
World Legacy - "World Armor"

I have been wondering. This card says that it must either be Normal summoned or set to activate the "return both that monster" effect. So if you instead special summon him face down, there is no problem right ? Can his second effect still be activated ?
It depends, this card's effect requires "If this Normal Summoned/Set card is on the field".
Does "Normal Summoned/Set card" means Normal summoned OR Normal set card ?
Or does it mean Normal Summoned OR Set (what ever set method) card ?
It has to be normal summoned or normal set. If it is special summoned by any ways, it cannot activate the effect of returning opponent's card
<< Anonymous
That is very unfortunate.

I guess platinum and lower ranked players won't be countering my Shirainui Grass deck any time soon because of the summoning conditions of that world armor legacy.
Someone who said World Armor counters Shiranui must be Bronze or Silver player
<< Anonymous
If you stayed tuned in the recent event at KoG level you may have heard of players that vomit multiple synchro summons plus tribute summon 1 World Armor every turn.

Shirainui cards have no counter to World Armor other than destruction by battle.
Usually you banish Spirit master from the graveyard to synchro, at that point World Armor will simply dodge the target effect plus return your Synchro.
<< Anonymous
Yeah, it's not like Shiranui decks commonly play cards like Gold Sarcophagus or World Legacy Clash that can easily deal with World Armor at all. Or could banish Spiritmaster from the Graveyard BEFORE Synchro Summoning, via something like Samurai or Whirlflame.

Also, Shiranui Summoning Synchros each turn is more likely than someone Summoning World Armor every turn, as it's much easier.
<< Anonymous
The issue is that World Armor is not the boss monster usually. Your enemy also has a Synchro summoned boss monster and has Chaos Hunter(who is searched by the same card that searches World Armor).
So your priority 1 is to get of either Chaos Hunter or the boss monster first, not World Armor. If you try Black Rose the field, they can simply chain World Armor.
<< Anonymous
There is zero chance World Armor is worth using. It takes too many resources to Summon. Realistically, even in an ideal world, where you get what, Mausoleum, World Armor and Chaos Hunter... What does that even do against Shiranui that Chaos Hunter alone doesn't aside from add inconsistency?
<< Anonymous
In the above posts the guy did mention that his opponent built a deck that in each single turn could potentially Synchro summon multiple times, followed by a tribute summon of World Armor.

The replays of some Pro gamers show that it is easy to build such a deck(if you have the money). The issue is that for us commoners it is a little too much.

In KoG many people PayToWin, so it makes sense.
<< Anonymous
If you want to believe such fields are common, then go right ahead. But that'd take so many specific cards that it's simply not worth the resources, and there is no way in hell you'd do it consistently enough. Plus, you know, World Armor is basically entirely useless against things like DM.
Just post the decklist here, or give us the link of any youtuber who plays World Armor deck. No one plays World Armor in 2nd stage KC Cup yet you still talk non sense about some "pro duelist" playing World Armor. Everyone can be pro if they stay in Bronze
<< Anonymous
There is a misunderstanding, what is common in replays is for good players to do multiple synchro and a tribute summon each turn. Regardless of the card they are synchro/tribute summoning. The main reason why World Armor is not used that much is because Dark Magician and Invoker seems to dominate the meta more than Shirainui somehow and those decks counter target effect like World Armor's.
<< Anonymous
The problem here is that most people who are looking for a counter against Shirainui aren't pro-players.
We all know that those guys can "vomit" like 5 monsters per turn with an empty hand plus a tribute summon.
Most people are not at that level though.
Anyway, what you say makes sense. World Armor is here to protect your boss monster and your Chaos Hunter. Plus it also serves as bait.
<< Anonymous
All those people weren't playing Shiranui in KC cup just because it was their favorite deck, it was because it was one of the best decks before the updated banlist.

With the new Judgement Force support, maybe someone can find a way to use World Armor's extra deck effect more often.


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