
Deck Out Trap: deck recipe

Duel Links trap deck, all trap, how to use, tips.
update 04/12/2018


You would need a lot of patience to use this deck, because your goal is to deck out your opponent by simply stalling. Every card in this deck can be used on it's own making any starting hand a playable hand.

Example deck

Updated Version

Karakuri Ninja mdl 339 "Sazank"Karakuri Ninja mdl 339 "Sazank"Karakuri Ninja mdl 339 "Sazank"Man-Eater BugMan-Eater BugMan-Eater Bug
Snowman EaterSnowman EaterSnowman EaterGhostrick Yuki-onnaOfferings to the DoomedOfferings to the Doomed
Widespread RuinWidespread RuinWidespread RuinFloodgate Trap HoleFloodgate Trap HoleFloodgate Trap Hole
Needle CeilingNeedle CeilingWall of DisruptionWall of DisruptionJar of AvariceJar of Avarice

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Duel, standby!
Each player's starting hand increases by 1 card. You cannot activate Spell/Trap Cards or monster effects on your first turn.
Tea Gardner
Tea Gardner
Endless Trap Hell
Can be used when you have 3 trap cards in the Graveyard. 1 random Trap Card in your Graveyard is added to your hand. Then, shuffle 1 random Trap Card in your Graveyard into your Deck. This skill can only be used once per Duel.

Extra, Extra Version [Pre-Banlist]

Floodgate Trap HoleFloodgate Trap HoleFloodgate Trap HoleWall of DisruptionWall of DisruptionWall of Disruption
The Golden ApplesThe Golden ApplesThe Golden ApplesDraining ShieldDraining ShieldDraining Shield
Jar of AvariceNutrient ZEnchanted Javelin
Enchanted JavelinEnchanted Javelin----

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUsers
Extra, Extra
Can be used if your Life Points decrease by 2000. In the Draw Phase, a card you draw is duplicated.


How to Use [Pre-Banlist]


Healing yourself more than your opponent can damage you is an effective way to stall turns, as long as you have these healing cards your opponent would not be able to beat you quickly. Turn self chain to on, so you can chain multiple of these Healing cards on your opponent's strongest monster healing you a whole lot of LP. But keep in mind that:

  • The Golden Apples only activates after you recieve damage, so it is possible to lose without getting a chance to activate it.
  • Nutrient Z can only be activated before you are supposed to take 2000 or more battle damage.

Clog opponent's field

Use cards that will make your opponent's monsters useless on the field.

  • Floodgate Trap Hole immediately flips a monster face-down after it was summoned and your opponent cannot change it's battle position. Additionally, this can also negate effects activated during summoning.
  • Wall of Disruption decreases your opponent's monsters 800 attack for every monster they control. This can turn powerful beaters into 0 attack monsters easily.
  • Massivemorph doubles a monster's stats but it will not be allowed to attack directly. Since this deck contain's no monsters, the selected monster would become unable to attack.

Jar of Avarice

Jar of Avarice prevents you from decking out earlier than your opponent. Use this to return useful cards back to your deck.

Other Useful cards

Supremacy Berry
Supremacy Berry
Heals a lot of LP, but should only be used when your LP is lower than your opponent's.
Emergency Provisions
Emergency Provisions
Set and chain with your other trap cards to gain even more LP.
Solemn Wishes
Solemn Wishes
Heals you everytime you draw.
Numinous Healer
Numinous Healer
Heals you 1000 LP and adds even more heal for each copy in your graveyard.
Aegis of Gaia
Aegis of Gaia
Gain 3000 LP but lose 3000 LP when this card leaves the field.


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If enemy use 30 cards desk, can this desk still effective??
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Anonymous No. 2 Reply
If you manage to return more than 10 traps back to your deck with Endless Trap Hell, then yes. Otherwise, no.
That's why you might want to also throw in a copy or two of Lava Golem and/or Witch Raider.
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Anonymous Reply
Yes it is! But only if you play Avarice and Offerings to the Doomed wisely.

Each Avarice can give you 4 cards for your Deck, and the Cost for Offerings of the Doomed can be your benefit in the Lategame.
<< Anonymous(Anonymous)
Anonymous Reply
With odion endless trap hell skill, it works, you can return traps from the GY
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Not sure why you're replying but it isn't working anymore. The skill got nerfed.
Its decks like these that make me not Pvp at all possible. I want to be able to do something with my time, not just sit on my 🔥 and stare at someone until my sanity finally gives out.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Does someone hear the worlds smallest violin playing?
Immediately report for slow play and block forever.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
that shows how much idiot u are.its a legit way to play and u dont have a clue what slow play is .
Jinzo and it’s all over
<< Anonymous(platpx3)
miko Reply
oooh that's nice but if happend to make some spells get activated you can use super rush headlong with a kuriboh token or some kind of monster
This deck is for people who would rather waste both players' time than have fun
Are people really playing this ebola deck? lol I hope not, offerings to the doomed seem to be way more scaring and effective than some traps here.
if I see Odion and he sets back row I switch my monster into defense and wait till they deck out or surrender! I don't set two monsters because they have lava golem! LMFAO
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
lol true story man! this deck seems to be ebola so I don't summon 2 monsters either unleast I have backrow removal in my hand or Im able to make some unexpected OTK !
Evil Rick
Rant aside.

My tip to deal with this deck?

Do your bets to don't play monsters, set your own back-row protection and get them to deck out themselves.

The achilles heel os this deck is that they need for you to summon & attack, if you don't do that, then they get stuck themselves
<< Anonymous(Evil Rick)
Anonymous Reply
24 cards and 2 pot of avarices... they won’t deck out.
<< Anonymous
Evil Rick Reply
Not entirely

Huge Chances are they will fill their own back-row right at the start

If you play smart, you can get them to block themselves so they have no empty slot to set Jar of Avarice.

With cards pilling up in their hands, is most likely for them to discard Jar of Avarice before discarding some other thing.
<< Anonymous(Evil Rick)
Anonymous Reply
How do you make them deck out faster than you when they have 24 cards? Play inconsistent 25 cards deck that loses to pretty much every other deck?
one jinzo and be like 🔥 you :)
<< Anonymous(Way to be op)
Anonymous Reply
Atrax doesn't let you play around Jinzo. While it does stop Normal Traps being negated, it doesn't prevent Jinzo from stopping them from being activated.
<< Anonymous
Black wings/Harpies Reply
Or our unofficial brother Troposphere.
<< Anonymous
KOK Reply
jinzo do nothin' do you even read their flips monster effect? you dumb fool.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lol you only see the traps, don't you? this deck use many effect monsters, the moment jinzo attacks it's as good as dead
I've faced many people who set their entire back row 1st turn, i just set STRAIGHT FLUSH and wait, unless they have endless trap hell then it might be a little trickier. Anti-trap meta is coming back?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
i'm in legends and i'm still shocked that people still set all 3 back row, i myself only set 2, ive had bad experiences with straight flush.
Oh, I HATE this deck. I hate it so much!
It's such a 🔥 deck and just no fun to play against.

I know, I'm ragy and pathetcily so.
But seriously. This deck is just not fun to play against.
Then again, it encourages backgrow destruction a lot. So maybe it will encourage komani to release some none UR backgrow descruction...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
i guess straight flush be the got to trap card to counter this meta.
Why is there so much salt around AG? You guys cashed on 3 wall of D and now its unusable against AG? Lmfao thats what people play AG for. 🔥ous people who cash 3 wall of D and think theyre skillfully winning.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
What the 🔥 is ag
<< Anonymous
HAHA Reply
somebody(original post) got wall of D'd and lost 2400 atk and 🔥d lol!!!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
That's less the problem.
I get what you mean. I hate it too to fight against decks with trecherous, 3 disruptions, 3 UR paleozoic, etc.
But the thing is, these deckouttraps are even less fun to play against, and take up a huge amount of time.
If you play into 3 walls of disruption, at least the match is over next.
If you play in a trap deck out deck, you're stuck in that game for ages.

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045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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