
Gaia: deck recipe [Sept 16]

Duel Links Gaia deck, Gaia deck in the meta, how to play T.G. deck.
update 16/09/2022

Required Card Boxes

Main Deck

Generation Next Resonance of Contrast Antinomic Theory Chaotic Soldiers Rise of Gaia

Extra Deck

Shark Fang Maximum Gustav Rise of Gaia

Standard Version

Standard Version

Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the BeginningSoldier Gaia The Fierce KnightSoldier Gaia The Fierce KnightDarkflare DragonD.D. CrowD.D. Crow
Gaia the Magical KnightGaia the Magical KnightGaia the Magical KnightCurse of DragonfireCurse of DragonfireCurse of Dragonfire
Monster RebornMystical Space TyphoonBook of MoonBook of MoonBook of MoonGalloping Gaia
Galloping GaiaGateway to ChaosFloodgate Trap HoleFloodgate Trap HoleVoid Trap HoleVoid Trap Hole
Gaia the Magical Knight of DragonsGaia the Magical Knight of DragonsGaia the Magical Knight of DragonsSky Galloping Gaia the Dragon ChampionSky Galloping Gaia the Dragon ChampionRed-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon
Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon-----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
The Dragon Knight's Path
Can be used by returning 1 monster in your hand to your Deck. Place 1 "Galloping Gaia" face-up on your Field Zone from your Deck. After using this Skill, you can only Special Summon the following monsters until the end of your next turn.

This Skill will only activate if you begin the Duel with a Deck that has 8 or more “Gaia The Fierce Knight” monsters or Level 5 Dragon-Type monsters.

This Skill can only be used once per Duel.

- A Fusion Monsters that use “Gaia The Fierce Knight” monsters as its material.

- “Gaia The Fierce Knight” monster

- “Black Luster Soldier” monsters

- Level 5 Dragon-Type monsters
Yami Yugi
Yami Yugi

How to Play

Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning

Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
LIGHT Warrior ★8
ATK 3000 / DEF 2500
Selection Box Vol.05 [UR]
Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monster from your Graveyard. Once per turn, you can activate 1 of these effects.

● Target 1 monster on the field; banish that target face-up. This card cannot attack the turn you activate this effect.
● If this attacking card destroys an opponent's monster by battle, after damage calculation: It can make a second attack in a row.

Easily special summonable in this deck since there are LIGHT and DARK monsters. Its effect is pretty decent for either monster removal or as an OTK option.

Soldier Gaia The Fierce Knight

Soldier Gaia The Fierce Knight
Soldier Gaia The Fierce Knight
DARK Warrior ★8
ATK 2600 / DEF 2100
Rise of Gaia [UR]
(Quick Effect): You can Tribute 1 Dragon Fusion Monster; Special Summon this card from your hand. If this card is Special Summoned: You can target 1 Attack Position monster on the field; change it to Defense Position. You can Tribute this card; add 1 Level 7 or higher Warrior monster from your Deck to your hand, except "Soldier Gaia The Fierce Knight". You can only use each effect of "Soldier Gaia The Fierce Knight" once per turn.

Having 1 in hand can be very important to help you dodge opponent's cards that can remove your Magical Knight fusion, or when your opponent has a monster with higher attack than your monster.

You can also use this card as a follow up attack. Just keep in mind that its effect to switch a monster to defense can be used on itself, so you'll want to remember not to activate it if your opponent has no monster and you want to do an attack.

If you have the field spell available, as well as another "Gaia the Fierce Knight" on your field, going for the second attack is essentially guaranteed since your opponent can't activate any cards due to the field spell, potentially securing the game quickly.

This can happen often if you are able to perform the usual fusion combo, then activate Dragon's Mirror as the second monster to be tributed for Magical Knight.

Gaia the Magical Knight

Gaia the Magical Knight
Gaia the Magical Knight
LIGHT Warrior ★7
ATK 2300 / DEF 2100
Rise of Gaia [SR]
(This card is always treated as a "Gaia The Fierce Knight" card.)
If you control no monsters, or your opponent controls a monster with 2300 or more ATK, you can Normal Summon this card without Tributing. If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 Level 5 Dragon monster from your hand or GY in Defense Position. You can only use this effect of "Gaia the Magical Knight" once per turn.

Use the skill or field spell to help get both Magical Knight and Curse of Dragonfire to your hand. Then simply normal summon Magical Knight, bringing Curse to the field and activate its field effect (not the on-summon effect) to fuse into Magical Knight of Dragons.

After the first fusion, doing it again becomes easier since Cures of Dragonfire is in the grave, so you only need to use the field spell to search for another Magical Knight, unless you banished Curse using Dragon's Mirror.

Curse of Dragonfire

Curse of Dragonfire
Curse of Dragonfire
DARK Dragon ★5
ATK 2000 / DEF 1500
Burning Nova [SR]
Selection Box Vol. 01 [SR]
Rise of Gaia [SR]
If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can target 1 Field Spell Card on the field; destroy it. Once per turn: You can Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, using monsters you control as Fusion Materials, including this card.

Its on summon effect is useful if you go against decks that uses field spells like Triamids or Harpies, but this is mainly to be used with Magical Knight to fuse into Magical Knight of Dragons.

Gateway to Chaos

Gateway to Chaos
Gateway to Chaos
Field Spell
Chaotic Compliance [SR]
Master of Chaos [SR]
Rise of Gaia [SR]
When this card is activated: Add 1 "Black Luster Soldier" Ritual Monster or 1 "Gaia The Fierce Knight" monster from your Deck to your hand. Each time a Monster Card(s) is sent from the hand or field to the Graveyard, place 1 Spell Counter on this card for each of those cards (max. 6). Once per turn: You can remove 3 Spell Counters from this card; add 1 Ritual Spell Card from your Deck to your hand. You can only activate 1 "Gateway to Chaos" per turn.

This is to help search for Magical Knight from deck to hand since it's important as the combo starter. Having this essentially means that you have more than 3 copies of Magical Knight in the deck.

The effect of getting a ritual spell isn't used at all, but the skill doesn't prohibit anyone from using Black Luster Soldier if you want to mix that in. However, the consistency can end up dropping quite a lot.

Galloping Gaia

Galloping Gaia
Galloping Gaia
Continuous Spell
Rise of Gaia [SR]
Your opponent cannot activate cards or effects during the Battle Phase while "Gaia the Dragon Champion" is in your Monster Zone. You can activate 1 of the following effects.
● You can reveal 1 "Gaia The Fierce Knight" monster in your hand; add 1 Level 5 Dragon monster from your Deck to your hand.
● You can reveal 1 Level 5 Dragon monster in your hand; add 1 "Gaia The Fierce Knight" monster from your Deck to your hand.
You can only use this effect of "Galloping Gaia" once per turn.

It's a consistency booster to help get a better hand, but its effect is also pretty strong and useful. You can consider playing more than 1 in case your opponent has an answer to it, but you can reliably get it in the first turn through the skill.

Magical Knight and the 2 fusion monsters are considered as the monster that this field spell specifies. Allowing you to safely do as you please when you have them on the field and enters battle phase. Destroying monsters during battle phase won't even trigger their destruction effects.

Extra Decks

Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons
Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons
WIND Warrior ★7
ATK 2600 / DEF 2100
Rise of Gaia [UR]
1 "Gaia the Fierce Knight" monster + 1 Level 5 Dragon monster
This card's name becomes "Gaia the Dragon Champion" while on the field. You can only use each of the following effects of "Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons" once per turn. During the Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can target 1 other card on the field; this card loses exactly 2600 ATK, and if it does, destroy that card. When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: You can make this card gain 2600 ATK.

In most situations, you'll always want to summon this whenever you can. Putting Curse of Dragonfire to the grave will end up making it easier to perform another fusion later on.

With the field spell available on the field, you have the security of knowing that your opponent can't activate anything during the battle phase. Destroying cards during the battle phase is the best time to do it since it won't end up activating the destroyed card.

You can reset its attack by using Chalice or Book of Moon on it, which is best used during your opponent's turn in case you want to use the destruction effect on your turn.

Sky Galloping Gaia the Dragon Champion
Sky Galloping Gaia the Dragon Champion
WIND Dragon ★7
ATK 2600 / DEF 2100
Burning Nova [SR]
Selection Box Vol. 01 [SR]
Master of Chaos [SR]
Rise of Gaia [SR]
1 "Gaia The Fierce Knight" monster + 1 Dragon-Type monster
This card's name becomes "Gaia the Dragon Champion" while it is on the field. If this card is Special Summoned: You can add 1 "Spiral Spear Strike" from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand. When this card declares an attack on an opponent's monster: You can change the battle position of that opponent's monster.

If you play the deck without Spiral Spear Strike, then this is simply to have a monster that can switch enemy's battle position.

Its position switching effect works out quite well since most monsters don't have that high DEF. With the field spell active on your field, your opponent can't even respond to the battle.

Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon
Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon
DARK Dragon ★7
ATK 2800 / DEF 2400
Maximum Gustav [SR]
Selection Box Vol.03 Mini [SR]
2 Level 7 monsters
Cannot be destroyed by card effects while it has Xyz Material. While this card has Xyz Material, each time your opponent activates a card or effect, inflict 500 damage to your opponent immediately after it resolves. Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 "Red-Eyes" Normal Monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon it.

This deck doesn't play Red-Eyes for this to really have an impact, but its burn effect can add up, or if you just need the extra damage. Its good for when you don't really want to attack into your opponent if they play stall or cancerous decks.

Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon
Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon
DARK Fiend ★5
ATK 2600 / DEF 1700
Shark Fang [SR]
2 Level 5 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card to target 1 face-up card your opponent controls; destroy it.

In the event that you get interrupted when normal summoning Magical Knight, but Curse of Dragonfire is left on the field. You can use the field spell to search for Darkflare Dragon. Special summon it so you can XYZ into Adreus.

Other Cards Option

Archfiend Eccentrick

Archfiend Eccentrick
Archfiend Eccentrick
LIGHT Fiend ★3
ATK 800 / DEF 1000
Selection Box Vol.01 Super Mini [UR]
Pendulum Effect
You can target 1 other Spell/Trap Card on the field; destroy both it and this card. You can only use this effect of "Archfiend Eccentrick" once per turn.

Monster Effect
You can Tribute this card, then target 1 monster on the field; destroy it. You can only use this effect of "Archfiend Eccentrick" once per turn.

Mostly to be used for a spell/trap removal, but it's also useful for turns where you have the advantage and your opponent keeps setting monsters.

Worst case scenario if you have a bad starting hand, you can at least set this monster to block an attack.

Spiral Spear Strike

Spiral Spear Strike
Spiral Spear Strike
Continuous Spell
Yami Yugi at Lvl 33 [R]
Yugi Muto (DSOD) at Lvl 7 [R]
Duel Quest Event [R]
PvP Duel: Turbo Duel Grand Prix [R]
If "Gaia The Fierce Knight", "Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight", or "Gaia the Dragon Champion" you control attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent. If "Gaia the Dragon Champion" inflicts battle damage with this effect: Draw 2 cards, then discard 1 card.

1 copy of this can be considered since it can be searched for through Sky Galloping Gaia's effect. When it works, it gives a pretty big advantage and works well against opponents that end up playing defensively when you have the advantage.

Other Extra Decks

Dark Armed, the Dragon of Annihilation
Dark Armed, the Dragon of Annihilation
DARK Dragon ★7
ATK 2800 / DEF 1000
Chaotic Soldiers [UR]
2+ Level 7 monsters
Once per turn, if you have exactly 5 DARK monsters in your GY, you can also Xyz Summon "Dark Armed, the Dragon of Annihilation" by using 1 Level 5 or higher DARK Dragon monster you control as material. You can detach 1 material from this card, then target 1 card your opponent controls; destroy it, then banish 1 card from your GY, also, this card cannot attack for the rest of this turn.

Has a card removal effect that you can use multiple times in a turn, up to however many materials you use to make it. Needing to banish a card in your grave won't be a big issue since you can use it on the used spells/traps like MST/Monster Reborn.

Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack
Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack
WIND Machine ★7
ATK 2600 / DEF 2200
Sign of Harpies [UR]
2 Level 7 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; Special Summon 2 "Mecha Phantom Beast Tokens" (Machine-Type/WIND/Level 3/ATK 0/DEF 0). While you control a Token, this card cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects. Once per turn: You can Tribute 1 "Mecha Phantom Beast" monster, then target 1 card on the field; destroy that target. This card cannot attack during the turn you activate this effect.

The Gaia monsters, except for Soldier Gaia, are all level 7 monsters. If they ever get locked up, or if you want to make further plays for more card removals, you can XYZ them into Dracossack to destroy another card.

Keep in mind that its effect needs to summon 2 tokens, so you'll need to have 2 monster zones available. You can tribute one token and then use Dragon's Mirror to bring another fusion out.

This can be a risky play if you go against decks that can deal piercing damage as well, since they will just attack the 0 DEF token.

Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger
Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger
WIND Dragon ★7
ATK 2600 / DEF 2100
Infinite Ray [SR]
2 Level 7 monsters
You can also Xyz Summon this card by using a Rank 5 or 6 Xyz Monster you control as the Xyz Material. (Xyz Materials attached to that monster also become Xyz Materials on this card.) If this card attacks a Defense Position monster, inflict piercing battle damage to your opponent.

Useful as a piercer, but using the Gaia monsters to XYZ into this is often not going to be worth. You get the most value out of this card if you rank up from a lower rank, which is only going to be from Adreus, but that doesn't happen often for this to be good.

Number 28: Titanic Moth
Number 28: Titanic Moth
FIRE Insect ★7
ATK 2400 / DEF 2200
Shark Fang [R]
2 Level 7 monsters
If you control no other monsters, this card can attack directly, but when it does so using this effect, the battle damage inflicted to your opponent is halved. When this card inflicts battle damage to your opponent: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; inflict 500 damage to your opponent for each card in their hand.

Its effect only works when you have no other monsters, which are quite risky when most decks can simply remove 1 monster easily through cards like Malevolent Sin. Requiring 2 Gaia monsters for this is often not worth it as well, but can be good against defensive decks.

[April 2022] KOG Notes


IGN: [HNF] IIINC, Skill: The Dragon Knight's Path, Date Submitted: Apr 25

Noted By [HNF] IIINC:

  • Try to have at least 2-3 floodgates or removals when playing against Gandoras.

  • DDD’s suffer from having their scales broken and are at their weakest on the turn of using their Command of the Doom King as they can’t Orthos and only have two spell/trap zones left. Break their scales, floodgate (or even bottomless) their pendulum summons.

  • Tech out Book of Moon and other removals depending on what you see being ooayed

[January 2022] KOG Notes

Ned Flanders

GaiaNed FlandersGaia Ned Flanders2
IGN: Ned Flanders, Skill: The Dragon Knight's Path, Date Submitted: Jan 11

Noted By Ned Flanders:

Went on a 6 game winning streak from my Legend Rank 4 Rank Up Match to KOG with this deck. The title of the deck is abbreviated for KaibaCorpCup for November 2021 Top 500 for North America along with KOGs from October 2021 through January 2022. As for the deck itself, it is a pretty standard build. Dragon Ice is added just in case my opponent special summons a monster while I have no protection on the field (also good for fusion summoning with Dragon's Mirror).

[December 2021] KOG Notes


GaiaWoakageGaia Woakage2
IGN: Woakage, Skill: The Dragon Knight's Path, Date Submitted: Dec 27

Noted by Woakage:

Very typical Gaia deck, skill makes fusion super consistent. Oasis of dragon souls = summon Gaia from GY use effect and get another fusion. Essentially 5 Gaia cards for the fusion.

Ned Flanders

GaiaNed FlandersGaia Ned Flanders2
IGN: Ned Flanders, Skill: The Dragon Knight's Path, Date Submitted: Dec 9

Noted by Ned Flanders:

Went on a 10 game winning streak from Legend Rank 4 to KOG with this deck. The title of the deck is abbreviated for KaibaCorpCup for November 2021 Top 500 for North America along with KOGs from October through December. As for the deck itself, it is a pretty standard build. Dragon Ice is added just in case my opponent special summons a monster while I have no protection on the field (also good for fusion summoning with Dragon's Mirror).

[August 2021] KOG Notes


GaiaPlasmwindzGaia Plasmwindz2
IGN: Plasmwindz, Skill: The Dragon Knight's Path, Date Submitted: Aug 26

Noted By Plasmwindz:

"Use skill to have insane consistency with starting hand. Breakthrough skill and mst as disruption. You can use forbidden chalice and world chalice clash to reset gaia the magical knight of dragons attack.
Always look for one gaia the magical knight and one curse of dragons in starting hand."


Hot New Top
How to find or build budget version gaia ? Except 3x structure
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
G ay Gaia players choke on c o ck.
How's does this deck beat melodious?
<< Anonymous(s0uLjaBoii)
Anonymous Reply
Chalice on Bloom Diva
<< Anonymous(s0uLjaBoii)
Anonymous Reply
De-Fusion. Not only does it handle Melodious, you can also use it on your own fusion monster for an OTK or to circumvent the 0 attack.
Ended a dude's 9 win streak that was using a gaia deck. Though I think it was still a wip. Didn't see draconic mirror in it.
<< Anonymous
Not KoG Reply
The deck is tight so you cannot put more cards on the deck sleeve.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Love hearing stories of loser Gaia players getting c u c k e d. I denied one of them KoG last season with Photon. I made them waste their boss monster’s destruction effect. And played around Solider Gaia’s hand effect by saving my quick play banish spell in my hand to get rid of it after it summoned itself during the battle phase. From there they retaliated with a hard rage quit.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
There is an unwritten law among dl players: When you are at legend 1 or 2, you never deny a kog to someone. Personally, I like to trick my opponents. When I am at legend rank 1-2 and I face someone who is gonna hit kog, I like to play the duel and when I am about to win, I surrender. However. many players dont have patience and they surrender 1st. Psychological games.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
*among civilized DL players*
Is there a way to play this without the Archfiends?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yes, sure
<< Anonymous
Not KoG Reply
Archfiends is the one beating Melodious. You lose without Archfiends. This deck requires real money.
RIP my weather paint deck…i hate this deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Serve you right can cer.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
your mom
This deck is the reason to play Buster Blader again. But c'mon Konami! New support for dragon slayer.
Is the game down because I can't play
<< Anonymous
Not a Konami employe Reply
It's just a minor maintenance that was actually planned for today. It's not like a Konami employee spilled their coffee in the server room. That's just a silly rumor that cannot be proven.
<< Anonymous(Not a Konami employe)
Anonymous Reply
What rumor?
<< Anonymous
Not a Konami employe Reply
Don't worry about the rumor. It wasn't coffee anyway. It was just some tea. But that's also just a rumor and you shouldn't believe it because it's a regular maintenance.
<< Anonymous(Not a Konami employe)
Anonymous Reply
I'm starting to think that this is actually true XD
Why is it when he rides a horse he's a warrior type, but when he rides a dragon he's a dragon type?

When he rides a horse he should be a beast type, that's only consistent, like wtf konami
<< Anonymous
MangakaJ96 Reply
Horses...can't do much aside from trampling and buck kicking.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
But what if knight carried the dragon?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I hope Master Duel is a catharsis from these third rate decks carried by their skills.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
If Master Duel has skills like Destiny Draw/LP boost I will straight uninstall and boycott Komoney.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It won't, it's already confirmed by konami that master duel is a simulator of the physical format, no fancy things just a tcg/ocg simulator
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Very good, that is what every TCG/OCG players wanted. Finally we can compete after missing out on 2 WCS.
This deck is not broken at all. 1 CST to galloping gaia, 1 karma cut to Curse od Dragonfire or just 1 traphole can be perfect to stop this deck. Even if they destroy your backrow if you're able to summon an xyz that negate effects you can stop this, no like playing against Thunder dragon. The only good thing of this deck is the Galloping Gaia negation effect
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
What is this, a troll joke? Your Karma cut will not remain on the field by the time they summon Dragonfire and they can summon two more Gaia the Magical Knights after you try to spend traps on material monsters. If you are having problems you are either fighting with the same decks or are simply bad
<< Anonymous
Mah boi Reply
All those cards are only effective if you go first, though. If going second, you need to worry about Gaia's quick effect and whatever backrow you opponent sets. If only BoM wasn't a selection box exclusive...
<< Anonymous(Mah boi)
Anonymous Reply
Then run some forbidden chalices or lightning vortex
So this is expensive because you need 3 structure deck, but fire king is premium because it also use 3 structure deck?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
And arvata
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
+ all the extra deck

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My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
I wonder how much this still gets use even now.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
Well I eventually joined the dark side, and put this in my deck. :P
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