
That Grass Looks Greener | Decks and Rulings

This page notes details of That Grass Looks Greener (Spell Card/Normal) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 04/04/2020

That Grass Looks Greener

That Grass Looks Greener
TypeSpell Card
Card Effect TypeCard effect


If you have more cards in your Deck than your opponent does: Send cards from the top of your Deck to the Graveyard so you have the same number of cards in the Deck as your opponent.

How to get

Level-up reward--
Victory against--
Card trader
(Trader item)
  • SR Jewel x6
  • Stone of Spell x40
  • 40,000 Gold




  • Quickly mills your decks for more card advantage in your Graveyard.


  • You may also mill out important cards into your Graveyard.


  • This card is best used in a 30-cards Deck, because you are able to mill out 10 cards in conjunction with your opponent’s 20-cards Deck, which is the popular deck ratio currently.
  • You can also use Magical Merchant to further mill your Deck but you might need to limit your Spell/Trap cards in this case.

Recommended Monsters

These monsters benefit from having more monsters in the Graveyard to be banished. Dark Necrofear can easily be summoned if you have milled out at least 3 DARK Fiend monsters. Tyranno Infinity gains massive ATK boost if you have milled out a lot of Dinosaur-type monsters and banish them from your Graveyard. Gaia Plate the Earth Giant can easily be Special Summoned and maintained with a substantial amount of Rock monsters being milled out. Prometheus, King of the Shadows can proceed to banish any number of DARK monsters from your Graveyard to greatly enhance its ATK until your end phase. Chaos Necromancer ATK greatly increases with the number of monsters in your Graveyard.

Support Cards

Powerful Rebirth brings back important monsters from your Graveyard to the Field. Anti-Magic Arrows prevents your opponents from disrupting your attacks by flipping their face-down Spell/Traps.


Could be used to mill Spellbook cards to your graveyard and fuel the effect of Spellbook of Fate. Spellbook of the Master also greatly benefits giving you an assortment of Spellbooks in the graveyard whose effects you can copy. Could Fulfill the activation condition of Spellbook Library of the Heliosphere by loading your graveyard with Spellbooks.


Loading your graveyard with Spellbooks also fulfills the requirements of Fool of Prophecy and Reaper of Prophecy to activate their effects.

Useful Skills

[Skill] descriptionUser
Can be used only once after starting hands are dealt. Reveal and redraw your starting hand.
Seto Kaiba
Seto Kaiba




ActionsSends from your deck to your graveyard


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any idea for this card?
<< Anonymous
pussymaster Reply
legendary knight deck duel links
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Obviously Triamids with block dragon and block golem.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Gem Knight FTK (still possible btw)
never gets old.
Snyffus totally rocks in this one
Would this trigger Yubels effect? From the deck to grave.

<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No, Yubel has to be destroyed by a card effect, not just sent to the grave
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Thank you, i read her effect and was gonna delete my question haha but thanks!
Getting this card in your first turn while playing magnets is absolutely lethal.
Trainer Oak
I need this card for my magnet warrior deck
<< Anonymous(Trainer Oak)
Jeanpitre Reply
I played a magnet deck today and realized Beserkion's effect can be activated an infinite amount of times as long as there are warriors in the graveyard, making it nearly impossible to counter in duel links. This might be the best card for a magnet warrior deck
<< Anonymous(Jeanpitre)
Anonymous Reply
Damn right, the only times Magnet Warriors EVER saw competitive success in the TCG was when Grass was legal. It fits right at home in the deck
I can see the situation of the restriction on the card. But I just don't the use of those kinds of decks.
Prepare for Laval deck with this
Lol this card banned from tcg
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Why banned tho? Is it because some deck can abuse it?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Just komoney being komoney, hitting something that has absolutely nothing to do with the meta
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
On the other hand, Komoney also hits Master Peace and Pendulum Magician decks, and even banned Amaryllis before we even get Aromaseraphy Jasmine, balances out, I guess?
<< Anonymous
goodiesohhi Reply
creates too much advantage for being a sack. Back when it was at 3, some guy in tournament literally won because he topdecked it when he was about to lose.
It was decided that it created too much advantage for no cost.
Actually a stupid mill card, you need to dramatically decrease your chance of starting with it to make it worthwhile, and you can’t use it with other mill cards or it’s dead when you draw it
<< Anonymous
goodiesohhi Reply
Thats why we banned it in the tcg....
Its good. Its searchable in tcg, creates too much advantage. In duel links, we have 🔥 like restart so...
Is this card still a card that you can get somewhere? it says trader but...yeah I dont really see it
<< Anonymous(Malice)
Anonymous Reply
I think this card is still part of the rotating inventory, meaning it appears randomly.
Amazing mill card for daro necrofear and crystal beast decks
<< Anonymous(Tyler)
Anonymous Reply
No 🔥 Sherlock
<< Anonymous(Tyler)
Anonymous Reply
Out of all the archetypes you could have named that needs GY setup, you chose necrofear and CB. At least say spellbooks or Vampires or maybe even Magnets.
<< Anonymous(Tyler)
Anonymous Reply
Oh you again? You absolute brainlet.
Thiz card suck in duel link great in tcg
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
.....are you really that bad as a duelist? This card is just as good in DL

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