This page notes details of That Grass Looks Greener (Spell Card/Normal) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
If you have more cards in your Deck than your opponent does: Send cards from the top of your Deck to the Graveyard so you have the same number of cards in the Deck as your opponent.
Quickly mills your decks for more card advantage in your Graveyard.
You may also mill out important cards into your Graveyard.
This card is best used in a 30-cards Deck, because you are able to mill out 10 cards in conjunction with your opponent’s 20-cards Deck, which is the popular deck ratio currently.
You can also use Magical Merchant to further mill your Deck but you might need to limit your Spell/Trap cards in this case.
These monsters benefit from having more monsters in the Graveyard to be banished. Dark Necrofear can easily be summoned if you have milled out at least 3 DARK Fiend monsters. Tyranno Infinity gains massive ATK boost if you have milled out a lot of Dinosaur-type monsters and banish them from your Graveyard. Gaia Plate the Earth Giant can easily be Special Summoned and maintained with a substantial amount of Rock monsters being milled out. Prometheus, King of the Shadows can proceed to banish any number of DARK monsters from your Graveyard to greatly enhance its ATK until your end phase. Chaos Necromancer ATK greatly increases with the number of monsters in your Graveyard.
Powerful Rebirth brings back important monsters from your Graveyard to the Field. Anti-Magic Arrows prevents your opponents from disrupting your attacks by flipping their face-down Spell/Traps.
Could be used to mill Spellbook cards to your graveyard and fuel the effect of Spellbook of Fate. Spellbook of the Master also greatly benefits giving you an assortment of Spellbooks in the graveyard whose effects you can copy. Could Fulfill the activation condition of Spellbook Library of the Heliosphere by loading your graveyard with Spellbooks.
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