
Venus (Switcheroo): deck recipe

update 08/04/2017




Example deck

Sphere KuribohSwift Gaia the Fierce KnightThe Agent of Creation - VenusThe Agent of Creation - VenusThe Agent of Creation - VenusDunames Dark Witch
Jerry Beans ManJerry Beans ManMystical Shine BallMystical Shine BallMystical Shine BallOrder to Charge
Order to ChargeOrder to ChargeEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerWhite Elephant's GiftWhite Elephant's Gift
Windstorm of EtaquaSkull Lair--------

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Return 1 card in your hand to your Deck and draw another. The skill can only be used once per turn and twice per Duel.

How to use this deck

Other useful cards

Sky Scourge Enrise
Sky Scourge Enrise
Since the deck consist of Fairy type monster this card can easily be special summon.
The Atmosphere
The Atmosphere
Special summoning of this card needs 2 monster you control on the field. However, since The Agent of Creation - Venus is included in the deck, filling up the board won't be a problem.
Pot of Benevolence
Pot of Benevolence
It will be useful to return your Mystical Shine Ball to your deck after being used with Order to Charge.
Order to Smash
Order to Smash
Since Mystical Shine Ball is a normal monster who meets the qualification of this card, it can easily be utilize to destroy your opponent's trap/spell set on the field.
Symbols of Duty
Symbols of Duty
Since the deck consist of mostly normal monster, the effect of this card easily be utilize
Master Kyonshee
Master Kyonshee
A strong replacement to Jerry Beans Man with 1000DEF, however, prone to 4-Starred Ladybug of Doom but can avoid Possessed Dark Soul effect.
Jar of Avarice
Jar of Avarice
A useful drawing card since this deck will be sending card to graveyard, it can also counter milling decks.

Other example decks

Enrise Venus

Sky Scourge EnriseSphere KuribohSphere KuribohThe Agent of Creation - VenusThe Agent of Creation - VenusThe Agent of Creation - Venus
Dunames Dark WitchDunames Dark WitchMystical Shine BallMystical Shine BallMystical Shine BallPossessed Dark Soul
Order to ChargeOrder to ChargeOrder to ChargeEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerWhite Elephant's Gift
White Elephant's GiftWindstorm of Etaqua--------

Venus Atmoshphere


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Why is this deck out of meta? It seems to be strong with OTC and E-Con.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Its inconsistant. It requires you to open with venus. Also you have to run 3 shine balls but if open with more than 1 you're screwed. Restart help but still doesn't make it consistant enough. Also struggles against stuff like phoenix, invader of darkness, toons, ninja, REZD, etc
I feel quite sad whenever I defeat this deck. This deck used to bring me to KOG about a month ago when switcheroo was the strongest skill. Now there are more cards for the new meta that this deck is outdated.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I just got King of Games using it with Lotus and lava golem for the 🔥ing Toons
You need to run order to smash its a necessity in this deck. Also someone should also add the card "Mudora" to useful cards. It gains 200 atk for each fairy type monster you have in your grave which almost always guranteed to put Mudora at 2100 atk.
Add one 'Symbols of Duty', blielive me, I use this card to comeback from huge disadvantage many times.
Lol are you kidding me? this deck is not worth 7.5 it's a 9 even without switcheroo this deck will crush almost every meta like hhg or 3SD only with restart
I just made King of Games again, and the season only started yesterday. Deck is strong against meta. Crushes HHG and can stand against 3SD with all the OtCs. I run the same list above only I switched Switcheroo to Restart. Switcheroo is unplayable because the deck excels with Venus in hand and if you miss it, you're playing from behind the entire game.
Reached platin 1 with the right deck. But actually i Play the Left one. It feels much more weak and i just reach gold 4 with it. But it is also much more fun. Any ideas to improve the Left one?

Btw. I use switcheroo.
<< Anonymous(DonConfetto)
Gersio Reply
Thoughts on this version?
<< Anonymous(Gersio)
Anonymous Reply
Remove apples and despell, you need one more otc. And i think instead of baboon i prefer you to change them with bubonic.
<< Anonymous(Gersio)
Anonymous Reply
You can add one order to smash instead of despell to clear your opponent back row.
<< Anonymous(DonConfetto)
Anonymous Reply
order to smash.
Venus is hard to play. Only keith skill make it easier. Alot of time you get the balls at starting hand, winning prob reduced 50%.
<< Anonymous(CaioAloPrado)
Anonymous Reply
Yeah thats a great combo you know. But i prefer just otc and no michizure since there is a lot of players using hhg skill
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Trust me boi, i've got my 5th KOG last night and got my invitation to final WCS with venus + enrise deck. Switcheroo just optional skill for this deck, restart is much better tho. In fact, if your starting hand is garbage like 2 balls you could still win the game with otc or some other normal monster with 1600-1800 atk on your field for stal
<< Anonymous
usainturco1 Reply
Mind sharing your deck?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
am i the only one here using fairy smile with this sort of deck? got to king of games with it
Just tried this deck with few changes. 6 Wins in a row. Works perfectly against Relinquished deck since many players now are running 3 relinquished monsters.

However, keep in mind that this deck may not work against Parasite Infestation deck.
<< Anonymous(asdfghjkl)
Really dude? Reply
3 kuriboh's? What a joke
<< Anonymous(asdfghjkl)
Anonymous Reply
With 8 URs this deck BETTER be good!
<< Anonymous(asdfghjkl)
Anonymous Reply
3 kuribo still got the guts to show off your deck. Shameful dude.
<< Anonymous(asdfghjkl)
Linneaus Reply
if one cannot afford Sphere Kuriboh, I think PSD is a good substitute as a tech IMO
Should be using Master Kyonshee instead of Jerry Beans Man, Ladybug is non-existent on high tiers not to mention that deck is already weak enough to Possessed Dark Soul.
<< Anonymous(Edgar81539)
Anonymous Reply
Not entirely true, but I do see way more PDSs than Ladybugs in Plat-KOG. Plat is where it counts though since KOG is basically casual duels with skilled players lol
<< Anonymous(Edgar81539)
Anonymous Reply
Funny you said that because I added lady bug to help advance more in platinum. It helps alot vs weevil and makes a great combo with possessed dark.
Just went to KOG with this deck even after the nerf. This deck is still incredible.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
What skill/char?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This deck was barely viable with Switcheroo but after the Switcheroo nerf, this deck is dead the moment RnG fails you.

Which is like 100% of the time, dropped from Plat all the way back to Gold 1 playing this
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I think you were rng screwed very badly my friend. Checked if this deck is still viable and went from gold 1 to plat 3. I think switcheroo is still the best skill for this deck even after the nerf since you get to use once when summoning two balls.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Maybe you just suck 🔥
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Maybe your mom 🔥ed an asshole who left ditched her after using her as a cum dump, resulting in you growing up without any basic form of parenting thereby explaining your poor mannerisms and lack of human decency.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Or maybe, just maybe, you just suck 🔥

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There are 4 "galaxy" monsters in the deck, for example Galaxy dragon. When at least 1 o...
Skill doesn't work. I have the requirements it asks for. Does not add scales like it says
Could this card still destroy a monster who's original attack is ? Like the calculator a...
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