
Amazoness Onslaught

This page notes details of Amazoness Onslaught (Trap Card/Continuous) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 23/04/2020
Amazoness Onslaught
TypeContinuous Trap


Once per turn, during the Battle Phase: You can Special Summon 1 "Amazoness" monster from your hand, and if you do, it gains 500 ATK until the end of this turn (even if this card leaves the field). After damage calculation, if your "Amazoness" monster battled an opponent's monster while this card is already face-up in your Spell & Trap Zone: You can banish that opponent's monster. If this card on the field is destroyed and sent to the GY: You can target 1 "Amazoness" monster in your GY; Special Summon it.

How to get / Rarity

PackValiant Souls [R]
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  • Lets you special summon 1 Amazoness monster from your hand each Battle Phase.
  • Special summoned monster gains 500 attack until the end of the turn.
  • Banishes your opponent's monster that battles with your Amazoness monster.
  • Can special summon an Amazoness monster from the grave if Onslaught is destroyed and sent to the grave.


  • Can only special summon during Battle Phase.
  • Needs to be destroyed and sent to the graveyard to activate its last effect.
  • The monster banishing effect happens after damage calculation, so you will still take battle damage.


Monsters for Onslaught

Amazoness Swords Woman and Fighter's effect makes it so that they can't take any battle damage, but Swords Woman can inflict damage based on the damage that you would've taken. This makes them a good suicide monster to banish your opponent's monsters. Baby Tiger is also useful since it can essentially revive itself multiple times.

Battle Protection

Amazoness Onslaught requires you to attack you opponent's monsters which could be a problem when your Amazoness monsters have low attack. Use these cards to protect them from being destroyed during battle. Amazoness Queen makes all your Amazoness monsters immune to battle destruction as long as she is on the field. Intrigue Shield and Amazoness Heirloom and Intrigue Shield prevent them from being destroyed by battle once per turn, with Amazoness Heirloom having its own effect to destroy your opponent's monster in case you don't have Amazoness Onslaught on the field yet.


Use these to bring back your monsters from the grave so that they can attack again. As long as you bring back an Amazoness monster, you can use Onslaught's effect to banish your opponent's monster.

Destroying Onslaught

Having some spell/trap destroying card is always handy in any deck. There will be times when you want to destroy your own Onslaught before your opponent reacts, Especially since one of the most commonly used back row removal card is Cosmic Cyclone. Cosmic Cyclone is a quick-play spell that you can use after you use Onslaught during battle phase. Storm is a pre-emptive destruction in case you want to avoid attacking into your opponent's back row.

No battle damage

Avoid battle damage if you are using cards like Baby Tiger, or attacked by a high attack monster. If you have Onslaught active, making them "can't be destroyed by battle" is a very strong effect since it will let you use 1 monster for many monster removals.



Hot New Top
Most broken R card for f2p that ever created, i wonder if konami make this card an UR or SR would they dare limit em
If your missing a set of danglers this is the card for you
Dude I find it pretty hilarious how some guys keep losing to just one copy of this card. I almost never lost to it, not even since you could play 3 of them.

What do I play?
Pretty basic Geargia setup with 2-3 super rush headlong. Kog for several months and 100% free to play. Build it with gems.
Just for curious,
If Konami released this card as UR will it be limited or semi-limited??
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I wonder why is this card available and Magical Dimension or Eternal Soul are not?
I think you have to be very 🔥ed to lose to just one copy of this card.
You also need low self esteem to come here and complain/cry a river about it.
Come soon, Royal Decree...
I'm fuking tired of all the 🔥ous traps in this meme of a game...
Does anyone actually enjoy playing this unga bunga deck? How is this fun to you?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Winning is fun.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
kog baby good!!!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Most of the players who run this duck have a mindset of an actual caveman, they just continue to bang rocks together till they reach KoG.
So this card got limited to 1 but the deck will still be very powerfull. If they have this card already why don’t just add mystic tomato? Why not monster reborn? Why not even mirror wall? Maybe they should take it a bit too far and add chaos emperor dragon or something like that
<< Anonymous(Lalalalala)
Anonymous Reply
Not really, the deck won't be that powerful anymore.
<< Anonymous(Lalalalala)
Anonymous Reply
You greatly overestimate the power of Amazoness deck once their lone copy of Onslaught got Cosmic Cycloned.
<< Anonymous
Lalalalala Reply
This is very true until a swordswoman decides to pop up with a heilroom equipped. Not to mention she will have a queen by her side and if you get through say hello to VISION HERO WITCH RAIDER! It is still powerfull
<< Anonymous(Lalalalala)
Anonymous Reply
Mirror force you mean? We’ve had money wall since the game came out
Probably best trap ever created !
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Amusingly enough, this card is considered as not that good in real life (OCG/TCG).
<< Anonymous
Anonymous No. 2 Reply
But not because of its effect, but due to the fact that it is difficult to search in a 40-60 card deck.
<< Anonymous(Anonymous No. 2)
Anonymous Reply
Not really true. Between Princess and Call, you can get it pretty consistently. But Amazoness being pretty battle-focused limits their usefulness. They can't really break established boards, which is a big problem, and they hemorrhage resources trying to keep pace with typical decks.
Needs to be banned
<< Anonymous
Mr Yang Reply
<< Anonymous(Mr Yang)
Blue Reply
Its super rare and costs a deck slot purely for to 🔥 onslaught. Not worth it.
<< Anonymous(Blue)
Anonymous Reply
Its worth! especially when you lack of backremoval, it can counter onslaugt, field spell, penalty box, and many more meta related

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