
Lava Golem | Duel Links & Master Duel

This page notes details of Lava Golem (FIRE/Fiend/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links & Master Duel!
update 21/02/2022

Lava Golem

Lava Golem
Monster TypeFiend
Card typeEffect
Card Effect TypeSummoning condition / Condition / Trigger Effect


Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) to your opponent's side of the field by Tributing 2 monsters they control. You cannot Normal Summon/Set the turn you Special Summon this card. During each of your Standby Phases: Take 500 damage.

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ActionsTributes opponent's monsters
Summoning categoriesCannot be Normal Summoned / Cannot be Normal Set / Special Summon-only monster / Special Summons itself from your hand to your opponent's field / Prevents the player's Normal Summons / Prevents your Sets
LPDamages your opponent
MiscellaneousSpecial Summon Monster


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if sb thinks its legit to time stall a stall and burn player that is an idiot an its an utter trash.seriously i played against stall and burn and finished them quite easily just direct attacked with anki.they couldnt do shi t.99% dont run mithra so seriously why think that they deserved to be time stalled?i dont remember losing to stall burn deck with my masked hero deck(had decider) most of the time. stall and burn loses against broken decks(expereince) not like stall and burn(these decktypes are not broken like eg. shiranoobie with 🔥 br)(rb with burn is not a stall burn) so why complain and whine?people should address real broken decks and not whine (and be salty for nothing) like idiots about decks which they can lose to sometime and they cant otk them mostly.
Okay here are the reasons why it was idiot to do it.The whole list of counter is a reason itself along that lava golem was never an op card and you could beat stall burn decks 70-80% of the time.Rb with lava is not considered a burn deck
Trap:Divine wrath,ultimate providence,fiendish chain,ballista squad,raegeiki break,bad aim,
Spell:forbidden chalice,econ,certain effect negators or archetype cards.
Monsters:you can tribute or syncro lava
Blue eyes: syncro into vermillion or other
Blackwing:tribute lava for symoon
Karakuri:Tribute for kunazman
Invoked:fuse into purga
Neos:tribute lava for elemental hero neos
shiranoob:syncro into sunsaga
dm:tribute for dm
gouki:tribute for ryscorpio
gravekeeper:tribute it for a gk monster
dragunity:syncro into ascalon
vendread:riutal summon a monster with lava
As you see most decks have counters for it(and lots of decks i dont know may have too)these were the most popular ones.
Still they cut it in half like idiots
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It IS a minor inconvenience for an optimised meta deck at ALL times.

If there are times you can't recover properly from this then go buy a newer meta deck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
f**k you whale!

Not everyone has money like you
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
One, it's "optimized", not "optimised".

And two, I don't know what kind of "optimized meta deck" you play in your dream, but Legend and KOG (KCGP, even) have a lot of players in trouble after they got Lava Golem'd on the right time.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
^The fact about lava golem reside on your field make it harder to remove it. And even if player have something in their deck to remove it, they only had 3 turn to make to remove it.
Full power lava golem is just too much in 4K LP format.
well 500 damage is very small burn better change to 800 or keep it original 1000
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
why would they fix it then broke it again lul.
it interesting in duel links lava golem useful and annoying yet in tcg lava golem less a issue
How come you can’t use this card in a Synchro Summon? I was playing the vagabond and be special summoned it to my side of the field, I summoned Spectralsword and tried to synchro summon Sunsaga but it wasn’t an option
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Y when you guys can explain it for me
<< Anonymous
WoodFrJared Reply
Sunsaga Synchro Requirement: 1 Zombie-Type Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Zombie-Type monsters
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
yep, that's a shiranui player
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If you don't even bother reading your own card, you most likely won't bother reading our explanation anyway lol
This card’s errata cannot come soon enough. Tired of tributing this monster away only for my opponent to stall with more degenerate traps.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, the only F2P card that gives me a harder time than needed. Now my meta decks will be truly unmatched as they should always have been.

I enjoy giving a one-sided beating to F2P without giving them any chance to enjoy the game.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You still don't realize Lava Golem still takes two of your monsters away? XD

That's the part we enjoy the most when using Lava Golem on you, actually. The burn is just a bonus.
Okay so:lava golem belongs(and it should be used in stall decks) to stall and burn.but with effect cut in half its unusable in those decks.but broken otk decks can still use it.i even saw it in neos.i would say dont let them use it ban it instead if you are so idiot to ruin in its purpose.yeah i was playing lava golem too so you may be surprised saying that to ban it.but having the damage cut in half makes lava lose its purpose.dont let invoker and other 🔥 use lava not as intended.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
even saw it in non invoker neos.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Tl;dr version: If I can’t have lava golem, no one should.
They only nerf the damage so it only deal 1/8 damage just like the lava golem in TCG.
It is just fair as the burn deck only delaying, and with shadow game it became faster to reduce opponent LP. Not sure what you people thinking but burn deck aren't supposed to be that fast even with the Trickstar in TCG. Just accept it or leave for good
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Shadow Game probably should be nerfed too.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
fast?it takes 6-8 turn to burn u death i di o t .unlike otk de c k should leave bi tch not use.burn is fair.super otk not.
they should change the card ruling, cannot lay spells trap or monster on the turn you lay this card so this way they can’t screw you over on turn 2, they would have wait till next turn to summon it with there traps and magic cards,
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If you donate enough money to konami they might undo lava golems nerf you should try it out nothing to lose.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
why would anyone want lava golem nerf to be undone lol

in that case we'll not going to donate then

also, as the above anon said, it still works as monster removal. Your meta deck is still not going to like seeing Lava Golem. And then in the future there will be Kaijus too, I bet some of the Kaiju will be easy and cheap to obtain. And this time, there's no burn to nerf.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
konami: ok, buddy. are you forgot we can just change erata and that kaiju you just dump on them betray you instead
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
lol changing Kaiju's effects defeats the entire point of their design, so nope that's not going to happen.

With Lava Golem, they only halve the burn, but the playstyle with it remains the same. They didn't go against the card's entire point.
Lava golem -
Does anyone know, if you use the effect of a flip card (Hane hane or similar), is it going to return into your hand or the hand of the opponent?
<< Anonymous
Xeledur Reply
It will return to the owners hand.
<< Anonymous(Xeledur)
Anonymous Reply
Well. I'll ask differently. Who is the owner?
<< Anonymous
Xeledur Reply
Sorry, thought that was clear. You are the owner of all cards that belong to your (original) deck. You are the controller of cards that are on your side of the field. So, if your opponent summoned Lava Golem to your side of the field, you are the controller of Lava Golem (and get the damage :-). If Hane-Hane returns Lava Golem to hand, it will go back to your opponents hand.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
yep, "owner" is, well, the owner of the card.

"Controller" only refer to who has the card ON THE FIELD.
lava golem too op. -1 for the opponent and they lose 1000 health, that's 1/4 of their life.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Good news for OP. Komoney just announced that Lava Golem’s effect damage will be reduced by half.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You're kinda late to join the discussion
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Not really. This was news relevant to the thread just announced yesterday.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
well thankfully, it now becomes 1/8 of opponent's life XD
Deserved to be Duel Links first errata card. On good for degenerate stall decks.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
yeah sad that u have zero brain cell and u get this from it only.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Found the brain dead lava golem player. You can tell by their incoherent sentences.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Hey man you wrote it I just did a 100% accurate translation.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Not You. I’m referring to the initial three responses.

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