
Victory Viper beatdown: deck recipe

update 27/06/2017

Example deck

Twin-Barrel DragonTwin-Barrel DragonSergeant ElectroSergeant ElectroVictory Viper XX03Victory Viper XX03
Victory Viper XX03Possessed Dark SoulLord British Space FighterLord British Space FighterLord British Space FighterRiryoku
RiryokuEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerMetalmorphMetalmorph
MetalmorphWindstorm of Etaqua--------

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Sleight of Hand
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1500. You add a 7 Completed, that is hidden behind your wristband, to your hand.

Other useful cards

Machine King Prototype
Machine King Prototype
Will have a significant boosts along side with machine type monsters, a well balanced ATK and DEF.
Can be useful to summon Victory Viper XX03 and pull out combos.
A normal monster that has a support card like Gradius' Option.
Shine Palace
Shine Palace
Can be used to boosts "Option Token" of Victory Viper XX03.
Gradius' Option
Gradius' Option
Can be useful if Gradius will be used in the deck.
Power Capsule
Power Capsule
Significant boosts for Victory Viper XX03 and with a high versatility.
Mirror Wall
Mirror Wall
Can defend your Victory Viper XX03. Very useful to destroy a monster with high ATK that your opponent controls.
Adhesion Trap Hole
Adhesion Trap Hole
Halves multiple monsters ATK if they are special summoned at the same time. A great troll card.
Rising Energy
Rising Energy
A trap card version of Riryoku has a high versatility.

Other useful skills

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It's so sad that they patched this combo. I don't think there will ever be another combo that can reach heights this high ever again. RIP Viper Combo. It had a good run. Even sadder is that they increased the attack limit after the patch so I didnt even get to register the attack for my profile.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
umm, they didn't patch anything? They just increased the limit.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
No, they made it so that you couldn't use the trap on the tokens anymore. The limit was just something that wouldn't register after the duel because of the limit. But during the duel it wasn't a problem.
Noah Kaiba played this deck, maybe he will be playable in the future
wtf is this build old af
My current Gradius themed deck, has so far brought me to gold.
Just hit legendary with it. Sure not always guaranteed to win but it is nice to play.
Sadly i don't think it is kog possible
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Skill is from Bastion , Field Spell where every light monster get 500 atk
I like this deck so much, has potential OTK, somehow shut backrow, It goes Ok against many meta deck, and has element of surprise since not many used this yet.
Econ is this deck nemesis though
<< Anonymous(Chapapanga)
Anonymous Reply
Riryoku has a stupid good synergy here, you can drain the attack from your tokens to viper, and that just brings the tokens up too!
<< Anonymous(Chapapanga)
Anonymous Reply
Just exchange on or two cards for a Magic Jammer or Anti-Magic Arrows.
I'd recommend throwing in and attack boosting trap card or two, sorcerous spell wall, and a pumpprincess, just to help keep em low enough to start a chain.

Victory vipers and power capsules could also be integrated into a spell counter deck, if you're willing to make it a little bit bigger
Got a problem. Even you got your planes ready in time, how do u attack? There are heavy back rows usually. I do not see much mine sweepers.
Focus Energy is understated in this deck. It also buffs option tokens for the turn, so if VV gets a 🔥 the token comes out with minimum 2700. Usually, that's direct DMG. Half-shut is also great, can keep VV on the field while waiting on metalmorph or for controlled LP loss to trigger SoH.
i have more success without the other planes.
<< Anonymous(italoipo)
Anonymous Reply
How do you fit both the rare metalmorphs with the 7 completed? Won't regular metalmorph be better?
<< Anonymous(italoipo)
Anonymous Reply
Rare metalmorph is better that metalmorph for machine-theme deck. It can negate the effect of E-con and Order to charge. And.. He didnt use the "sleight of hand" skill so it wont be a problem to use rare metalmorph
<< Anonymous(italoipo)
italoipo Reply
i don't like the 7 complete skill...i rather avoid damage, and if i need 700+ atk for my ship i put in: shining palace
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
E-con doesn't work with Order to Charge because it doesn't target.
Done me very well going to hit plat with 2 seasons in a row
So in a format with nearly everyone having E con in a Deck of Machines you have Metalmorph as opposed to Rare Metalmorph why?!
<< Anonymous
YuYuJakey Reply
7 completed won't work with rare metalmorph

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Sounds as legit as the shady @@@ dealer I see sometimes after nightfall in the park V
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