
Cerberus deck to farm Pegasus Lvl 40

update 06/02/2017
Note: This deck does not guarantee 100% win. If you have a good idea to farm Pegasus, kindly share with us. Thanks!

Overview / Rating

Part of why it's risky to use Cerberus deck is that you either need Cerberus or magic cards that can destroy Toon World early in the duel. Since this deck is built differently than to use on other LD or other CPUs, it also has more defensive cards that aren't spell cards, this is for protection so that the toon Monsters won't attack or attack directly.

It is recommended to finish the duel getting over 5000 damage if it gets dangerous with the toon monsters.

Obtainable score4,000 - 6,000
Essential skillDraw Sense: Low Level / Draw Sense: Light / Sorcery Conduit
Essential cards

Example deck

Mythical Beast CerberusFusion GateRiryokuShard of GreedShard of GreedTwister
Shooting Star Bow - CealMurmur of the ForestDe-SpellDe-SpellBook of Secret ArtsBook of Secret Arts
Stop DefenseBlue MedicineBlue MedicineTrap JammerTrap JammerMalfunction
Spell PurificationSpell Purification--------

Possible skills

[Skill] descriptionUser
[Sorcery Conduit]
Can be used each time your Life Points decrase by 1800. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, draw a random Spellcaster-Type monster.
[Draw Sense: Low Level]
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1800. In the Draw Phase, istead of doing a normal draw, draw a level 1-4 monster card.
Weevil Underwood
[Draw Sense: LIGHT]
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1800. In the Draw Phase, istead of doing a normal draw, draw a random LIGHT-attribute monster.

How to get / rarity

Monster x1QTY / [Rarity]
How to Get
Mythical Beast Cerberus
Mythical Beast Cerberus
1 [SR]
Card Trader
Spell x16QTY / [Rarity]
How to Get
Fusion Gate
Fusion Gate
1 [UR]
Pack: Ultimate Rising
1 [UR]
Pack: Ultimate Rising
Shard of Greed
Shard of Greed
2 [SR]
Pack: Ultimate Rising
1 [R]
Pack: Ultimate Rising
Shooting Star Bow - Ceal
Shooting Star Bow - Ceal
1 [SR]
Pack: Neo-Impact
Murmur of the Forest
Murmur of the Forest
1 [R]
Card Trader
2 [R]
  • Starter deck: Yami Yugi
  • Starter deck: Seto Kaiba
Book of Secret Arts
Book of Secret Arts
2 [R]
Pack: Ultimate Rising
Stop Defense
Stop Defense
1 [R]
  • Starter deck: Yami Yugi
  • Starter deck: Seto Kaiba
Blue Medicine
Blue Medicine
2 [N]
Duel reward: standard duelists
Trap x5QTY / [Rarity]
How to Get
Trap Jammer
Trap Jammer
2 [R]
Pack: Ultimate Rising
1 [N]
Card Trader
Spell Purification
Spell Purification
2 [N]
Duel reward: Standard Duelists

How to use this deck

Destroying Toon World

It's important to remember that you shouldn't use Twister freely. If there is another set card beside Toon World then it can either be Judgement of Anubis or Michizure. If you don't have Cerberus on the field yet, then you can use Twister, but if you do, then you will need Trap Jammer set the turn before, so that it can be used in case Pegasus activates either Judgement or Michizure.

Getting Cerberus

If you don't have Cerberus in your starting hand, then you will need to get hit and take at least 1800 damage in order to activate the skill. If 1 monster attack can already activate it for you then it's better to destroy the Toon World as soon as you can to prevent taking more damage.

Watch Your LP

If your LP is very low, you will need to heal up quickly since Pegasus can summon his Toon Cannon Soldier, which doesn't require Toon World spell, and he can set toon monsters down to be used as tribute to deal damage. The card itself can also be tributed, which can deal a lot of damage to you quickly in a turn.

The Finishing Blow

The spells in the deck might not be enough to reach over 9999 damage, so it's better to reach the "over 5000 damage" score. Either by getting more than 5000 attack and use Stop Defense then Riryoku, or getting more than 6000 attack and use Shooting Star Bow - Ceal. Remember to get to 0 cards left for extra points post duel.


Hot New Top
This deck is so bad against lv 40. There is nothing stopping toon monsters attacking you directly. Even if u destroy toon world, it would trigger michizure and destroy cerebus. Can only really farm lv 30.
Use fairy meteor crush if you dont have shooting star bow.
I recommend trying "Tornado Birds" to reuse your permanent/equip/field spell cards for more stacks ;)
another 'more than half Ultimate Rising' deck.. :/
wats the point of fusion card?
<< Anonymous(seiya)
DDD Reply
Its just a field spell to use twice with the efect of murmur of the forest
This is so sad. I joined week ago and everything is from Ultimate Rising. I don't think that's fair..
Anyone here that has a cerberus deck without Ultimate Rising pack??
<< Anonymous(Prodigy)
Aedrias Reply
I know... also struggled without any ultimate rising cards...
I realized, once you get your Cerberus higher than his cards, he switches all in defense and waits! So draw Cerberus as fast as possible with one of three skills, take many spell cards, which can be activated without special condition (also LP heal helps).
Then boost further and DON'T 🔥 any card on his field!!!
<< Anonymous(Prodigy)
Aedrias Reply
Because if you 🔥 any card, you risk activation of traps, which can 🔥 your Cerberus and you lose. As long as you just keep stacking the spell cards, your fine ;)
I don't think this deck is working anymore, especially for level 40. Total I only got 1/10 win. Anyone experiences the same recently?
Dulest catto
I beated pegsues lev 50 without all this i jad bakura and teather of defeat the only way i defeated him was waiting until he summoned most of his cartoon cards then de spell it destroying is cards and making me attack him its really easy to win once toon world is down
6000 each time
Link to screenshot:
<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' border='0' alt='postimage'/></a>
Wish ultimate rising was still a thing
I get about 6400-7000 with this deck. Any thoughts?

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Could this card still destroy a monster who's original attack is ? Like the calculator a...
Gem 117
Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
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