretty solid way of removing threats from the board and making sure they don't come back. Unfortunately, this effect targets which means it cannot deal with cards such as Invoked Cocytus.

Moray of Greed

Moray of Greed
Moray of Greed
Normal Spell
Age of Discovery [SR]
Shuffle 2 WATER monsters from your hand into the Deck, then draw 3 cards.

Mainly to help with starting hand so that there's a higher chance to start with something like Abyss, Salvage, or the ritual related cards.

Other Extra Decks

Evigishki Merrowgeist
Evigishki Merrowgeist
WATER Aqua ★4
ATK 2100 / DEF 1600
Shark Fang [R]
2 Level 4 monsters
After damage calculation, if this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; shuffle the destroyed monster into the Deck instead of sending it to the Graveyard.

Similar to Mind Augus but less effective, Merrowgeist's purpose is to mess with Decks that need their graveyard setup. But her low ATK makes it difficult for her to actually destroy monsters by battle unless Spider Shark is also on the field.


Hot New Top
Seems like a horrible archetype to build, like each card is in a different box!
Like this build even if it's weaker the rest I've seen are just water xyz with extra steps
<< Anonymous
Not KoG Reply
Stick with the Shark Territory. It is a 🔥 zone with all the R and SR Atlantean. Just be happy you are able to save gems.
<< Anonymous(Not KoG)
Anonymous Reply
Save gems? it´s even more expensive that standard water xyz
The updated decklist is horrible. You are factually never going to summon abyss dweller in this deck because the whole point of territory of the sharks is for the hope to ogre combo. The new version makes the deck harder to use and does nothing except trick you into thinking you made a smart play by summoning an effectively weaker monster. This deck also has now out to blue eyes if spirit dragon hits the field.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
While I agree this decklist is horrible, Zielgigas has 3200 Attack and can defeat Spirit Dragon. The biggest threat from Blue Eyes would be Karma Cut. Effectively nullyfing Zielgigas graveyard loop.

Perhaps we'll see a more Gishki competitive deck, maybe not, time will tell. I've seen people run Gishki with Deep Sea Diva. I've also seen Gishki with C39 Utopia, which was quite strong.
Can we have Gishki Zielgigas? I don't play Gishki and don't plan on playing it; I just think its design is amazing.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Maybe one day.
<< Anonymous
Thecalendarman Reply
now we can

Thank you for playing Duel Links!
Gustkraken or GTFO
15/06/2021 realease new cards plssss
anyone wants to sell this deck to me? Wanna try gishkis but I don't have the time Ato grind for gems and dig into 3 boxes.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
And it's not allowed to buy/sell accounts
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
nah I've been doing that since the early days of the game. The first account I bought was one with 3 senju and 3 birds to play a relinquished deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
i really dont see why one would want to do that. why buy an extra account for a deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
To play the deck sooner? or maybe to not to spend weeks farming gems
So how does this deck look like now? (apart from looking like garbage) Is gishki chain not needed now? All those searchers look good but the boss monster is terrible
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No gishki chain is not needed, it's easily kog worthy.

The goal is to summon soul ogre and another gishki, use skill then summon the water xyz
The water xyz can reduce attack of all opponents monsters and f lost a into soul ogre if it dies
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I so want to build this deck knowing chain is not needed is a relief
I don't have territory of the shark what skill should I play
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Then you must tweak the entire deck to a ritual only variant.

The skill tickets we got this week can be exchanged for "Territory of the Shark", check of you still have the ticket
Gishkis really got a buff, have the consistency and can play through 2 disruptions and no, I'm not saying they are meta I'm just saying they are decent.
where is my zielgigas komoney!!
<< Anonymous
Konami Reply
Please wait some more time.

We just released a few new boxes these last months. If we released what you want right now you won't be spending more money on boxes you don't want. This is contrary to our business model.

Could you buy those boxes 3 times each please? This will help us finance the release of new cards faster.
<< Anonymous(Konami)
Anonymous Reply
If we all buy all of your boxes thrice you will release new cards faster?

Thanks Konami

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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