
World Legacy - "World Armor"

This page notes details of World Legacy - "World Armor" (DARK/Machine/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 20/05/2019

World Legacy - "World Armor"

World Legacy - "World Armor"
TypeMachine, Effect


When a monster is Flip Summoned: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can add 1 "World Legacy" card from your Deck to your hand. If this Normal Summoned/Set card is on the field (Quick Effect): You can target 1 face-up opponent's monster that was Special Summoned from the Extra Deck; return both that monster and this card to the hand. You can only use each effect of "World Legacy - "World Armor"" once per turn.

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  • Special Summons itself.
  • Searches a World Legacy card from your deck.
  • Removes an opponent’s Extra Deck monster from the field.


  • Special Summoning condition is a bit slow.
  • Special Summoning condition can miss timing.
  • Returns itself to the hand to use removal effect.


  • The removal effect is always worth using because Special Summoning a monster from the Extra Deck is costlier and more difficult than Special Summoning this monster from your hand. Especially since this monster has its own Special Summoning condition.
  • You can search World Legacy monsters or Spell/Trap cards with this cards effect. It can even search more copies of itself.


Flip Summons are one of Krawler monsters’ gimmicks, easily triggering the Special Summon of World Legacy - “World Armor”. Krawler monsters even Special Summon each other face-down to facilitate their Flip Summons.


An archetype with Flip Summons as part of their strategy, they even have support that puts them face-down to be Flip Summoned again. This lets you easily Special Summon World Legacy - “World Armor”.


Ghostricks are another archetype with lots of Flip Summoning. They can turn themselves face-down every turn and some of their monsters even have effects when they are Flip Summoned.

Flip Face-Down

Flip your opponent’s monsters face-down to disrupt their play. They will be forced to Flip Summon the monster to make use it and this will let you Special Summon World Legacy - “World Armor”.


The pne who wrote "tips" is an idiot,
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I think the Tips is supposed to say that you Normal Summon this card first so you can use the removal effect, then Special Summon it back into the field.

Doesn't change the fact that it's extremely situational, but the Tips makes more sense if you read it that way.
<< Anonymous
Hawk Reply
What an immature brat!

If you're going to call someone an idiot let least mention why, instead just calling them that just to make yourself feel emotional-secure.

I can't stand narcissistic ret@rds like you, they're the reason for misery in the world—literally (look it up, the mental disorder, I mean).
<< Anonymous
Hawk Reply
You're right. And thanks for your insightful explanation. The world could do with more sensible people like you. Seriously.
Inugami Korone
Amazing hand!
Amazing fingers!
Yubi yubi!
If i tribute set this card, can i activate it second effect?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yes, but it has to be flipped face-up first
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I don't think it has to be flipped face-up. It says:
If this Normal Summoned/Set card is on the field

I would say even if it remains setted it will still work.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It has to be face-up. face-down cards don't have any effects
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Well, if you summon it face-up you also get to draw a World legacy clash. No reason for it not to be face-up.
I have been wondering.
This card says that it must either be Normal summoned or set to activate the "return both that monster" effect.

So if you instead special summon him face down, there is no problem right ?
Can his second effect still be activated ?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Just post the decklist here, or give us the link of any youtuber who plays World Armor deck. No one plays World Armor in 2nd stage KC Cup yet you still talk non sense about some "pro duelist" playing World Armor. Everyone can be pro if they stay in Bronze
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
There is a misunderstanding, what is common in replays is for good players to do multiple synchro and a tribute summon each turn. Regardless of the card they are synchro/tribute summoning. The main reason why World Armor is not used that much is because Dark Magician and Invoker seems to dominate the meta more than Shirainui somehow and those decks counter target effect like World Armor's.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The problem here is that most people who are looking for a counter against Shirainui aren't pro-players.
We all know that those guys can "vomit" like 5 monsters per turn with an empty hand plus a tribute summon.
Most people are not at that level though.
Anyway, what you say makes sense. World Armor is here to protect your boss monster and your Chaos Hunter. Plus it also serves as bait.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
All those people weren't playing Shiranui in KC cup just because it was their favorite deck, it was because it was one of the best decks before the updated banlist.

With the new Judgement Force support, maybe someone can find a way to use World Armor's extra deck effect more often.
Is there any easy generic ways to search, then to set/normal summon this card in any deck ?

By that I mean in a deck not specialised in world legacy, etc..
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I love using rogue decks and underrated cards that counter the common meta decks. i was beating a lot of tiered decks with Invoked Krawlers for example lol
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It is cards like those that end up being limited/semi-limited first however.

If too much people keep using cards like World Armor people will stop buy Shirainui cards, which is bad for business.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I didn't buy the Future Horizon pacs yet, so no Heavysamurai for me. So as suggested above I tried using Dopplewarrior but I don't know with which tuner and synchro it works better.
Anyone know which Synchro and tuner ?

I do find it easy to get world armor and Dopplewarrior in my hand though. Easy world legacy clash.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I suppose a tuner that activates an effect when it is special summoned from the grave would be a good combo with Doppelwarrior.

I can only think of a level 2 tuner though, which won't give you a good synchro, sadly.
g@y thanos sent me here.
How is this card not banned.
I used my 30 cards Grass deck Shirainui.
I keep synchro summoning each turn.
Everything goes back to my extra deck.

How is this card allowed ?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
So, when will Konami ban World Armor ?

It messed up Grass my deck so much.
I only played against it once and I'm already fed-up with this overpowered card.

Shirainui has no counter to this card.

BAN THIS CARD from King of Game ladder already !!!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply

Finally, Shirainui Grass are receiving their just deserts.

Just stop using Shirainui Grass.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Nah I think chaos hunter also counter shiranui
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I assume he's playing superheavy samurai with this card right? Cause they have big waraji that can treated as 2 tribute for tribute summon of machine monster
It’s my glove
<< Anonymous(Gecko )
Anonymous Reply
that was a great endgame reference
<< Anonymous(Thanos)
Tony Stark Reply
are you sure???
<< Anonymous(Thanos)
Anonymous Reply
Those are characters are a bit corny but at least the Gecko is very cool !
Bugged card???
Opponent summons red eyes fusion dick-monster.
Then, he had a set monster, that is flipped afterwards. I activate the World Armor effect and special summon this glove.
No way I can activate its effect to return the two monsters....... wtf
<< Anonymous(WhatTheFluck)
Anonymous Reply
Bugged card???
Opponent summons red eyes fusion dick-monster.
Then, he had a set monster, that is flipped afterwards. I activate the World Armor effect and special summon this glove.
No way I can activate its effect to return the two monsters....... wtf
The Summoning can't miss timing...
<< Anonymous
Pia Reply
Yeah it can't
Just for the record:
If... You can = don't miss timing
When... You can = miss timing
<< Anonymous(Pia)
Anonymous Reply
While that is true, there are no scenarios where World Armor can miss its timing due to its particular trigger condition. There is no way for a Flip Summon NOT to be the last thing to occur.

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