
Anti-Meta Guardian Statue: KC Cup deck

update 08/03/2017

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Deck list

This deck was used by 野原ひろし, who was the first place of KC Cup North/South America region earning 21283 DPs. He also used a Relinquished deck.

Sphere KuribohSphere KuribohSphere KuribohSergeant ElectroSergeant ElectroSergeant Electro
Guardian StatueGuardian StatueGuardian StatueAmazoness Chain MasterPossessed Dark SoulPossessed Dark Soul
TwisterEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerMirror WallMirror WallMirror Wall
Interdimensional Matter TransporterWindstorm of Etaqua--------

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
[Destiny Draw]
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 2000. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, draw the card of your choice.



Used a very similar deck and made KoG yesterday thanks
I read this the other day. I accepted it's ignorance. However, I love the electro build, and this page is bugging the hell outta me. I'm not sure why the 🔥 the author to this deck would put in the stone guy, but hane-hane would've been much more viable. I don't use either however. I find element saurus is a much better candidate. It gets 2000atk with electro, and with a earth type down, it'll negate any face down effects. Perfect for 4*ladybug. I use the 2000 atk amazon lady and bazoo. They're both earth, and can survive for a turn. Pair those with a MW, SK, or even reinforcements for a pseudo mirror wall. No need for fusions, or rituals, or complex grave keeper setups. Just lockdown trap/spell zone, pop field spells with twister, and negate effects. Most people end up quiting before the game finishes.
<< Anonymous(R)
Anonymous Reply
With 1 Guardian Statue you can literally keep the opponent on 1 Monster and with all the Defense only Relinquished even has a chance to break your board. Personally I would drop the Statue to 2 Possessed to 0 and Chain Master for 3 Thunder Dragon and Bazoo. Change it for Keith with Switcheroo. If you have a copy of Divine Wrath swap Transporter for it and you're good to go.
<< Anonymous(R)
Anonymous Reply
The author got 1st place in NA for the KC Cup so clearly he didn't just throw it in randomly. You should probably try a Deck out and understand how it works before criticizing it
I personally would have used the skill Sleight of Hand with this deck or Switcheroo.
<< Anonymous(Inti)
R Reply
Yeah this build is 🔥 backwards. Switcharoo gives the deck consistency (when it works). I've been testing restart as well. Destiny Draw is a terrible idea for this though. You can only use it once, maybe twice, on the opponents terms. Sleight of hand isn't so good tho. You'll end up getting bad 1st hands. The 500 atk boost isn't worth it when only 3 of your cards are machine.
man Sergeant electro is wrecking shop in this meta.
The only downside I can see is that the def is kinda low, but good effect. And Destiny Draw requires a big hit. You could only use it once, while switcharoo is twice and can be used any time.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
He has 3 Mirror Wall and Chain Master it's not hard to setup Destiny Draw early if need be

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Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
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