This page notes details of Arcana Knight Joker (LIGHT/Warrior/Fusion Monster/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
"Queen's Knight" + "Jack's Knight" + "King's Knight" A Fusion Summon of this card can only be done with the above materials. Once per turn, when a Spell/Trap Card, or monster effect, is activated that targets this face-up card on the field (Quick Effect): You can discard the same type of card (Monster, Spell, or Trap); negate the effect.
There are multiple ways to Special Summon Arcana Knight Joker by using Cyber-Stein. One is to use cards that can gain you Life Points like Enchanted Javelin, Solemn Wishes or Aegis of Gaia until you have enough Life Points to pay the cost. Another way is when your Life Points reaches 1000 or below, you can use Tea's Skill Life Cost 0 which lets you to not spend Life Points when activating a card effect. And one more way is by using LP boost β/LP boost γ which adds 1500/2500 Life Points at the beginning of the match, but it reduces your starting hand by 1/2 cards.
Once Summoner of Illusions flips, you can tribute another monster in your field to Special Summon Arcana Knight Joker from your Extra Deck. You can use Dimension Gate to prevent it from getting destroyed at your End Phase.
By using Temple of the Kings' effect, you can send Mystical Beast of Serket from your field along with it to the Graveyard to Special Summon Arcana Knight Joker from your Extra Deck.
If you still have Queen's Knight, Jack's Knight and King's Knight on the field after using them for attacks, you can use Flash Fusion since it's a Quick-Play spell card to Fusion Summon Arcana Knight Joker to your field. If your opponent still survived from the attack of Arcana Knight Joker, use De-Fusion to bring back Queen's Knight, Jack's Knight and King's Knight to your field and attack with them again.
These cards lets you have card advantage and fuel for Arcana Knight Joker to negate monster effects. You can get 2 copies of Thunder Dragon from your deck by using its effect while Sinister Serpent returns to your hand during your Standby Phase when it's in your Graveyard.
Discards for cost
Monster/Spell/Trap categories
Negates the effects of Effect Monsters / Negates the effects of Spell Cards / Negates the effects of Trap Cards
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