
Daedalus: deck recipe

update 09/04/2017


Example deck

Levia-Dragon - DaedalusLevia-Dragon - DaedalusSphere KuribohSphere KuribohYomi ShipYomi Ship
Unshaven AnglerUnshaven AnglerUnshaven AnglerHigh Tide GyojinHigh Tide GyojinHigh Tide Gyojin
Enemy ControllerEnemy ControllerUmiBig Wave Small WaveBig Wave Small WaveInterdimensional Matter Transporter
Interdimensional Matter TransporterWindstorm of Etaqua--------

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Mythic Depths
Begins Duel with the Field Spell "Umi" activated.

How to use this deck

Summon Daedalus using Water supports

Since the goal of this deck is to summon Levia-Dragon - Daedalus and to activate the effect of this monster. Use the following two combos:

Other useful cards

Needle Sunfish
Needle Sunfish
This monsters' effect will provide you an option to which monsters on your opponents field to apply.
Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier
Blizzed, Defender of the Ice Barrier
Can serve as a draw engine, and might give you a better hand next turn.
Kaiser Sea Horse
Kaiser Sea Horse
Serves as a two tribute, it also has a balance ATK and DEF. It can gain a huge boost with Umi faced up in the field.
Provides a better board control, it can also serve as a stalling card while removing monster on your opponents side of the field.
Regretful Rebirth
Regretful Rebirth
It will help to easily conduct summoning of Levia-Dragon - Daedalus when used on Unshaven Angler.
Double Summon
Double Summon
With this card you can summon Unshaven Angler and Levia-Dragon - Daedalus and still enable to attack the same turn.


Hot New Top
2x Daedalus
3x kaiser
1x sphere kuriboh
1x hammer shark (hopefully 3 soon)
1x needle sunfish
2x yomi ship
1x suijin
1x lekunga
1x riryoku
1x twister
1x EC
2x big wave small wave
1x umi
2x mirror wall
1x windstorm

Can't figure out how to perfectly tweak it.

<< Anonymous(Drofnad)
Anonymous Reply
Tweak it with a screenshot
Quacker Oats Duck
Here is my Daedalus Deck. I feel like there are too many Spell/Traps in it but I can't decide on what I should remove for another monster like Unshaven Angler or Lekunga.
<< Anonymous(Quacker Oats Duck)
Anonymous Reply
remove golden apple
<< Anonymous(Quacker Oats Duck)
Anonymous Reply
Remove cardtrader
Hammer Shark + A Legendary Ocean( which is out now in the Trader YAY)+Double Summon= Instant Levia Dragon. Plus the new Levia Dragon-Neo Daedalus
Man this deck needs to be updated I think with the new level up cards Mako decks will be popular and I can't wait to experiment with the deck once I get the cards.
Need help to make this deck more competitive; reached platinum 1 but i wanna go kog. Any tips/suggestions/comments are appreciated
<< Anonymous(Player J)
Anonymous Reply
What is WOE?
<< Anonymous
Gem Hunter Reply
Windstorm of Etaqua

In my opinion a Lost Blue Breaker is a must in these kind of decks.
<< Anonymous(Player J)
Flawge Reply
Tyvm, I will definitely try it to reach kog in the qualifier
<< Anonymous(Flawge)
Who Am I? Reply
-3 Daedalus
+1 Yomi Ship
+1 Needle Sunfish
+3 Lost Blue
-3 Big Waves
+2 Mirror Wall
+3 Enemy Controller
-2 Unshaven

Best Water Deck so far.
It encourage 1 for 1 and speed up the deck with Hammer Shark.
Can counter different situation with yomi ships and sunfish.
my budget deck
need advice
3 Daedelus
3 Hammer Shark
2 Unshaven Angler
2 Yomi Ship
2 Crystal Seer
3 Big Wave Small Wave
2 Moray of Greed
1 Umi
1 Mirror Wall
1 Skull Lair

<< Anonymous(Toofpase)
Bread Reply
There's something called a screenshot
Compared to what I've been seeing, this deck should be either Tier 3 or 4.
This deck sucks maybe in future come back in meta
This deck has to find a way to beat relinquished
<< Anonymous(Winner)
Oceanmk Reply
Recently I'm farming for both the new chaotic pack and wonder sky pack. I want skreech and lekunga with pot of benevolent and dimensional distortion.
New pack arrives with water support. Maybe this deck will revive..
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Gale lizard 1400 attack seems fit better than yomi ship for attacking purpose ---> 2600 levia + 1400 = 4000

Skreech (dump 2 water monster from deck) and monster reincarnation I think will be make this deck consistent.

Double summon also help both attacking and defensively.

All these new cards give chance to recover from lost board with relinquish and similar decks.
<< Anonymous
Winner Reply
yeah it got boosted monster reincarnation and skreech
Lol now a tier 4 deck ~_~

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