
Vampire Lord | Duel Links & Master Duel

This page notes details of Vampire Lord (DARK/Zombie/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links & Master Duel!
update 14/03/2022

Vampire Lord

Vampire Lord
Monster TypeZombie
Card typeEffect
Card Effect TypeTrigger Effect


When this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent: Declare 1 card type (Monster, Spell, or Trap); your opponent sends 1 card of that type from their Deck to the Graveyard. During your next Standby Phase after this card in your possession was destroyed and sent to your Graveyard by an opponent's card effect: Special Summon this card from the Graveyard.

How to Get (Duel Links)

PackCrimson Kingdom [UR]
Level-up reward--
Victory against--
Card trader--

How to Get (Master Duel)




  • Can make your opponent discard a card from their deck.
  • Special summons in your standby phase as long as it's destroyed by your opponent's card effect.


  • Needs to inflict damage to make your opponent discard a card.
  • Level 5 monster and low defense.
  • Can only be special summoned if it's destroyed by your opponent's card effect.

Deck (Duel Links)

Deck (Master Duel)



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with 48 packs left the remaining cards are 2 UR (vampire lord and dark paladin) and 2 SR (dark general freed and buster blader swordmaster)
should i reset or wait till i get vampire and paladin (are they worth it)
this is my first box so i don't have any copy of vampire lord or dark paladin
thanks for reading and hopefully answering
<< Anonymous
rob Reply
if you want to run red eyes zombies go for your wyverns and gozuki now, if you want some more fun/useful cards dark paladin is amazing for farming super Joey and other dragon users + vampire lord is a really cool card imo. I'd wait
My zombie deck so fun to use
<< Anonymous(KIDCOM1C)
Anonymous Reply
Fun indeed, good for you. *stare into wallet, cries in the corner
<< Anonymous(KIDCOM1C)
Anonymous Reply
Bruh, use Kaibas heavy starter, then it's even more fun and with the summoning animation! Also if you do, take out e-con, the three traps at the end and the 4 star zombie. Add a third red eyes zombie, 3 magical merchants, a monster reincarnation, and a standard red eyes - should be ridiculous!
<< Anonymous(KIDCOM1C)
Anonymous Reply
The buyers remourse will be real
Why is being a level 5 monster a con?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Because this card would be the best card available in Duel Links if it was lvl 1-4.
<< Anonymous
Josh Reply
Because every one's who hasn't played him trashes his stats he's one of the best control cards in the game pre 5ds
With the release of the Zombie support (Vampire Lord/Lady, Gozuki m.m.) Will it finally be worth it to get Goblin Zombie from Bakura?
<< Anonymous(Slowking)
DaSwifta Reply
It can search for Gozuki, aswell as Kyonshee so yes it would be worth it, but probably only once we get a character with Wasteland field spell as their skill. OR maybe that's not necessary in a Zombie deck. I don't know. But Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon is probably the preferred boss monster for Zombie decks cause it counters your opponents Zombie monsters and also has higher stats for the same cost
<< Anonymous(DaSwifta)
Slowking Reply
Fair argument. I'm still collecting the cards right now but I'm envisioning a deck using Bakuras Tether of Defeat and Vampire Lord to mill through the opponents deck and Red Eyes Zombie Dragon as a secondary boss monster. Of course with Gozuki and maybe Blood Sucker if he works.
<< Anonymous(Slowking)
Anonymous Reply
Do it. I'm running the same type of deck, and with only one copy each of vamp Lord and gozuki and other monsters of my choice. A competitive version of the deck would be somethin to reckon with. I'd suggest using it with warm worm
Why is it i can never get the animation for him
<< Anonymous
Use with seto
Dayyum i can remember when i bought vampire deck and this card was in, like 12 years ago
<< Anonymous
thehaxfactory Reply
Vampire Lord shutting down Order to Charge is huge for the game though because Order to Charge is a huge part of the Harpie match up and it's why it's so hard to keep a lead over Harpies as long as they have resources. Vampire Lord might shift the meta away from normal monsters a bit.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Well there isnt left any hhg meta right now. Its all about paradox brothers against paradox brothers even a good harpies deck is useless against a good dark magican paradox brothers deck
<< Anonymous
DaSwifta Reply
Actually, Harpies are (though they are less played) still a large part of the meta, and eventually Paradox bros will be nerfed, so Harpies are still good and it's probably good that konami adds cards to shut them down a bit.
<< Anonymous(DaSwifta)
Anonymous Reply
It's 3sd and rebd meta right now. Hhg is still good but not top compared to those two decks.
This card has an intro animation. I wonder if all box face cards will finallly get them
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
it's only cuz it's the real life card photo, not from the animation game
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Have animation....
<< Anonymous
DaSwifta Reply
For some reason I don't get the animation when I use it with Kaiba. Is this a glitch or something? And they never mentioned it had one, they just showed it in the reveal trailer
So glad he was added. He's a cool card to see come in with his effect as if the opponent doesn't have a good way to out him, he just sits there with the back row until they lose by hitting 0 LP or decking out.
<< Anonymous
Edgar81539 Reply
I mean... ok? Battle position manipulation is extremely common in PVP and with 1500 defense this thing is far from sturdy. It doesn't really deserve the UR status but ok.
<< Anonymous(Edgar81539)
Anonymous Reply
Well, I normally play 2 Adhesive Trap Hole and 2-3 Shield Spear, even if the position changes, you can protect him against being run over easily. He can still be run over, but they have to put in work for it.

I can agree that he didn't need to be a UR, though I feel like they put him there because of Vampire Genesis and so that he isn't pulled because of the 1 SR when you purchase deal.
<< Anonymous(Edgar81539)
DaSwifta Reply
The reason it's UR is because it's one of Kaiba's signature cards from the original anime, and because they wanted it on the front of the pack. There's no reason for Black Luster Soldier to be UR either, in fact Black Luster Soldier without any good support is probably much worse, but it's an UR because Yugi uses it in the anime and because they wanted it on the cover.
will his effect trigger if you choose to destroy him when your opponent plays dark coffin??
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
i would say yes because it was your oppnent's card effect
<< Anonymous
DaSwifta Reply
Indeed it does.
I need chat now!!!!!!!
Does soul exchange trigger his effect?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
One more question, does storm+wild tornado combo count? Or burst stream of destruction/thousand knives?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
^^Wrong reason. Soul Exchange doesn't trigger Lord's effect because it tributes not destroy. It still count as your monster as GK Recruiter still works.

And yes Lord's effect triggered from any destruction effects from opponent, including Wild Tornado's graveyard's effect
<< Anonymous
Player J Reply
Next questions: does storm + wild tornado combo count? Or burst stream of destruction? Or thousand knives? Or order to charge?

The answer is Yes to all of them.
Vampire Lord effect will active on them all.

It is for these reasons he is a Vampire "Lord"!

<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Thanks guys!!! Now I need like 3 copies of him :D
Anonymous Replyer
Could Adhesive Explosion trigger his effect as well?
<< Anonymous(Anonymous Replyer)
Anonymous Reply

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