
Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon | Deck and Rulings

This page notes details of Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon (DARK/Machine/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 28/03/2017

Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon

Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon
Monster TypeMachine
Card typeEffect
Card Effect TypeSummoning condition


Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your Deck) by Tributing "Red-Eyes B. Dragon" equipped with "Metalmorph".

How to get / Rarity

Level-up reward--
Victory againstJoey Wheeler [R]
Card trader--


You need Red-Eyes B.Dragon and a specific trap card to summon this monster, but doesn't have attractive stats.


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ActionsTributes for cost
Summoning categoriesCannot Normal Summon / Cannot Set / Semi-Nomi / Special Summons itself from your Deck

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Mistyc Goku
To summon this card: Equip Metalmorph to your REBD, tap on deck, tap on Special Summon, done! You're welcome.
<< Anonymous(Mistyc Goku)
Anonymous Reply
Thank you!! I wondered why it wouldn't activate
<< Anonymous(Mistyc Goku)
Anonymous Reply
I did exactly like you said, but the only option that showed up was surrender when i tapped on the deck, why??
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This monster has to still be in the deck and not in your hand.
<< Anonymous(Mistyc Goku)
Lowratedduelist69 Reply
Instructions unclear. Clicked surrender instead.
So, everything there is to say about this card also applies to Metalzoa, since it's the same thing. This has got to be up there as one of the most pointless boss monsters ever. For one, it locks your character to Bandit Keith, as you need his Switcheroo skill in case you draw this card prematurely. So, let me get this straight, I need to summon Red-Eyes, equip it with a specific trap, pray my opponent doesn't use Twister, (an investment of 3 cards and 1 turn minimum,) in order to summon a beater with barely better ATK and DEF but no effect? Why would anyone in their right mind even consider it? Oh, if I also have another specific trap, Rare Metalmorph, I can put it on this card? Well, that begs the question, why are you playing a vanilla Dragon in a Machine deck in the first place? Red-Eyes already has stronger beaters in-game that take less effort; they're called Meteor B. Dragon and B. Skull Dragon.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Technically all three of those increase consistency anyway. At the cost of card advantage, which is arguably more important. But if I really wanted to use REBMD, I'd probably use Mallet or Trader. Gets you to your Metalmorph sooner, and puts REBMD back in the Deck. Seems like a win-win.

Though, I wouldn't use REBMD/Metalzoa when I could just play a better Machine like Reactor Dragon anyway.
<< Anonymous(Bryce)
Anonymous Reply
Basically, those two cards are from the Duelist Kingdom arc, a time in the game where rules of the game were... Still really bogus, to say the least. Monsters effects were designed rather poorly. Maybe at the time, the whole MM concept looked cool as F, but has obviously aged terribly.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Even the anime kinda acknowledged how worthless Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon was. Joey used Metalmorph on Red-Eyes in Waking the Dragons. Didn't Summon REBMD, just used the Metalmorph'd Red-Eyes.

Czar made decent use of Metalzoa in GX, Call of the Haunted'ing back Zoa after Summoning it.
<< Anonymous(Bryce)
Anonymous Reply
This card was one of the oldest, it was designed when original Yu Gi Oh manga (the one where Yami Yugi killed baddies all he want) came out.

While other old cards got banned for being too OverPowered (Raigeki, Harpie's Feather Duster, Change of Heart), this cards is unusable for being too useless.
Can you please add red eyes darkness metal dragon to this game it's an all time favorite in the region dueling world. I used to go on dueling network back in the day and made an amazing dragon deck with it. I know I'm not the only one who would agree that this dragon (red eyes darkness metal dragon) would be a welcome and sought after card. Please consider this addition.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They won't add it soon I think. They don't want to obliterate the meta, damn !
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Well, with the new errata, the card is fine for DL now.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It didn't get a new erratum afaik
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon did get an errata.

Both of its effects are now hard OPT.
We need red eyes darkness dragon, bring Atticus in already to the game please. It would be a perfect addition to a red eyes deck.
<< Anonymous
Hayden2000 Reply
Yeah come on lets get Atticus to the game right here right now
<< Anonymous(Hayden2000)
Anonymous Reply
no Atticus for u sir
I've found that REBD+MM+Trap reclamation is a great combo to get a REBMD×MM, which is OP AF. But is it possible to use REW to summon REBMD?
<< Anonymous(Krognaar )
Anonymous Reply
Yes, it is
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You can, but only after you summon by tributing REBD w/ MM, so it’s not worth
<< Anonymous(Krognaar )
Anonymous Reply
YEP! Deadly combo btw
I GOT 3 COPIES WITH 9999 gems
Well, the real worth of this card is that you can refresh a bad state from your rebd like, destroyed at the end of turn or something like that and it got a race change, I guess.
<< Anonymous
DaSwifta Reply
Wait, what? I don't understand what you're talking about. Could you please clarify?
<< Anonymous(DaSwifta)
Anonymous Reply
lol he means that for example... red eyes has been sent to the grave yard and you use the regretful rebirth trap card to re-summon the rebd but only last til the end phase then its gone.

So to prevent that effect from happening.. you can use red eyes black metal dragon to summon from tributing rebd + metalmorph for a new refresh monster and that's how you remove the effect of that trap card.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
IT's awesome, you can negate effects during main phase.
Kinda useless, it's an absolute brick if you have it in your hand, and you can't even summon it from the hand, waste of deck space.
Wish they'd replace with b eyes darkness metal dragon.
<< Anonymous
DaSwifta Reply
I hope they don't. That card would be way too good in this game.
<< Anonymous(DaSwifta)
Anonymous Reply
as are ca and bamboo and they are still here, I think if they are going to release him (which will probably happen because of atticus) they are going to limit him to 2 or even 1 per deck
Please Help Me King of Games Duel Links just click my name i get free wins ! ! !

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You can discard this card woth card of redstone
<< Anonymous
Edgar81539 Reply
Yeah but why the 🔥 would you do that? You can only special summon it from deck.
<< Anonymous
Bryce Reply
Actually, you can't. Cards of the Red Stone requires you to discard a lv 7 "Red-Eyes" monster as cost. REBMD is lv 8... so yet another reason to not use it.
Way of sumon this creture...please write all... I dont understand it. I have cards but...
<< Anonymous(darkcleric)
Passerby Reply
You need red eyes b. dragon on the field, equip it with metalmorph trap card. Now you can tribute the red eyes equipped with metalmorph to special summon red eyes b. metal dragon.

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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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