
Destiny HERO: deck recipe [Feb 8]

Duel Links Destiny HERO deck, Destiny HERO in the current meta, how to use.
update 08/02/2023

A strong and useful disruption tool that can block an attack or prevent enemy combo plays.

It can also be used to prevent your monster from being affected by some cards like Floodgate Trap Hole or Karma Cut.

Forbidden Chalice
Forbidden Chalice
Quick Spell
Servants of Kings [SR]
Selection Box Vol. 01 Mini [SR]
Target 1 face-up monster on the field; until the end of this turn, that target gains 400 ATK, but its effects are negated.

To negate your opponent's monster so you can stop their combo. You can also use this during the damage step on Anki when it attacks directly to make it deal 3200 direct damage.

Other Extra Decks

Heroic Champion - Excalibur
Heroic Champion - Excalibur
LIGHT Warrior ★4
ATK 2000 / DEF 2000
Eternal Stream [UR]
2 Level 4 Warrior-Type monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 2 Xyz Materials from this card; this card's ATK becomes double its original ATK until your opponent's next End Phase.

Generic rank 4 that's 4000 ATK to beat over monsters higher than Dreadmaster, but only usable once. You can consider putting more of this if you find that you need more, or just rely on more Anki for the direct attack instead.

Abyss Dweller
Abyss Dweller
WATER Sea Serpent ★4
ATK 1700 / DEF 1400
Photons of Galaxy [UR]
Selection Box Vol.03 Mini [UR]
2 Level 4 monsters
While this card has an Xyz Material attached that was originally WATER, all WATER monsters you control gain 500 ATK. Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; any card effects that activate in your opponent's Graveyard cannot be activated this turn.

Very useful to have when you go against decks that rely on effects that happen in the graveyard, but there aren't any WATER attribute monsters in the deck to get the ATK boost.

Diamond Dire Wolf
Diamond Dire Wolf
EARTH Beast ★4
ATK 2000 / DEF 1200
Voltage of the Metal [SR]
Selection Box Vol.03 Mini [SR] [SR]
2 Level 4 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 Beast, Beast-Warrior, or Winged Beast-Type monster you control and 1 other card on the field; destroy them.

If you have a Drilldark and another monster in your hand, you can safely use all the Mystical Space Typhoon on your opponent's backrow. Summon Drilldark with another monster to bring out Diamond Dire Wolf so you can destroy the Clock Tower. This will special summon Dreadmaster and the 2 HEROes now in the graveyard from Diamond Dire Wolf.

Alternatively, you can also just make Diamond Dire Wolf after destroying the Clock Tower and Dreadmaster's effect activates. If you have no follow-up with more HEROes from your hand, then you'll want to special summon Dreadmaster in defense since its ATK will go to 0 if you have no other destiny HEROes on your field. Destroy your opponent's backrow before you follow-up with more monsters or Mask Change.

Steelswarm Roach
Steelswarm Roach
DARK Fiend ★4
ATK 1900 / DEF 0
Photons of Galaxy [SR]
2 Level 4 monsters
During either player's turn, when a Level 5 or higher monster would be Special Summoned: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; negate the Special Summon, and if you do, destroy it.

A decent control type monster that's good to bring out if you know what you're going against. Your opponent will have to play around this, which can end up making them slower, giving you the advantage.

Number 18: Heraldry Patriarch
Number 18: Heraldry Patriarch
LIGHT Psychic ★4
ATK 2200 / DEF 2200
Voltage of the Metal [R]
2 Level 4 monsters
Once per Chain, during either player's turn, if 2 or more monsters with the same name are on the field: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; choose 1 monster among those with the same name, and destroy all other monsters with that name. While this card remains face-up on the field, your opponent cannot Summon monsters with the same name as any of the monster(s) chosen for this card's effect. If this card is sent to the Graveyard: You can send 2 "Heraldic Beast" monsters from your Deck to the Graveyard.

Very useful against decks that uses same name monsters like Harpies or Cyber Dragons. It has more value when those decks are relevant in the meta.

[January 2022] KOG Notes


IGN: IIINC, Skill: Clock of Destiny, Date Submitted: Jan 24

Noted By IIINC:

"Due to Harpie Ladies getting their Hunting Ground skill nerf, more decks can safely rely on backrow. While this intuitively may make a heavy backrow removal deck appropriate, most of these traps can be activated after targeting and before destruction.

Wisely play out your summons and extend your plays to get your opponents to use up all their critical spell/trap cards. After which, you can safely land finishing blows to your opponent.

There is a surgence in the number of Dinomist decks along with Odd-Eyes catching up (slowly but surely due to its really expensive deck cost). For Dinomists, it is imperative that you read and see which Pendulum card you'll start removing first. For Odd-Eyes, your main target is Odd-Eyes Pendulum Arc Dragon first since it can special summon Odd-Eyes cards from the deck if you destroy other Odd-Eyes cards first. "


Destiny HEROinfma5
IGN: infma5, Skill: Clock of Destiny, Date Submitted: Jan 14

Noted By infma5:

This time was a little more hard to reach but adding monster reborn to the deck save my multiple times and help with new strategies along with the skill

[December 2021] KOG Notes


IGN: IIINC, Skill: Clock of Destiny, Date Submitted: Dec 31

Noted from IIINC:

The current meta needs a faster deck but still with all the value that it can bring. You can either go full D. Hero for the engine with 3 Deciders or add in up to 3 Stratos. If you don't have Masked Hero Blast yet, I suggest going for the full D. Hero engine as Stratos will leave combos dead in the water.

For tech options, one discard card worked best. Dreadmaster has a habit of being a garnet in your hand and thus a discard card worked best to overcome that alongside Destiny Draw (a last resort to combo with Dreadmaster if you don't see yourself using Clocktower Prison's effect anytime soon).


Destiny HEROInfma5
IGN: Infma5, Skill: Clock of Destiny , Date Submitted: Dec 4

Noted By Infma5:

The key of the deck is to performed a otk with dreadmaster and two destiny heroes, but there's are other alternatives like: do a FTK with 2 heroes and 1 mask change or FTK with heroic

[November 2021] KC Cup 1st Stage Lvl Max Notes


D HEROinfma5
IGN: infma5, Skill: Clock of Destiny, Date Submitted: Nov 22

Noted by infma5:

I discover that sometimes is not necessary to use the skill since the opponents field and your hand could make a FTK with enough lucky knowing which deck the opponent is using.

[November 2021] KOG Notes


Jeryl Jeryl2
IGN: Jeryl, Skill: Clock of Destiny, Date Submitted: Nov 6

Noted By Jeryl:

Not compulsory to use MST on clock tower prison. You can use it on opponent’s back-row if you have lethal that turn.


Hot New Top
KOG for Jan 2022 with this deck.

Splashed Neos Hero’s and removed the Stratos.

Multiple ways to victory, often outlasts the opposition by providing multiple threats.
What's with konami fetish of giving +1 for free?

Ah yeah, it's to push sales
<< Anonymous
Konami Reply
You catch on quick, kid
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Not only MST sales, but also Stratos and Anki sales. They prefer doing this dirty trick instead of releasing a better box with new Masked Hero cards.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You release a trash box->give a broken skill that supports any of the decks in it->deck becomes meta->you nerf the skill->box loses all its value->you release a trash box........

So on and so forth
<< Anonymous
anonymous Reply
well said, its a free +1 card from frickin skill
Well, besides the +1 free MST and battle protection during on second turn onwards, what I hate most is that even without clock tower prison activation, the deck can beat you down with masked heroes and excalibur in turn 2 just with the added mst.
Based on how good this deck is prforming atm i am pretty sure that they are gonna nerf the skill. My prediction is that you will have to choose only one of each effect per turn, so you can't add clock tower prison AND also get MST in your hand in the same turn. Thats makes sense imo, since this effect is bassically a +1 stable card.
Or they may hist MST to limit 2 list so you can't use treacherous in same deck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Eh. If Konami ain't nerfing the D/D skill that lets you skip the Standby Phase, they aren't messing with this one either.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Instead of the s1lly skip of the next standby phase, they could simply made it "you dont pay lp for d/d cards", since this is basically what it offers in the end of the day to the deck...
Where is
I feel like it is hard to run the big ones (plasma and dogma) if there is any fusion focus at all. So I put dasher here instead. If anyone thinks I can still do plasma, any advice is appreciated.
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
Old School player Reply
Just for not put in 3 polymerization until you get Elemental Hero blazeman its in Blaze deck hero js ypu get 2 plus one from Joye for lvl him up. That's why my Elemental Hero deck runs so smooth. I use Elemental Hero blazeman and 3 polarization why not jack it up lol.
<< Anonymous(Old School player)
Old School player Reply
To continue what I was saying the faster you can get polymerization with Destiny Hero the better you changes of wining. :) hope this advice helps you man gl on your Deck.
<< Anonymous(Valencia)
Anonymous Reply
Arya, I mean, Yami Aster xd
Not KoG
This deck is not updated. The KoG version should be the Clocktower Dreadmaster build. IT does not brick.
<< Anonymous(Not KoG)
Anonymous Reply
It does. Sometimes it opens with 2 copies of Mask Change and Mystical Space Typhoon.
Pretty much useless and brick often
<< Anonymous
Yami Aster Reply
Well, it's better than the GameA model. If anything, they should at least add one more Decider.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This deck used to be top stuff some years ago just swap mst for cosmic cyclone and that was the standard d-hero meta deck of back in the day
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I always hated how they used to abuse the 🔥 out of that aberration of a skill called balance
<< Anonymous
Yami Aster Reply
This version isn't on the same level as the prominence that destiny/masked had in the old days. For one thing, it's reliant on the gimmicky clock skill. Part of why it's doing well right now is a weaker meta and a lot of people not reading the effects and destroying the field spell and other stuff they shouldn't when dueling against it.
Need more
2 amazon queen
2 destiny draw
1 allure and
3 trade in
<< Anonymous(MforMolin)
Anonymous Reply

Not only Amazoness Queen has no purpose in this deck, but also, we don't even have 2.

And Trade-In requires a level 8 monster in your hand, which this deck doesn't run.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Besides, very sure we don't even have 1 Trade-In yet, let alone 3.
<< Anonymous(MforMolin)
Anonymous Reply
This is a troll post? We dont need more draw cards in a 20 cards format. Allure of darkness and destiny draw were even in the limited list in TCG for many years. We are ok without them.
<< Anonymous(MforMolin)
MforMolin Reply
1allure 1 trade in that will ok tho
hex just sucks in this deck.bricks so many times with or without ddraw
Ok need sb who have experience with this.IS drilldark worth running at 2?Isnt it better to run 1 and 3 decider?or if its so good 3 drilldark and 1 decider?LOts of times i have only drilldark in my hand so i can only summon him.if i had only decider at least it can make a better turn 1 protecting from attacks(level 6 or above)
<< Anonymous(....)
Yami Aster Reply
Well, generally broken cards are called that because they would actually give you a problem. If you're able to get that far at all in legend, then it must not be a problem then despite pretty much everyone having it. You can't try to spin it both ways. Either way, no matter how you mention it, it will just make you sound salty.
<< Anonymous(....)
Yami Aster Reply
The fact is that there is just a lot of backrow and other stuff like field spells going on. I wouldn't count on just celestial if you don't want cosmic. At least include the galaxy or try raigeki break or dust tornado.
<< Anonymous(....)
Yami Aster Reply
I don't know. Slash is just more nostalgia for me. Calvary is better. But I never tried it, so I got nervous when I saw something on here saying it wouldn't work with hex or something. Idk
<< Anonymous(....)
Yami Aster Reply
As for stratos, we are probably going to have Xyz summoning before it and adoration are released in a main box at this rate. They did it with it dian and solid soldier, too. Waited until they were the very last selection box cards left. But even if you don't wait, the vision hero build is still faster. And nice aromage in that box.
"Unfortunately because of the way Konami set up structure decks, you are obligated to spend money on the game if you want to copy these example decks because you can only buy each structure deck once with gems." celestial is not an essential 3 vyon can be replaced at least the second one but the first one too yeah without even one its weaker but irreplacable
Ridiculous that celestial and vyon are still on the banlist. Just because this wasn't an EX deck doesn't mean that we didn't pay money for extra copies of this, too. And if they are still THAT worried about the f#%!*/g enemy controller getting abused here, then they should also just make it so that it can't be used with anything that used to be on the list.
<< Anonymous(Arya)
Anonymous Reply
Sorry could not resist to take your salt to salt my popcorn ^^

Hate Masked heroes take what you deserve
<< Anonymous
Arya Reply
Ok, loser. Keep sitting around wishing for Anki, mask change, and (snickers) drilldark to get hit.
<< Anonymous(Arya)
Anonymous Reply
It's not on my list of priorities right now.
<< Anonymous
Arya Reply

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