During either player's turn, when a card effect is activated in your opponent's Graveyard, you can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard to negate the effect.
How to Get
Level-up reward
Victory against
Card trader
Tradable 70,000 xGold SR Jewel x7 Stone of DARK x70
Can be discarded to negate opponent’s card effects that activates from the Graveyard.
Weak DEF stats.
Can be situational as not every deck relies on effects that activate from the Graveyard.
This card is most suitable to be used in a Fiend-type themed deck, such as Archfiends, because you can still discard this card as a cost for Call of the Archfiend, in order to summon higher level Archfiend monsters to the Field.
These are some of the cards that are used in current meta decks that can be countered using Skull Meister’s effect.
Paleozoic Canadia (and the rest of the “Paleozoic” monsters) have effects that Special Summons themselves from the Graveyard, so Skull Meister will negate it.
Snoww, Unlight of Dark World and Broww, Unlight of Dark World have effects that activate from the Graveyard, after they were sent there.
Destiny HERO - Celestial can banish itself and another Destiny HERO monster to draw 2 more cards.
Sylvan Marshaleaf has effects that destroys your opponent’s monster while Sylvan Komushroom has effects that destroys your opponent’s Spell/Trap, which activates from the Graveyard.
Amazoness Baby Tiger special summons himself from the graveyard with his own effect when an Amazoness monster is summoned to your opponent's field.
Bacon Saver is used in Zombie decks as a way to stop attacks.
Machine Angel Ritual and Hymn of Light are Ritual Spell cards that can be banished from the Graveyard to protect opponent’s Ritual Monsters.
Bujingi Sinyou and Bujingi Quilin are some of the Bujin monsters that can be banished from the graveyard to trigger their effects.
All these effects are negated by discarding Skull Meister.
Negates the effects of your opponent's Effect Monsters / Negates the effects of your opponent's Spell Cards / Negates the effects of your opponent's Trap Cards
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