Decks that can generate tokens, like Mecha Phantom Beast, can easily provide this card’s cost.
Use Tyrant’s Temper with other floodgate effects to severely restrict your opponent’s plays. Destiny HERO - Plasma negates monster effects. Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8 and Silent Swordsman LV7 negates Spell effects.
Lol. Meme deck with horus and plasma. Your opponent wants to cosmic/mst/double/parallel/storm this card but you still have horus. The only problem is handtrap, GY effects and lava golem.
Could be good in a Blackwing deck since you usually have a lot of monsters (mainly copies of Kris and Bora) in your hand after you have a field of 2 synchros and 1 non-synchro.
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