
Duel Chronicle 5D's: King's Challenge Guide

King's Challenge Guide, Challenge Rewards, Jack Atlas Decklist
update 25/09/2020


Use Challenge Tickets to Duel Jack Atlas and earn great rewards when you win. Significant Rewards include the event's Card Sleeve, Game Mat, and Icon. And get a new skill for Yusei Fudo the third time you win against Jack Atlas.

Challenge Rewards

First RoundCard Sleeves: Duelist Chronicle 5Ds 2
Second RoundGems x10
Third RoundSkill: Black Rose Gale
Fourth RoundSkill Chips x10
Fifth RoundGame Mat: Duelist Chronicle 5Ds 2
Sixth RoundGems x20
Seventh RoundIcon: Duelist Chronicle 5Ds 2
Eighth RoundGems x30
Ninth Round and BeyondLottery Coins x150

Jack Atlas Decklist


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Dude I loved this event. I dont know about you guys but I love these PvE story-oriented events where it feels like you're a character in the anime participating in the storyline. But that is what i enjoy, I like the Duelist Chronicles for that reason personally
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Good. Just this one challenge was a problem because of how extremely overpowered the opponent's deck was. He difficulty mogs all those Yugi God decks and all those special Dark Signer challenges together.
Forbbiden Duelist
3 D.D. Assailants
3 Vampire Hunter
3 Disciple of the Forbidden Spell
2 Enemy Controller
1 De-Synchro
3 Dimension Prison
3 Floodgate Trap Hole
2 Void Trap Hole

Based on an old strat I used to use back before Synchro summons were a thing. The entire goal is to be anti-monster as hell, and forbid Jack-a-boy from being able to play the game properly. Best to try to bait his Fiendish Chains with your Disciples, since the first copy or two are grave-fodder anyway. Otherwise, main monster is Vampire Hunter. If you lack certain cards, replace them with what you can. Nothing in the deck's truly mandatory anyway.
<< Anonymous(Forbbiden Duelist)
Anonymous Reply
3x DD Assailant... just that is extremely hard to beat. Imagine 3x that, 3x DD Lady and 3x DD Warrior... still can't believe a deck like this is possible and that I am lucky enough to have never faced it.
Got what I came for from this portion of the event...

Sleeves, Game Mat, Icon.
here is my deck I've been using. 9/10 times it has won (only time is hasn't is drawing nothing but Yubel's for the first three turns lol).

Yubel x3
Yubel T.I. x2
Yuben TUN x1
Fire King High Avatar Garunix x2
Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys x1 (may swap this for something else)
Kiteroid x2
Fire King Avatar Yaksha x3

Spells -
Onslaught of the Fire Kings x2
Fire King Island x3
Sakuretsu Armor x1
Assault on GHQ x1 (this can be swapped for something better. I am just using it in the event I get a Garunix on the field that is about to be destroyed by battle and I need to 🔥 it so I can activate its effect)
Since its a turbo duel nearly all farming decks wont work, need to hit and hard decks is the best way to finish him off.
<< Anonymous(bubbad)
Anonymous Reply
Why the heck anyone would want to farm him, anyway? He drops no card.
<< Anonymous(bubbad)
Anonymous Reply
Don't farm him. Beat him 8 times and forget him.
I'm playing this game since 2 days and i do not have any troubles beating this king. Using a red eyes deck with the claw of hermos.
Auto-Duel won 21 out of 22 games with this.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I get "413 Request Entity Too Large" when I try to post it so here it is in words instead:

Monsters (9)
D-Hero Decider (x3)
D-Hero Celestial (x2)
D-Hero Drilldark (x2)
Vylon Prism (x2)

Spells (5)
Mask Change (x3)
Concentrating Current (x2)

Traps (6)
Dimensional Prison (x2)
Wall of Disruption (x2)
Widespread Ruin (x2)

Extra Deck (6)
M-HERO Anki (x3)
Red Dragon Archfiend (x2)
Stardust Dragon
Buuuuuuuuuuuuuster blader!!
His deck is really annoying to fight against so far I only win using my six sams raid duel deck. The standard one doesn't work for me because bricky for me
His Soul of the King Deck

Effect monsters:
2x Twin-Sword Marauder
3x Vice Dragon
3x Wandering King Wildwind
3x Dark Resonator
3x Flare Resonator

1x Red Dragon Vase
1x Scarlet Security

2x Fiendish Chain
2x Powerful Rebirth

Extra Deck:
1x Chaos King Archfiend
3x Red Dragon Archfiend
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
thank you!
The fight against Jack is rigged. The AIs first turn has him summon a monster and a Tuner to get Red Dragon Archfiend on literally his first turn.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It's not rigged. This only happens sometimes.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
yeah most of the time for me he summons wildwind and flare resonator and doesn't synchro at all for some reason
Anyone know how to neutralize his Fiendish Chain? Every time I’m about to win he uses both FCs and then summons 2 Red Dragon Archfiends, and then I lose. Freaking hate those Trap cards.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Use non-targetable monster or S/T removal.

For me, I'm using Blackwing deck against him and hardly have any issue with against his Fiendish chain.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I used magician girls deck with quintet magician, have not lost a match so far.

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484-650-984 will battle you with random DM/DSOD decks
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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