
Union Attack to farm Pegasus: deck recipe

Deck to get high score against Pegasus Lvl 40.
update 02/02/2017
Note: This deck does not guarantee 100% win. If you have a good idea to farm Pegasus, kindly share with us. Thanks!

Deck overview

Obtainable score8,000 - 9,000
Popular skillNo skill is required
Essential cards
  • Union Attack
  • Dream Clown


  • Good for achieving high score assessments
  • Very safe and defensive deck


  • Not drawing into your defensive cards may lose you the game

Example deck

Garma SwordSphere KuribohGuardian StatueGuardian StatueGuardian StatueCrass Clown
Gravekeeper's VassalDream ClownDream ClownDream ClownBlade RabbitBlade Rabbit
Fusion GateUnion AttackGarma Sword OathWild TornadoDesert SunlightWindstorm of Etaqua
Curse of AnubisSpell Reclamation------Bickuribox

Set skill

This deck is built to get high score against Pegasus Lvl 40 without skill. That means any character can use this deck to aim to drop skills.

How to use this deck

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Had to upload to comp and make smaller.
<< Anonymous(Qpid)
Anonymous Reply
Save ritual/fusion for last turn. Dont die to cannon soldier
<< Anonymous(Qpid)
Anonymous Reply
He has no way to stop attacks. If he sets a card its copcat.
<< Anonymous(Qpid)
Anonymous Reply
How do you attack at the last turn if you don't use secret pass to treasures?
<< Anonymous(Gob)
asdfghjkl Reply
Because no monsters will be at the field in your last turn. Even if there was any, you could easily damage over 9,999.
DO NOT make this deck. Do not waste 3k gems and $5 like I did. The toon monsters attack directly and take you out before you can even do anything this deck indents to do. Three games in a row I was taken out by turn four. You are 100% better off throwing the highest attack monsters you have in a pile than using this deck or any similar deck.
<< Anonymous(Scipio)
Also Scipio Reply
I randomly mixed 3 decks I had and made something that works much better than this deck. If I can't figure out how to add a deck to this site (if I even can) I will just do the old 1x blank in the replies to this.
<< Anonymous(Also Scipio)
Scipio Reply
Alright, can't figure it out. Here goes.

3x Thunder Dragon
3x Blue Dragon Summoner
2x Kaibaman
1x Kuriboh (sphere is recommended)
1x Blue-Eyes White Dragon
1x Magician of Black Chaos
<< Anonymous(Scipio)
Scipio Reply
3x De-Spell (or equivalent)
2x Polymerization
1x Fusion Sage
1x Black Magic Ritual
<< Anonymous(Scipio)
Scipio Reply
Extra Deck:
1x Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon
This deck sucks a$s. 1. his toon table of contents ensure he will deck out faster than you. 2. If you go second without any defensive traps/kuriboh, you will lose.
Is there a 100% succes rate deck to farm this?
Epic Dude
Hey guys, the deck profile for this deck is different on the main "farm lv 40" page than it is here - which one would you guys say is better?
<< Anonymous(Epic Dude)
Anonymous Reply
The only difference is 2 Rabbits or 2 Spell Reclamation. You could try both and see which one you like better.
How do you use this deck :(
<< Anonymous
asdfghjkl Reply
Here you go:
Quick question. I'm trying to farm skill drops. Already at 5 mil, and he has not dropped a single skill. Is it even possible for him to drop? Should I start farming level 30 instead?
<< Anonymous(EdwardSA)
Anonymous Reply
No, lvl 30 gives 🔥ty rewards. Pegasus rarely drop skills. I've experienced that he gives me 2 useless LP skills.
Says file is too large. 9300 with my deck. 3 statues. 6 clowns. Vassal. 2 union attacks. Lvl 7 ritual/spell (lvl 7 is a must.) fusion gate.(he can't 🔥 it. Wont clog hand) 2 wild tornados. Kuribo. Equest and curse of anubis. Skill doesn't matter.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I was able to post the deck/reward above this.
Somente eu estou com problemas no último ataque? Faço todo farm da forma correta, porém ao atacar os LP do Pegasus não causa dano. Faz toda animação porém não causa dano algum. Com isso preciso finalizar meu turno e perco o duelo por deck out. Ja gastei quase 500 estrelas e apenas agora cheguei nos 1.500.000 pontos devido a este erro.
<< Anonymous(Shawn)
LyoxZ Reply
Simples, você provgavelmente não está usando o Vassalo do coveiro. o Ataque unido só funciona nele. pois ataque unido aumenta ataque porém não causa dano de batalha e o vassalo tem o efeito de qualquer dano que ele for causar seja dano de efeito. você pega o vassalo upando a Ishizu
<< Anonymous(Shawn)
Shawn Reply
LyoxZ, vlws pela dica, porém tem ocorrido também com o Vassalo. Eu testei praticamente todos os decks aqui do site e, não sei se por erro meu, as vezes acusa o dano e as vezes não. Mas vou fazer isso, usar somente o Vassalo com o Ataque Unido para farmar e nenhum outro mais, e assim eu confirmo que estava mesmo fazendo errado ou seria bug.

Vlws pela dica!
Been using big koala fusion + piranha + gift of the martyr with bandit Keith switcheroo for early 10k damage. Around 6k duel assessment and faster than waiting for the last card. Can get it by turn 4 a lot of times.
What's the ritual monster there for? Or better question is he only there for the 400 points? Does it matter which ritual monster you use? Would rather use relinquished or black luster. Other than that deck looks real solid.
<< Anonymous(Mid_Evil)
ANON Reply
yes its just for the points any lvl 7 or 8 can be used this is how my last turn goes every game: 2 set guardians 1 clown in attak use the 2 guardians to summon ritual then fusion the clowns 1 on field and 1 in hand leaving one space for vassal so union reclame then union again

Dont forget to flip guardian on last turn to get rid of any monsters

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