
KC Cup: 1st Stage [Apr 2020]

Duel Links KC CUP April decks, the top meta of Duel Links in April 2020.
update 17/04/2020


1st Stage Duration31 March 2020 - 13 April 2020

Rank & Duel Level

RankDuel Level
Rookie & BronzeDLV1
Legend & King of GamesDLV10

KC Cup March 2020 Challenges Stamp Rewards

Duel (Times)Rewards
1 timeKC Cup 2020
2 timesKC Cup 2020
3 timesGems x40
4 timesGold x5000
5 timesGems x50
6 timesSkill Chips x5
7 timesGems x100

Duel Mission

Duel (Times)Rewards
1 timeGems x10
2 timesGems x15
3 timesGems x25
4 timesSpecial Pack Vol. 02

Special Pack Vol.02 List

1st Stage Shared Decks

Email to GameA
Subject (Title)KOG deck (KC Cup)
Body (Text)
  • Your IGN
  • A small note to show how to use your deck or how you reach Lvl Max (if necessary)
Attach Files
  • a screenshot of a deck you used to reach KOGM
  • a screenshot of KC Lvl Max proof

Want to share your deck to help other playes? Send us an e-mail at with the image of your deck and proof of reaching KC Lvl Max along with how it works! The title of your email must be KOG deck [KC Cup].

Required Info/screenshot

Send us screenshots of your deck which is used to get thrugh the 1st stage of the KC Cup and the proof.

Aromage Synchro1
Blackwing Synchro2
Blue-Eyes Synchro5
Cyberdark Neos Fusion1
Cyber Dragon2
Dark Magician6
Invoked Elementsaber1
Invoked Quintet1
Ritual Beast1
Shiranui Synchro5
Superheavy Samurai Synhro1
Thunder Dragon1
Vylon Control1
Yosenju Control1

Aromage Synchro


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
AlexLightWhat Grows in the GraveyardApr 6

Blackwing Synchro


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
SnotragHarpies' Hunting GroundApr 4


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
BilolololHarpies' Hunting GroundApr 11

A comment from Bilololol:

Notes: A very strong deck turn 2 if your opponent sets minimum cards their turn 1. The skill's ability to boost my monster's stats and enable more search options really made OTK'ing a lot easier. The backrow is helpful if going turn 1 as well.

Blue-Eyes Synchro


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
DarkSeto92Alternative EvolutionApr 2

A comment from DarkSeto92:

I used Blue Eyes for this kc. The deck is standard and the double fiendish chain from the selection box (take 1 last offer and 1 now) has been very useful during the cliff(win condition against stein :p). I don't prefer malus cards as divine wrath and ultimate providence. This deck is very strong vs dark magician but I suffer a lot to all the thunder dragon whose shop 3 Levianeer.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
Zato-DAKAlternative EvolutionApr 3


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
BrentonAlternative EvolutionApr 8


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
MomijiAlternative EvolutionApr 9

A comment from Momiji:

The key to this deck is "timing".

If ever you get the first turn, and the Lightsworn tuner/monster is/are available summon the F/L Every, or Psy-Framed right away.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
ZedAlternative EvolutionApr 11

A comment from Zed:

Just a typical Blue Eyes deck, using Sage + Ancients in combination with Break and Providence to negate and summon BEWD, maybe pop some cards with Alternative or Dragon Mech, then swing for game. WoD really comes in handy in catching some people off guard.

Cyberdark Neos Fusion


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
akoYugiNeo Space!Apr 12

Cyber Dragon


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
THE ROCKCyber StyleApr 7


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
FranciscoCyber StyleApr 9

A comment from Francisco:

A spicy Ciber Dragon F2P deck, pretty standard, disrupt plays with your traps and OTK. As some extra tips, summon Rampage Dragon on the enemy turn to get rid of the back row, prioritize destroying your monsters with your field and always remember that your fusion is quick to play, so you can swing with your monsters and fuse later.

Dark Magician

Dmitri N.

IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
Dmitri N.BalanceApr 1


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
DrustanNo Mortal can ResistApr 2

A comment from Drustan:

Shiranui was the highest encounter rate I had on the climb, 4wins vs 2loss, Kycoo obviously very good in this matchup.
Elementsaber 3W vs 1L, it is very important to have more than one EoT to get Dark Cavalry out as they will almost always manage to get rid of the first one.

Thunder Dragons 2W vs 2L, it is important not to overcommit to the board early as you need to have resources left when they black rose you, which they will do 100% of the time. Playing around Levianeer is tough, particularly because they can recycle it.

Blue Eyes 2W vs 2L, again getting Dark Cavalry out is key, this match up is by far the most difficult for DM.


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
HeartfiliaRestartApr 5


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
Pduque13No Mortal Can ResistApr 5

A comment from Pduque13:

It took me about 50-55 duels to reach Dlv Max with this deck, which is undoubtedly my record. I focus on surprising my opponent with Timaeus or a synchro summon, as the actual meta is plenty of ways to deal with the usual Navigation + Circle combo. Moreover, Timaeus makes a freaking combo with Magician of Dark Illusion when you send a Dark Magician you control, and it’s even better when you have a Circle activated!

Dark Palladin and Armades are your BFFs against Blue-Eyes. Also, the skill No Mortal Can Resist works very well against Shiranui when you play Cosmic Cyclone, which can also be used to summon a Magician of Dark Illusion. It is a competitive and robust deck, but the third circle is a must-have to avoid bricking, as it increased my win-rate dramatically!

As usual, thanks a lot for all the help that you guys at GameA give for us F2P duelists!


IGNSet SkillDate Submitted
CiberLegadoNo Mortal Can ResistApr 8


Hot New Top
lvl max banish all magicians
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
solid meta
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
powerful deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
one of the best decks I've played.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
what an op deck
Hopefully this can still win. I'm F2P so I can't invest in any other decks at the moment.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
IMO, Black-Winged Dragon is the most useless one there, he's not a Blackwing, he offers nothing other than 2800 ATK, and he takes a very specific field to summon with that deck (you need 3+1+4)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
oh wait, the level 3 and 1 are both tuners, so how the heck is that deck even supposed to summon Black-Winged lol
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Dude, B-W Dragon is there to make the most out of Blackbird Close. Negate a card, then summon a 2800 ATK beastick for free. No need to even Synchro Summon it.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
epic meta?
Tryhards all using no mortal resist, so its gonna get nerfed. Nobody uses the characters they find fun, just meta slaves using the same copy-paste decks
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Its almost like its excellent against the meta just like Sealed Tombs and thats why its being used
<< Anonymous
Yami Aster Reply
Would it help you feel a little better if I told that I don't use Ishizu?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I dont see No mortal resist skill get nerfs soon because Konami cant 🔥 skill that prevent opponent use monster in their graveyard lol
Cant wait for Kc cup top deck stats
the kc about over with for a time which i'm glad. outside of the gems from the quests(only worth while thing to do from it) , the kc isn't that fun to do
Mr. Wallet Flex
Check out my chains y’all
<< Anonymous(Mr. Wallet Flex)
Nice! I made my navigations prismatic instead but still very nice!
I can’t reach kog with alternative evolution..

the competition was a lot of fun because everyone is in home
Winston (Update)
the last box.. Fortress of Gears.. is really awesome.. Masked Heroes are meta once again and aromage is a very powerful king of games deck that might become tier 3 in the future..
<< Anonymous(Winston (Update))
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, that deck is awesome
<< Anonymous(Winston (Update))
Anonymous Reply
masked hero is the mvp
DL Max Fortune Lady
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Could it work with just 2 Silent Magicians?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I'm sure you'd have success with just 2, but it was extremely helpful in most of my duels
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Substituted the 3rd SM for a copy of FL Light, and swapped Powerful Rebirth for Fortune´s Future to turn her banishing into a +2 card draw.

Thanks for the recipe, finally got to Dl. MAX with it.
So trauma clearly has money

Looks awesome though
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
interesting, thanks for the feedback.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I don´t really get the appeal of Prismatics. Personally, I think the shiny animations get in the way of the card´s artwork. I prefer mine just plain and simple.
<< Anonymous
Beaver Warrior Reply
They also confer a point bonus when used in a duel so they're useful for farming.
<< Beaver Warrior
DM is my auto duel deck as it can easily get 4000 pts (x2 for 8 rewards) and I can use it to autoduel the legendary event duelists and get good points usually 4-6k pts

Commens and feedback


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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
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