
Duel Quest Event [Feb 2023]

Duel Quest Event, Secret Floor Bonus Requirement Duelists, Rewards
update 06/02/2023


Duration: 6 February 2023 - 12 February 2023

How to Play

  • Duel to advance through the dungeon

Secret Floor

Win against a specified Duelist for certain times to make secret floor to appear!

  • Paradox: 2 Victories
  • Paradox: 3 Victories

Regarding Score and Floor

You can advance 1 Floor per point. New Floors will be added 13:00, everyday.

Amount of Obtainable Score

Ranked Duels155
Legendary Duelist(s)52
The Vagabond2010
Standard Duelist(s)41

Featured Cards

Evil HERO Wild Cyclone [UR]

Evil HERO Wild Cyclone
Evil HERO Wild Cyclone
EARTH Fiend ★8
ATK 1900 / DEF 2300
The Supreme King at lvl 25 & 40 [UR]
Duel Quest Event [UR]
"Elemental HERO Avian" + "Elemental HERO Wildheart"
Must be Special Summoned with "Dark Fusion" and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. If this card attacks, your opponent cannot activate any Spell/Trap Cards until the end of the Damage Step. When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent: Destroy all face-down Spell and Trap Cards your opponent controls.


Treasure Box Details

Treasure BoxExplanation
GoldenYou can obtain certain rewards of each floor.
SilverYou can obtain the reward from random.Rewards obtainable will change depending on how deep you are in dungeon.
HeartWhen a Heart Treasure Box appears, you and your friend or another player will receive the same rewards.

Golden Treasure Box Exclusive Rewards

Silver Treasure Box Rewards

Card Rewards Ratings


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How are we supposed to know how to unlock the secret floors? Nothing new appears in the information.
<< Anonymous(Name)
(Option) Reply
If they tell us publicly, then it's no longer a secret
For the Oct 2021 event: despite it being three days in I only have the very first 3 secret floors (Yuya, Zuzu and Gong 1 time each). They don't change at all, not when fulfilling them and not at the specified time. Is that the case for others too or have I run into some kind of bug? There's got to be more than just three secret floors for the whole event, right?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Not anymore. They give all of the secret floors at the beginning of the event.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Me got 1 ultra rare ticket, 2 super rare from event.

Me have all super & ultra rare tickets cards in 3s

Me sad :(
the duel quest event this week, i dont understand how to play it. how to find random secret floor everyday? do i have to fight all the legendary duelist to find which one trigger the secret floor?
<< Anonymous
diqin Reply
so... so far they are only 2 duelist available? yuma,astral 1 times and kite tenjo? are they unlocked at certain time or we need to trigger it to happen since the event last till 22 and there isnt many secret room found. sorry new player here.
<< Anonymous(diqin)
Anonymous Reply
The request to duel certain duelist for special room happens at certain time, set by Konami, and the duelist you need to duel will be different for each Duel Quest event. Pay attention to the number too, for example with Kite it says 0/3, so you need to duel him 3 times.
<< Anonymous
diqin Reply
thank you buddy.
<< Anonymous(diqin)
Anonymous Reply
You're welcome :)
Why pegasus again. New card please
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Toon Harpy Lady as Harpy support
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Except toon harpie lady doesn't really support harpie lady decks
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Toon Harpie is useless for Harpie deck, even.
Fog support R. June 2021
Can everyone here agrees they should stop giving gold and focus more on gems,because we already have tickets for the card trader and gold is like a worthless currency that is there to fill the reward space.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah we all agreed on that like 3 years ago
now let's see if the number of SR ticket I get this time is more than 0
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Plot twist: It will be less than 0
So... what we got? Gold coins for cat? A worse (imo) metalmorph??
Omg konami, just give us a 3rd crane crane and 2 more rose knights fgs...Stop giving us sh1ty cards as super rares...
New duel quest characther say to duel mia to unlock secret floor. All I know is mai. Who is mia? I can't find this characther name anywhre
<< Anonymous(AshD'Joker)
Anonymous Reply
Found a video below who mia is. Thanx
<< Anonymous(AshD'Joker)
Anonymous Reply
Mia is a zexal npc
<< Anonymous
Mia Khalifa Reply
In Zexal world, a little girl with glasses and green-themed costume
Whom to battle this march to avail secret floor except duke?
ahh way too much for R ticket this duel quest gift. wtf 9 R ticket, why not 9 SR ticket much better you know

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Comments (updated every hour)

045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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