
Tetsu Trudge

update 16/06/2020


Tetsu is a member of Sector Security who previously tried to arrest Yusei but later became acquainted with him through Jack during the Dark Signer Arc. Fun fact, he was already present as a minor character ever since Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters as a bully. His ace monster is Goyo Guardian.

How to Unlock

Tetsu's Skills

Exclusive Skills

[Skill] descriptionHow to get
Let's Go Goyo!
At the beginning of the Duel, add 2 "Jutte Fighter" to your deck, and 1 " Goyo Guardian" to your Extra deck.
Lvl 4
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1800. Return 1 card from your hand to your Deck and draw a random Warrior-Type monster.
Lvl 13
Respect My Authority!
This turn, "Goyo" Synchro monsters you control gain 500 ATK per monsters on your side of the field whose original owner is your opponent. This skill can be used once per turn.
Lvl 20
You're Under Arrest!
At the beginning of the Duel, add 2 "Goyo" Synchro monsters to your Extra deck.
Return 1 monster that has been Special Summoned from your opponent's graveyard to your side of the field to their deck and increase your Life Points equal to the original ATK of that monster. This Skill can only be used once per turn and up to twice per duel.
Event Reward

Common Skills

Level-up Rewards

2Gem x10
3Handcuffs DragonHandcuffs Dragon
4Skill: Let's Go Goyo!
5Deck Slot (Official Tetsu Trudge)
6Gem x15
8Deck Slot (Official Tetsu Trudge)
9Gem x25
10Handcuffs DragonHandcuffs Dragon
11Pursuit ChaserPursuit Chaser
12Gem x35
13Skill: Reinforcement
15Gem x50
16Pursuit ChaserPursuit Chaser
17Gem x60
18Handcuffs DragonHandcuffs Dragon
19Gem x75
20Skill: Respect My Authority!
22Gem x100
23Jutte FighterJutte Fighter
24Gem x120
25Pursuit ChaserPursuit Chaser
26Gem x150
27Deck Slot (Official Tetsu Trudge)
28Gem x200
29Gem x250
30Montage DragonMontage Dragon
31Gold x100,000
30Gems x200
33Goyo DefenderGoyo Defender
34Gems x250
35Goyo DefenderGoyo Defender
36UR Jewel x1
37Gems x200
38Shield Worm Shield Worm
39Gems x250
40Montage DragonMontage Dragon

Duel Rewards

Unlock Event [29 October 2018]

Unlock Event [18 January 2018]

Starter deck

Tetsu Trudge's Starter Deck

Oni Tank T-34Oni Tank T-34Rhaimundos of the Red SwordRhaimundos of the Red SwordRhaimundos of the Red SwordMighty Guard
Mighty GuardMighty GuardGuardian of the LabyrinthGuardian of the LabyrinthThe Judgement HandThe Judgement Hand
The Judgement HandHard ArmorHard ArmorHard ArmorScience SoldierScience Soldier
Science SoldierWater Spirit----


Hot New Top
anyone else have an issue where u can't have other synchros with Tetsu Trudgejust goyo guardian? in deck editor i add stardust n another goyo but none appear just guardian
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lol naw it says add one goyo to your extra deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The description should change into the correct one (replace everything in your extra deck with 1 Goyo Guardian) after this maintenance.
<< Anonymous(gman)
Anonymous Reply
Lets Go Goyo is an unbelievably garbage skill. You're Under Arrest is infinitely better.
<< Anonymous
all4link Reply
the lets go goyo ability sucks. its MAKE your extra deck 1 goyo guardian. DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I FARMED FOR GOYO CHASER?
Lovely Aster
They're giving beatdown to this guy and not to King Jack Atlas!? Why!?
<< Anonymous(Lovely Aster )
Anonymous Reply
U have a problem?
<< Anonymous(Lovely Aster )
Anonymous Reply
Another silly complain by Lovely Aster aka Valencia
<< Anonymous(Lovely Aster )
Anonymous Reply
Kaiba is the real king! Not this idiot!
<< Anonymous
Kaiba Lover Reply
Kaiba is the real king! Not this idiot!
Agree! ❤
took all night but i finally got You're Under deck on the way
<< Anonymous(anon)
Anonymous Reply
How do you even get that ability, I have been trying to get it for ages?!!!
His cards does not have summon animation?
<< Anonymous(Anonymous )
Anonymous Reply
Sadly, he does not get any summon animation. Or rather, not yet.
Pity there's no special dialogue between him and Yami/Joey. Would have been a nice in joke.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
His skill Lv4 needs to be rewritten to "Your Extra deck becomes 1 'Goyo Guardian'" in other languages.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous. Reply
Agreed. they need to mention that.
They gave him Beatdown because well, He's TETSUYA from season 0 after all lol...
why not focus on unlocking the yugioh gx character
Lol got beat down and lp boost a from an intense match against lvl 40 crow
Wooow this is elite beating agent dude from DM season 0! So he's an officer in 5d huh?
Meh Goyo is not that broken.

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