
Five-Headed Dragon | Deck and Rulings

This page notes details of Five-Headed Dragon (DARK/Dragon/Fusion Monster/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 09/10/2016

Five-Headed Dragon

Five-Headed Dragon
Monster TypeDragon
Card typeFusion / Effect
Card Effect TypeSummoning condition / Continuous Effect
Anti-supportsDARK / EARTH / WATER / FIRE / WIND


5 Dragon-Type monstersMust be Fusion Summoned, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. Cannot be destroyed by battle with a DARK, EARTH, WATER, FIRE, or WIND monster.

How to get / rarity

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Level-up reward--
Victory against--
Card trader--




  • Very high stats.
  • It cannot be destroyed by DARK, EARTH, WATER, FIRE, or WIND monster.


  • It can only be Special Summoned by Fusion Summon at it requires 5 Dragon-Type monsters which is very costly and hard to pull off.
  • Still susceptible to card effects despite of its summoning condition.


Since using Polymerization and 5 Dragon-type monsters can often be not worth it, you can use Dragon's Mirror to make it more viable. You can use any Dragon monsters and when they get sent to the graveyard, use them as the fusion materials for Five-Headed Dragon.

Putting 5 Dragon-type monsters can be pretty slow, but you can make it run much faster by milling yourself with these cards. Magical Merchant can let you fusion summon into Five-Headed Dragon within the first few turns if you get lucky. The same with That Grass Looks Greener, but it can send the spell card to the graveyard. Cards of the Red Stone can be a good and safer approach since you can bring both Red-Eyes B. Dragon and Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon for a total of 6 Red-Eyes monsters.




Summoning categoriesNomi / 5 Fusion Materials
Attack categoriesCannot be destroyed by battle


Hot New Top
An amazon deck floodgated this card but couldn’t do jack πŸ”₯ bc they have to attack into it to banish but didn’t have enough lp lol
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Until they got Swordswoman in, anyway.

Then you're the dead one.
Robin Lionheart
Could this be summoned by Future Fusion?
<< Anonymous(Robin Lionheart)
Anonymous Reply
yup buddy
Konami please release dragon mirror from card trader not chazz skill!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
this is gamea. konami probably doesn't even know this site exists
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Konami probably does but doesn’t give a πŸ”₯ about gamea
I found several online generators but because of regional reasons (AGAIN) i couldnt pass the human berification because the OFFER IS NOT AVAILABLE ON MY REGION....i was hoping one of you would help me...if you can go to and ise my username Starscream** and generate some gems for me i would be ever so glad
<< Anonymous(SratScream**)
Anonymous Reply
again. pls just go die
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Game end yourself
Please anyone i play yu gi oh duel links and for some regional reasons i cant use real cash to buy cards....farming gems is toooo boring and its all about dueling and fun
<< Anonymous(MoeFoka)
JokePolice Reply
And your making jokes nobody cares for
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
third-world duelist LOL

that made me laugh harder than i expected
<< Anonymous(StarScream**)
Anonymous Reply
go die
bring Yubel into the game
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
She is in the game.

<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
yubel can suck my cake
Superior Than You
Lifeless πŸ”₯ers playing this pathetic card games. πŸ”₯ yourselves for the sake of humanity
<< Anonymous(Poops Superiors)
Anonymous Reply
As if jesus even exist who the πŸ”₯ cares. Your the only pathetic one here hating on what people love. Pretty sure the bible doesn't say to hate on something they love. You dumbass
<< Anonymous(Superior Than You)
Anonymous Reply
Get a life faggt. Naming yourself superior is extremely pathetic
<< Anonymous(Superior Than You)
Anonymous Reply
> still falling for this kind of troll in 2018
<< Anonymous(Superior Than You)
ThatRandomDuelist. Reply
OP, could explain me how playing a card game is more pathetic than collecting foodstamps and post cards? You sure seem like the baddest boi on parties... Moronic idiot lmao.
The sadness of your opponent when you use enemy controller after they summon it and you tribute yours to control this card. Then, boom!
In case someone says something stupid about summoming this, you CANNOT use Fusion Subs to summon this thing. Fusion subs only work if the Fusion Monster states a specific card name. This card states "5 Dragon type Monsters" which means it can be any 5 dragons. You can fusion summon this using 3 Poki Draco and 2 Totem Dragons if need be.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
try this "Warrior Tuner" warrior normal level 3 plus "Amulet of Ambition". it can πŸ”₯ all level monsters provided no effects included just battle damage.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Except Tune Warrior isn't LIGHT, so all you'll accomplish there is inflicting 1100 Battle Damage.

Either way, you could easily just destroy Five-Headed Dragon with a card effect anyway. It's not like it's immune to things like Widespread Ruin or Super Rush.
I use this in my armed dragon/cyberdark decks with chazzs it has a high win rate when I manage to use grass looks greener
Extra deck:5 headed dragon
Deck:fill deck with dragon type monsters and polymerization
Skill:draw sense:spell/trap card

Start game with 4 dragons in hand
Don't play anything until you have 5
When you've lost enough life points activate skill
You are guaranteed to get polymerization as that is the only spell u have
Play 5 headed dragon
<< Anonymous(Anon)
Anonymous Reply
unless your opponent has enemy controller in his hand, and takes control of your dragon and beats you with it.
<< Anonymous(Anon)
Anonymous Reply
or they use Widespread Ruin
or they use Floodgate Trap Hole and your dragon is now stuck forever
or they use literally any backrow in the game to πŸ”₯ your monster.
<< Anonymous(Anon)
Anonymous Reply
This dude only play yugioh on early 2000
sorry its StarScream**
Supposing anyone would want to help

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