
Parasite Infestation by Ryem: KC Cup deck

update 12/03/2017

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Deck list

This deck was kindly shared by Ryem who reached 12 Star in KC Cup Asia/Oceania region. See below comment from him.

Big Shield GardnaBig Shield GardnaSphere KuribohCocoon of EvolutionCocoon of EvolutionCocoon of Evolution
Gyaku-Gire PandaIron Blacksmith KotetsuInaba White RabbitTwisterEnemy ControllerEnemy Controller
Enemy ControllerMystic BoxMask of the AccursedMask of the AccursedMask of the AccursedJade Insect Whistle
Jade Insect WhistleWindstorm of Etaqua--------

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
[Parasite Infestation]
Can be used after the starting hand is distributed. Shuffle random number of Parasite Paracide into your opponent's deck.
Weevil Underwood




  • Cheap deck (Free to play friendly), I think its the cheapest one beside clown deck to play in competitive level.
  • Its fun to play (Really fun to make your enemy rage quit in early game because your mask and field control).
  • Countering most common meta deck like dino, harpies, relinquished, and standart beatdown deck.


  • Really hard to master, need to read the situation and read your opponent playstyle first, Need much of experience while playing competitive here
  • Countered heavily by gravekeeper meta deck
  • Need a lot of patience and brain.

How to use

  • Main focus in this deck is stall to your opponent until his monster field full and clear your own monster field while equipping mask to the other side.
  • U can clear your own field by using mystic box or enemy controller. Mystic box is recommended. Because by using mystic box u have less monster to mask on the other side, try to use mystic box on the enemy normal monster by sacrificing your low atk monster like gardna or cocoon.
  • Parasite infestation is good because u can fill the enemy monster field quickly, and mask the other monster. Just remember dont mask normal monster early, make sure your field is clear first.
  • Main counter for this deck is Twister, enemy controller, order to charge, or by tribute summon. But in meta deck only gravekeeper that use tribute summon a lot, and no one bring 3 twister in the game.
  • You can use panda for finishing blow in a critical situation *not recommended beacuse the enemy will have a chance to counter your mask strategy while your panda atk* just use it when u think its safe.
  • Inaba white rabbit is useful when u got gardna or cocoon on your side, while waiting for your mask to showed up. you can kite the enemy with direct atk


  • You can add more panda or inaba white rabbit for more offensive gameplay
  • You can add another mystic box for more field control
  • You can add blast held by tribute if you encounter many tribute summon deck
  • Cocoon and mask is absolutely needed in this deck
  • You can add more Vylon Ohm/Fairy Spring and Kotetsu for lockdown burn deck


any suggestions for replacing 1 gardina..? i only have 1..
Excellent deck. I'm debating between Twister and Burning Land though. Burning Land does damage AND kills feed spells like HHG, Yami, Jurassic World, but it takes up a space in the spell and trap zone and can be negated by opposing Twister.

Any thoughts?
2 Gardna ffs...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Rank 69 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
<< Anonymous(( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
(~ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)~ Reply
Should've got special reward for that rank. If you know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Solid deck, very clear explanation how to make this deck work. Its not that costly but gardna alr expired, not all people have that card. I think this deck is good for free to play player rather than that $$$ deck with 3 senju and sonic. Nice one climbing up rank in KC cup with this deck, keep up the good work

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Never change, Brandon. Never change. You are the most weird bot here. I appreciate your existence
Did you fall for a crypto scam and are looking for a way to cope with? Look no further! I have th...
Sounds as legit as the shady @@@ dealer I see sometimes after nightfall in the park V
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