
Digital Bug: deck recipe [Jan 17]

Duel Links Digital Bug deck, Digital Bug in the current meta, how to use.
update 17/01/2022

Required Card Boxes

Generation Next Valiant Souls Shining Hope Infinite Ray Antinomic Theory Chaotic Soldiers

Example Deck

Standard Version

Digital Bug WebsolderDigital Bug WebsolderDigital Bug WebsolderDigital Bug CentibitDigital Bug CentibitDigital Bug Centibit
Digital Bug CocoondenserDigital Bug CocoondenserDigital Bug CocoondenserDigital Bug LEDybugMonster RebornMystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space TyphoonMystical Space TyphoonBook of MoonFiendish ChainFiendish ChainFloodgate Trap Hole
Paleozoic CanadiaPaleozoic CanadiaCurse of Anubis---
Gaia Dragon, the Thunder ChargerDigital Bug RhinosebusDigital Bug CorebageDigital Bug CorebageDigital Bug ScaradiatorDigital Bug Scaradiator
Digital Bug Scaradiator-----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Destiny Draw
Can be used when your Life Points decrease by 2000. In the Draw Phase, instead of conducting your normal draw, draw a card of your choice. This Skill can only be used one per Duel.
Yami Yugi
Yami Yugi

How to Play

Digital Bug Monsters

Digital Bug monsters' first effects are all used to gain resources, mostly Special Summoning the monsters to your field to for Xyz summoning.

The second effects activate when they are used as Xyz material. But since currently your Main Deck monsters can only directly make Scaradiator, it's only possible to give these effects to Scaradiator.

Digital Bug Websolder
Digital Bug Websolder
LIGHT Insect ★3
ATK 500 / DEF 1500
Infinite Ray [R]
Cannot be used as an Xyz Material for an Xyz Summon, except for the Xyz Summon of an Insect-Type monster. Once per turn: You can target 1 face-up Attack Position monster you control; change it to Defense Position, and if you do, Special Summon 1 Level 3 Insect-Type monster from your hand in Defense Position. An Xyz Monster that was Summoned using this card on the field as Xyz Material gains this effect.
● If it is Xyz Summoned: The DEF of all face-up monsters your opponent controls become 0, also change them to Defense Position.

Websolder's first effect is inferior to your other Digital Bug monsters because Special Summoning from the hand is much less efficient than Special Summoning from the graveyard or deck.

Its second effect however, easily makes it worth running.

Digital Bug Centibit
Digital Bug Centibit
LIGHT Insect ★3
ATK 1500 / DEF 500
Infinite Ray [N]
Cannot be used as an Xyz Material for an Xyz Summon, except for the Xyz Summon of an Insect-Type monster. Once per turn, when this face-up card is changed from Attack Position to Defense Position: You can Special Summon 1 Level 3 Insect-Type monster from your Deck in Defense Position. An Xyz Monster that was Summoned using this card on the field as Xyz Material gains this effect.
● This card can attack all Defense Position monsters your opponent controls once each.

Centibit is the best Digital Bug monster early game. Normal Summon Centibit then Special Summon Websolder from the Deck, use both monsters to make Scaradiator. The summoned Scaradiator will then be able to destroy all your opponent's monsters.

Digital Bug Cocoondenser
Digital Bug Cocoondenser
LIGHT Insect ★3
ATK 0 / DEF 2000
Infinite Ray [N]
Cannot be used as an Xyz Material for an Xyz Summon, except for the Xyz Summon of an Insect-Type monster. Once per turn, if this card is in Attack Position: You can target 1 Level 3 Insect-Type monster in your Graveyard; change this card to Defense Position, and if you do, Special Summon that monster in Defense Position. An Xyz Monster that was Summoned using this card on the field as Xyz Material gains this effect.
● If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, your opponent's cards and effects cannot be activated until the end of the Damage Step.

The first effect revives a Digital Bug monster which is useful for recycling monsters you only have a single copy of such as Websolder and LEDybug.

When used as material, Cocoondenser gives the Xyz monster an Armades-like effect while attacking defense position monsters. The deck has a ton of ways to put enemy monsters in defense position so this effect can keep you relatively safe.

Digital Bug LEDybug
Digital Bug LEDybug
LIGHT Insect ★3
ATK 500 / DEF 0
Infinite Ray [N]
Cannot be used as an Xyz Material for an Xyz Summon, except for the Xyz Summon of an Insect monster. Once per turn, when this face-up card is changed from Attack Position to Defense Position: You can add 1 Level 3 Insect monster from your Deck to your hand. An Xyz Monster that was Summoned using this card on the field as Xyz Material gains this effect.
● When this card destroys a monster by battle, draw 1 card.

Unlike other Digital Bug monsters, LEDybug cannot trigger its own first effect. You'll need to switch it to defense position with Websolder, Curse of Anubis, or manually.

The second effect is great for gaining resources especially when paired with Centibit and Websolder or Curse of Anubis.

Book of Moon

Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Quick Spell
Selection Box Vol.04 [UR]
Target 1 face-up monster on the field; change that target to face-down Defense Position.

Curse of Anubis

Curse of Anubis
Curse of Anubis
Normal Trap
Odion [R]
Change all Effect Monsters on the field to Defense Position. Until the end of this turn, the original DEF of those monsters becomes 0, also their battle positions cannot be changed.

Preemptive use of Curse of Anubis before you summon your Xyz monster is useful when you use Centibit or Cocoondenser as material without Websolder.

Extra Deck

Digital Bug Scaradiator
Digital Bug Scaradiator
LIGHT Insect ★3
ATK 1800 / DEF 1400
Infinite Ray [R]
2 or more Level 3 LIGHT Insect-Type monsters
Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can detach 2 Xyz Materials from this card, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; change its battle position, and if you do, it has its effects negated until the end of this turn. Once per turn, when this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard: You can attach that destroyed monster to this card as Xyz Material.

Scaradiator will be the one receiving the effects from your Digital Bug materials so it is sometimes better to not "evolve" him. Scaradiator's first effect works well with Cocoondenser's second effect. It also has an inherent way of gaining Xyz materials which also prevents your opponent from recycling the destroyed monster.

Digital Bug Corebage
Digital Bug Corebage
LIGHT Insect ★5
ATK 2200 / DEF 1800
Infinite Ray [R]
2 or more Level 5 LIGHT Insect-Type monsters
You can also Xyz Summon this card by detaching 2 Xyz Materials from a Rank 3 or 4 Insect-Type Xyz Monster you control, then using that Xyz Monster as the Xyz Material. (Xyz Materials attached to that monster also become Xyz Materials on this card.) Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 Defense Position monster your opponent controls; shuffle it into the Deck. Once per turn, if the battle position of a monster(s) on the field is changed (except during the Damage Step): You can attach 1 Insect-Type monster from your Graveyard to this card as Xyz Material.

You can summon Corebage by detaching 2 materials from Scaradiator. Corbage has a powerful removal effect that can only target defense position monsters. It also has an inherent way of replenshing Xyz materials.

Digital Bug Rhinosebus
Digital Bug Rhinosebus
LIGHT Insect ★7
ATK 2600 / DEF 2200
Infinite Ray [R]
2 or more Level 7 LIGHT Insect-Type monsters
You can also Xyz Summon this card by detaching 2 Xyz Materials from a Rank 5 or 6 Insect-Type Xyz Monster you control, then using that Xyz Monster as the Xyz Material. (Xyz Materials attached to that monster also become Xyz Materials on this card.) If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent. Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; destroy the face-up monster(s) your opponent controls with the highest DEF (all, if tied).

Rhinosebus can be summoned by removing 2 materials from Corebage. The piercing effect is good for pushing damage since you'll be putting enemy monsters in defense position a lot. Rhinosebus' mass removal effect can be used to destroy all enemy monsters when combo-ed with Websolder or Curse of Anubis.

Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger
Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger
WIND Dragon ★7
ATK 2600 / DEF 2100
Infinite Ray [SR]
2 Level 7 monsters
You can also Xyz Summon this card by using a Rank 5 or 6 Xyz Monster you control as the Xyz Material. (Xyz Materials attached to that monster also become Xyz Materials on this card.) If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent.

Gaia Dragon actually works really well in this deck because of his piercing effect and his ATK is equivalent to the Digital Bug boss monster's. For these reasons you may want to opt for Gaia Dragon if Corebage doesn't have materials and you only need to push damage.

Other Useful Cards


LIGHT Insect ★3
ATK 800 / DEF 800
Shining Hope [N]
An Xyz Monster that was Summoned using this card on the field as Xyz Material gains this effect.
● If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent.

Jade Insect Whistle

[Skill] descriptionUser
Parasite Infestation
After starting hands are dealt, 1 or 2 "Parasite Paracide" cards are added to your opponent's deck face up. This Skill can only activate if you begin the Duel with a Deck that has 4 or more Insect-Type monsters with different names.
Weevil Underwood
Weevil Underwood
Jade Insect Whistle
Jade Insect Whistle
Normal Spell
Standard duelists [N]
Your opponent selects 1 Insect-Type Monster from their Deck. After shuffling the Deck, place the card on top of the Deck.

Puts Parasite Paracide at the top of the opponent's deck for guaranteed burn damage during their next turn and wasting their draw. However, you should never use this in a mirror match because it effectively gives the opponent a free search.

Bug Signal

Bug Signal
Bug Signal
Quick Spell
Infinite Ray [N]
Target 1 Insect Xyz Monster you control; Special Summon from your Extra Deck, 1 Insect monster that is 2 Ranks higher or lower than that monster you control, by using it as the Xyz Material. (This Special Summon is treated as an Xyz Summon. Xyz Materials attached to that target also become Xyz Materials on the Summoned monster.) You can only activate 1 "Bug Signal" per turn.

Change to Defense

Windstorm of Etaqua
Windstorm of Etaqua
Normal Trap
Mai Valentine [R]
Change the battle positions of all face-up monsters your opponent controls.

Windstorm of Etaqua is able to change all enemy monsters to defense position. This is used for defense and because Digital Bug monsters excel at fighting defense position monsters.

[January 2021] KOG Notes


Digital BugContatoreDigital Bug Contatore2
IGN: Contatore, Skill: Destiny Draw, Date Submitted: Jan 31

Note by Contatore:

Most valuable card of the deck is Scaradiator, when you start first it's good to just summon it if possible and wait. It's great thanks to the acquired effects of the materials used, while his natural effects prevent opponents' strategies from working by negating monster effects and absorbing destroyed monsters after sending them to the graveyard.

There is a moderate chance of not finding the combination of cards you need at the beginning of the duel, so Destiny Draw is a necessary ability, I used it almost all duels. Thanks to it I was able to keep only 1 Bug Signal (a card that raises your chances of bricking the more of it you have in your deck) while still being able to use it quite often to otk my opponents.

Among all decks in the current meta Noble Knights has been the most threatful to Digital Bugs, so I started using two Canadia to improve my chances of beating them, with discreet success.
Curse of Anubis works well for both defending from attacks and activating the effects of Centibit and LEDybug, and since Digital Bugs are vulnerable to field removals or cards that switch face-down, Cosmic Cyclone and Forbidden Lance are a must.

I also tried to combine the deck with Neos Fusion to send a monster to the graveyard for Cocoondenser, and Masked Chameleon with multiple LEDybugs to special summon Michael the Arch-Lightsworn, both strategies are usable however I wasn't always lucky enough to draw the correct strategy at the right time and ended up giving up on them to climb legendary ranks. I recommend using a pure Digital Bug deck as it has helped me winning multiple duels in a row more easily to finally reach King of Game.


Hot New Top
The new xyz from the event enabled, new ways to play this deck you are not forced to used lv3 light insects.
<< Anonymous(Dave)
Anonymous Reply
Which one?
Don't worry guys, this deck is not that strong even if Resistrider came. Karma cut is the solution or backrow removal like cosmic, galaxy, trunade because they usually rely on their trap and quick-play which can special summon from GY or extra deck (rank-up). Also wait til link monster came to this game.
<< Anonymous(Candend)
Cannotdstart Reply
It is not strong even if it can bring you to Dlv MAX
I'm Poor
NOT including the UR and SR rarity cards, and only talking about the R and N rarity cards, how many gems do I need to build this deck? (With average luck)
<< Anonymous(I'm Poor)
Anonymous Reply
R and N card from a mainbox, well.. if you're lucky it could be on first 20 box, if unlucky could be in last 50 packs
<< Anonymous(I'm Poor)
not KoG Reply
Infinity Ray about 2000 Gems in my try.

I put Earthquake and Number 20 XYZ.

Hey Trunade! is a must though.
<< Anonymous
Not KoG Reply
Konami rigged to give the R cards first, so most likely I get trios of rare cards after 1500 Gems.

I put 2000 Gems as an estimate given this is a big box.
I still don’t even know what this deck does. My opponent always scoops whenever they play this deck when all I did was T-set.
<< Anonymous
not KoG Reply
It has a Mind of the Plana skill creature. Prevents GY triggers but easily countered.

NECROVALLEY does not affect Digital bugs is a plus.
<< Anonymous(not KoG)
Anonymous Reply
This deck is equally powerful as Kabuterimon was in digimon. Not at all.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Kabuterimon was the MVP in the whole Anime. Best Digimon ever.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
He defeated Andromon who was able to go toe to toe against Piedmon for a few second.

With some scaling people could say that Kabuterimon was a powerful champion.
Bud Emergency... "You need?"
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
yes I would like some bud
this deck might benefit from galaxy photon to search out photon lead. We have lvl 3 photons and can continue the combo with giga brilliant instead of corbage.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Don't you need to use specifically insect type monsters to summon the xyz cards?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Don't u see that he said giga brilliant which is generic
Quick effect cards are mostly broken and deserve a nerf.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
broken? lol no, wait until DL get Resistrider at 3 copies before saying this deck is broken
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
^its effects deserve SR or UR rarity
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No they will never give you Resistrider.
<< Anonymous
broke 🔥 Reply
this is the purest f2p deck ever made - why would you sully it by making the best card UR/SR? Resistrider is good, but Digital Bugs have the weaknesses to compensate
Is Lair Wire (banish an Insect from your GY to destroy monster on opponent's field) worth adding to this deck?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They already have a lot of built-in monster removal, you should just focus on backrow removal or protection instead.
🔥ing bugs
I was finally being able to reach kog with digital bugs, I kept going up and down between legendary 3 and legendary 5 all season but at least it was the most fun deck I've used in a long time.
Totally recommend it.
If Resistrider comes soon it could easily become tiered.
Is Bad Aim really a better option than more cards that change monsters positions like Earthquake, Security Orb etc?
Losing to bugs is a shame. Losing to fake bugs is a humiliation.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Obviously Digital Bug powercreeps Analog Bug

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Comments (updated every hour)

045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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