
Temple of the Mind’s Eye Burn: deck recipe

Duel Links temple of the mind's eye burn deck, how to use, tips, destiny draw burn, temple of the mind's eye in the meta.
update 09/03/2018


With the release of the latest box , “Blades of spirits”, a new powerful field spell was released; Temple of the Mind’s Eye. Its effect is simple: “All battle damage a player takes becomes 1000”. This effect counts for both you and your opponent.

This card is responsible for bringing us a new type of Burn deck in the meta, one that doesn’t rely on the effect of Amazoness Swords Woman.

Example Deck

Lava GolemLava GolemSkystarraySkystarrayInaba White RabbitInaba White Rabbit
Backup SquadTemple of the Mind's EyeTemple of the Mind's EyeTemple of the Mind's EyeDraining ShieldDraining Shield
Draining ShieldEnchanted JavelinFloodgate Trap Hole
Floodgate Trap HoleFloodgate Trap Hole----


[Skill] descriptionUser
Destiny Draw
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 2000. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, draw the card of your choice.

Yami Yugi

How To Use

The idea behind the deck is to increase your life points a lot with the help of cards like Draining Shield and Enchanted Javelin, but your opponent is only able to remove 1000 of your life points with each successful attack thanks to the new field spell.

Temple of the Mind’s Eye

Most of the time this will be the first card you’ll want to draw thanks to your Destiny Draw Skill.

Even if your opponent is able to hit you with a monster like Cyber Angel Dakini, you’ll only lose 1000 life points, however if you can hit your opponent with Inaba White Rabbit/Skystarray, they’ll lose a 1000 life points. This means you only need to get of 4 successful direct attacks to win the duel (even less if you summon a Lava Golem to their side of the field).

Because you only take 1000 damage at a time, this card works great together with Destiny Draw, because taking two attacks is enough to trigger it.

Backup Squad

This card has great synergy with Temple of the Mind’s Eye because you only take 1000 damage for each attack, meaning every time your opponent attacks; you’ll draw 1 card. This card can make you draw a lot throughout the duel because you’ll be raising your life points as well, just watch out that you don’t deck out before finishing of your opponent.

If you already have access to your field spell, this will probably be the next card you’ll want to search with the Destiny Draw skill.

Massivemorph and Floodgate Trap Hole

These two traps are important to help you stall early on in the duel because you might not have drawn your field spell yet, or your life points aren’t high enough to start taking hits.

Draining Shield and Enchanted Javelin

Enchanted Javelin will allow you to absorb some hits which makes you able to activate your Destiny Draw skill.

Draining Shield will completely negate an attack, which might prevent you from activating your skill, however it could greatly increase your life points, putting you in a safe position if you have your field spell active.

Draining Shield and Enchanted Javelin work great together with Massivemorph; if a monster attacks, first use Draining Shield/Enchanted Javelin (chain link 1) and chain Massivemorph to their activation (chain link 2). Massivemorph will double the monster’s attack, then you will gain life points equal to that monster’s new attack. After those traps resolve the monster’s attack will be stopped since a monster affected by Massivemorph cannot attack you directly.

Skystarray and Inaba White Rabbit

Normally these monster could only deal 600/700 damage to your opponent each turn, but thanks to Temple of the Mind’s Eye each one will be dealing 1000 damage. Keep in mind if Skystarray was not able to successfully attack (for example if your opponent stopped the attack through Enemy Controller) he will not be banished and your opponent can possibly kill it next turn. Inaba White Rabbit is stopped by less cards (one example being Floodgate Trap Hole). That’s why this deck runs only 2 Skystarray, but 3 Inaba White Rabbit.

Lava Golem

This monster helps clear up your opponent’s field and also deal 1000 damage each turn. Even though he has 3000 attack, that won’t be a problem if you have Temple of the Mind’s Eye on the field.

Additional Notes

  • With the new Marik event we can now play up to two copies of Lava Golem in a deck. A second copy greatly increases the chance of drawing one (without using Destiny Draw), however opinions on if this deck should run two copies are still divided and it has yet to be seen if a second copy is really needed. If you feel that two copies is too clunky, feel free to remove one.

  • You might have already noticed, but this deck runs 21 cards (instead of the usual 20), some people even run 22 cards. The reason for this is that it will help you in the mirror match. Most of the time the person with the most cards in his deck will win the mirror match as he will be the last to deck out.

  • Don’t forget to activate Massivemorph before the damage step. If you activate Massivemorph during the Damage step, the monster’s attack will be doubled, but the attack will still go through. Always put your toggle to “ON” if you want to activate Massivemorph so that you never use it too late.

Other Useful Cards

The Golden Apples
The Golden Apples
Allows you to take a hit and immediately heal back up while also summoning a token to defend yourself. This card is only useful at the start of the duel though.
Emergency Provisions
Emergency Provisions
This card will heal you for each spell/trap you decide to send to the graveyard. This card can provide you with a nice heal if you have multiple copies of cards in hand that are either useless or if you are going to be forced to discard cards at the end of your turn anyway. This card also allows you to get rid of cards that are locked down for example by Sergeant Electro/Fire Formation-Gyokkou.
Wall of Disruption
Wall of Disruption
Because your opponent will try and swarm the field to get in as many attacks as possible, this card could be the devastating blow as he’ll find himself with a clogged up field with monsters that have 0 attack.

King of Games [Mar 2018]


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Still waiting for the time this deck becomes wildly popular so that Konami would hit it already.
Personally, using monsters with a high defense rating, truckroid etc., is very effective too. When they take damage from attacking, it becomes 1000
GB rekt this deck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Can't agree more - never lost to a burn deck with gb
Anyone running anything other then Destiny Draw(skill) with this deck?
<< Anonymous(Torian)
Anonymous Reply
Extra, extra skill
<< Anonymous(Torian)
Aerocial Reply
I run it work tea's duel, standby skill. You start with more cards and that way you have more options to stall.
I encourage everyone to keep playing these decks!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Too bad a good player will never set 3 backrow for you to even use straight flush.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
With temple on the field, 2 backrow is more than enough most of the time. Plus straight flush is dead draw most of the time if you use it in pvp unless you fight gb all the time cause those coward will set 3 backrow as soon as the match start.
<< Anonymous
Midori-Chan Reply
Correct me if I'm wrong... but doesn't straight flush affect ONLY the spell/trap card zone? And doesn't it only activate when the spell/trap card zone is full?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I use straight flush in PvP, and it's never a dead card, trust me
Loving this deck in Legend atm, mostly playing against CA and Ninja, and this holds up very nicely against them. Only downfall being if they have anti-magic arrows in their first 3 turns. You can easily bluff lava golem over ninjas if you set the right stuff + backup squad. And CA gets wrecked due to lack of not dealing with back row.
Hello hommies *Insert Phx Deck*
Any f2p version?
<< Anonymous(Derp)
Derp Reply
i mean i only have one floodgate
<< Anonymous(Derp)
Dark Decade Reply
Change it with massivemorph or radiant mirror force its N grade
<< Anonymous(Dark Decade)
Novoc Reply
Radiant mirror force is hidden gems against six sams and gb
<< Anonymous(Novoc)
PhilosophicalPsycho Reply
Floogate is optional. Actually I wouldn't use it.
Counter card
Ancient Gear Engineer

This 1 card reks everything in this deck.
<< Anonymous(Counter card)
Anonymous Reply
Man if that card is 4 star I might tech in 1 of that in my non-ancient gear deck like hazy
<< Anonymous
Counter card Reply
Try using with "Horn of the Unicorn" or any other "Union" monsters
<< Anonymous(Counter card)
Anonymous Reply
um yeah and who actually runs AG engineer? no one because engineer is bad in pretty much any other matchup
Harpies rekt this deck so hard
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
And get rekt by the most common deck. Of course I'm talking about mind scan CA
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
CA is 100% lose vs this deck

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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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