
Scud (DSOD)

This page notes Scud (DSOD)'s skills, level-up rewards, starter deck, and cards and skills you can get by winning a duel against Scud (DSOD).
update 26/02/2020


How to Unlock

Once you Banish your opponent's card 300 time(s) with your Card Effect., Scud unlock missions appear. Complete all the missions to unlock Scud as a playable character!

Note: To view the Trigger Mission Decklist of Scud, please click the link below.

Scud (DSOD)'s Skills

Exclusive Skills

[Skill] descriptionUser
Attack Charge
One of the monsters that you control on the field gains the ATK of the current number of the turn x100. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Lvl 4
Extra Pain
When you deal battle damage to your opponent, deal an additional 50 damage. This Skill will not be activated if your opponent has 1000 or less Life Points.
Lvl 13
Life Charge
Increase your Life Points by the current turn count x200. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.
Lvl 20
Smile Bright!
At the beginning of your turn, your opponent takes 50 damage. This Skill will not be activated if your opponent has 1000 or less Life Points.
Can be used turn 5 and onward. Add all cards in your hand to your Deck and shuffle it. Then draw the same number of cards that you added to your Deck. This Skill can only be used once per Duel.

Common Skills

Level-Up Rewards

2Gem x10
3Baron of the Fiend SwordBaron of the Fiend Sword
4Skill: Attack Charge
5Deck Slot
6Gem x15
7Battle FootballerBattle Footballer
8Deck Slot
9Gem x25
10Mine GolemMine Golem
11Baron of the Fiend SwordBaron of the Fiend Sword
12Gem x35
13Skill: Extra Pain
14Battle FootballerBattle Footballer
15Gem x50
16Mine GolemMine Golem
17Gem x60
18Baron of the Fiend SwordBaron of the Fiend Sword
19Gem x75
20Skill: Life Charge
21Battle FootballerBattle Footballer
22Gem x100
23Tyrant's TemperTyrant's Temper
24Gem x100
25Mine GolemMine Golem
26Gem x150
27Deck Slot
28Gem x200
29Gem x250
30Tyrant's TemperTyrant's Temper
31Gold x100,000
32Gems x200
33Tyrant's TemperTyrant's Temper
34Gems x250
35Thestalos the Mega Monarch Thestalos the Mega Monarch

Duel Rewards

Tyrant's TantrumTyrant's Tantrum [UR]B
Soul TigerSoul Tiger [SR]C+
MinarMinar [SR]B-
D.D. TrainerD.D. Trainer[SR]C
Barrel RockBarrel Rock [R]C
TogexTogex [R]C
SpikebotSpikebot [R]C
Gate DeegGate Deeg [N]C
Turtle RaccoonTurtle Raccoon [N]C

Scud (DSOD)'s Starter Deck

Rhaimundos of the Red SwordRhaimundos of the Red SwordTerra the TerribleTerra the TerribleTerra the TerribleMountain Warrior
Mountain WarriorMountain WarriorDrooling LizardDrooling LizardDrooling LizardEmbryonic Beast
Embryonic BeastEmbryonic BeastDharma CannonDharma CannonDharma CannonMeotoko


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Ultimate ROBLOX !
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It's Humpty Dumpty
Holy 🔥, 50 extra damage? It's one tenth of an Abaki, so broken
All his skills are kinda cheesy
Funny character
How many times do you have to Once you Banish your opponent's card 300 time(s) with your Card Effect 300 times really
<< Anonymous(Spider10)
Anonymous Reply
It's actually not as hard as it seems to be, because 300 times actually does not refer to the action of banishing the cards, but rather, the amount of cards getting banished.
If you want a budget version, make a deck of LIGHT Warrior-Type Monsters. Including Divine Knight Ishzark. Equip Spell Light Laser, plus a slew of Banish effect like Cosmic Cyclone, Nobleman of Crossout/Extermination. Lightforce Sword and of course D-Pris.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Very sure the Lava Golem Inferno Tempest deck is even more budget than a deck that requires 3 box URs lol
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Also, as someone that did something similar to your suggestion... The AI is extremely stupid with using a lot of those cards. They flat out refuse to ever activate Light Laser for example. It's really just the Noblemen, Cosmic Cyclone and Soul Release that work well for an auto-duel deck, and if you're dueling yourself, you should just use Inferno Tempest, it's much faster.
my deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
How to a lock's good scud
<< Anonymous(Robert)
Anonymous Reply
There is no good Scud to unlock. Best you can do is just deal with the ugly one.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
^ said everyone whose already unlocked him day one and maxed him out for his gems ;)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Next LD we will get is that punk who was defeated by Kaiba when he got to use Obelisk for the 1st time.
<< Anonymous(RR)
B. Reply
After that, the next LD will be one of Pegasus top flight security guards that tried to get him to come to the palace
<< Anonymous(B.)
Anonymous Reply
And then we'll get one of those guys with the invisible guns
We have to banish the 300 cards, and THEN the unlock missions will appear? Nothing about him will appear before?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Odion also count, isn't it? I think the requirement to unlock his unlock missions is to use certain amount of traps.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
All of them count, Insector Haga too. But none of those has such a ridiculously high requirement...
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The complaint was about the fact the mission wasn't visible, not the requirement.

That being said, it's entirely possible some of these would be difficult for someone that doesn't know they exist to unlock. (Particularly Bastion and Crow.) The only advantage characters like Aster or Keith have in that regard is their conditions are likely to happen naturally over time.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
All of those can be gotten by people who don’t know. But this guy takes the longest by far... 300 is just ridiculous... removing opponent cards from play isn’t something most decks do regularly.
This ROBLOX is getting pummeled wherever he goes.
<< Anonymous(damn...)
Anonymous Reply

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