When exactly 1 monster you control is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard by an opponent's card effect: Target 1 monster your opponent controls; send that target to the Graveyard, and if you do, inflict damage to your opponent equal to half its original ATK in the Graveyard.
Your monster must have been destroyed by your opponent's card effect to activate this card.
Can be situational.
Here are some popular destruction cards in the meta you can counter with Icy Crevvase. Donpa, Marksman Fur Hire and Atlantean Heavy Infantry destroys face-up cards while their counterparts Recon, Scout Fur Hire and Atlantean Marksman destroys face-down cards. Geargianchor destroys monsters when he is flipped face-up, but you can only activate Icy Crevasse when only 1 of your monsters is destroyed. Amazoness Heirloom is an equip card with a destruction effect but you can still destroy the monster it is equipped to. Vampire Kingdom has a destruction effect but require's another card's effect to trigger it, this card is usually the monster Vampire's Grace which you can destroy. As for other splashable cards that destroy theres Snowman Eater, Widespread Ruin, and Super Rush Headlong.
Now if only they can make a counter trap card to negate spells, monster effects and traps. Not to mention also destroy a monster on your opponent’s side of the field to inflict damage equal to the number of attack points by the monster you destroy. That would be a good counter trap.
It's ok against Fur Hires perhaps but the problem is that Trechous Trap Hole is still a thing and it targets two monsters and this card requires one. Maybe a good tech
This could be an interesting tech option against effect removal decks. Although it seems like it has too many requirements to be met to be particularly good.
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