
KC Cup: 2nd Stage [Sept 2019]

Duel Links KC CUP Sept decks, the top meta of Duel Links in Sept 2019.
update 23/09/2019


Stage 2 of the KC Cup will start on September 13th. Shared decks are credited to the people who made/used them. If you like their decks, don't forget to check their reddit/twitter/youtube accounts!

2nd Stage Duration13 Sept 13:00 - 16 Sept 12:59


ANorth America
BLatin America/Caribbean
FAsia/Middle East/Africa


  • Players placed in Top 500 in the 2nd Stage Ranking will receive a seat in the next Duel Links World Championship Regional Representive Qualifier!
  • The 1st place player in the 2nd Stage Global Ranking will receive an invitation to the Duel Links World Championship!

2nd Stage Ranking Rewards

2nd Stage Shared Decks

Email to GameA

At the end of the KC Cup 2nd stage, please send us decks you use, your region, and Duel Points you earn. Send us an e-mail at with the image of your deck and proof of reaching KoG along with how it works! The title of your email must be KOG deck (KC Cup).
Subject (Title)KOG deck (KC CUP)
Body (Text)
  • Your IGN
  • A small note to show how to use your deck or how you reach KOG (if necessary)
Attach Files
  • a screenshot of a deck you used to reach KOG
  • a screenshot of KOG proof

Required Info/screenshot

Send us screenshots of your deck which is used to get through the 2nd stage of the KC Cup and the proof.

Number of users per deck

Amano Control1
Fortune Lady Synchro1
Gren Maju Da Stromberg1
Six Samurai2


Set SkillTime Passage (Fortune Lady Synchro)
Rank1 (Regional Rank), 1 (Global Rank)
Win Rate65% (310 wins, 476 duels)
Duel Points135,362
Cumulative Wins10


Set SkillMasked Tribute (Gren Maju Da Stromberg)
Balance (Triamid)
RegionNorth America
Rank1 (Regional Rank), 2 (Global Rank)
Win Rate--
Duel Points131,026
Cumulative Wins--


Set SkillBeatdown! (Darklord)
Rank1 (Regional Rank), 4 (Global Rank)
Win Rate--
Duel Points125,450
Cumulative Wins--


Set SkillTime Passage (Fortune Lady Synchro)
Compensation (Darklord)
Rank2 (Regional Rank), 5 (Global Rank)
Win Rate--
Duel Points121,037
Cumulative Wins--


Set SkillBalance (Triamid)
Rank3 (Regional Rank), 6 (Global Rank)
Win Rate65% (268 wins, 411 duels)
Duel Points120,544
Cumulative Wins13

DD 双葉 Firu

IGNDD 双葉 Firu
Set SkillBeatdown! (Darklord)
Rank5 (Regional Rank), 8 (Global Rank)
Win Rate61.72% (387 wins, 627 duels)
Duel Points117,653
Cumulative Wins0


Set SkillBeatdown! (Darklord)
Rank7 (Regional Rank), 10 (Global Rank)
Win Rate60% (391 wins, 644 duels)
Duel Points116,910
Cumulative Wins15

B.Z 悠风Luca

IGNB.Z 悠风Luca
Set SkillDuel, standby! (Amano Control)
RegionAsia/Middle East/Africa
Rank1 (Regional Rank), 25 (Global Rank)
Win Rate57.75% (421 wins, 729 duels)
Duel Points100,788
Cumulative Wins4

コビトカバ NEO

IGNコビトカバ NEO
Set SkillLight and Dark (Spellbook)
Sealed Tombs (Six Samurai)
Rank44 (Global Rank)
Win Rate--
Duel Points84,561
Cumulative Wins--

Sen. GaOV

Set SkillMaster of Destiny (Desperado)
Rank3 (Regional Rank), 45 (Global Rank)
Win Rate64% (157 wins, 242 duels)
Duel Points84,438
Cumulative Wins9


Set SkillDestiny Draw (Gem-Knight)
Rank79 (Global Rank)
Win Rate58% (270 wins, 460 duels)
Duel Points80,222
Cumulative Wins12


Set SkillBeatdown! (Vendread)
Rank105 (Global Rank)
Win Rate--
Duel Points79,141
Cumulative Wins--

B.Z Camula干净

IGNB.Z Camula干净
Set SkillMaster of Destiny (Desperado)
RegionAsia/Middle East/Africa
Rank387 (Global Rank)
Win Rate--
Duel Points50,794
Cumulative Wins--


Set SkillBeatdown! (Six Samurai)
RegionAsia/Middle East/Africa
Rank490 (Global Rank)
Win Rate--
Duel Points48,452
Cumulative Wins--


Set SkillLight and Dark (Spellbook)
RegionAsia/Middle East/Africa
Rank3,755 (Global Rank)
Win Rate--
Duel Points26,624
Cumulative Wins--

Other 2nd Stage Players

IGNDeck UsedDuelist PointRank
tunayTime Passage (Fortune Lady)17,9872,756


Hot New Top
Vandreads and Triamids performed well :D So this is the power of the F2P mini boxes.
Congrats to the 1st place Global, you deserved it no matter if you were really sleepless for 3 days or someone helped you running your account while you were sleeping
twisted is my friend im talking to him rn too xD
OK deck
Desperado is pretty much OK for me, Vendreads / Darklords clap them
<< Anonymous(OK deck)
Anonymous Reply
I think so as well, the only thing I'd say is that maybe they need to renew the KC cup, just to give it a new face
I Want to say...
thanks 4 the gems :)
One of the best devents
I was on rank 18 T_T
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
i was on 16
if konami want to introduce new archetype, make sure it can send cyber neos despacito player to shadow realm for eternity. 🔥 piece of s**t deck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The only times where it wasn’t fun was the brief periods of Woodland Sprite and Gem Knight FTKs were running around not letting people play the game- but Konami handled that pretty dang well both times in those cases so I can’t knock it against them too hard
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
yeah ive had ranked seasons where i only got to plat, and ranked seasons where i got to KOG easily. the meta is always changing and i never saw the need to complain no matter what rank i was. its just a fun game anyway
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Suck Sam let you play? As I recall they set up super quick and blew away your defenses so they could OTK you. Not as powerful now but they still have DW which is still too powerful in this game. If it was a battle trap it wouldnt be as much of an issue but it's not it's a you can win anytime you want button
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
We have a huge problem with the main used decks now
Desperado wont let you use your Battle Phase.
Darklords can negate as many times as they damn well please.
🔥 Sam still make Shi-En to consistently and blow your defenses away with DW.
Neos Fusion is still everywhere.
The Euro Bros and Americunts really had stepped it up this year. Proud of you guys
Cards they need to hit in next list

Subterror Final Battle
Cosmo Brain
Treacherous Trap
World Legacy Clash
Desperado Barrel Dragon
Ancient Gear Wyvern
Dual Wield

<< Anonymous
Exodia_Apophis Reply
Cards that we would really love to see hit (structure or not):

>Ancient Gear Fortress
>World Legacy Clash (Splasher in every deck possible)
>Lava Golem
>Power of the Guardians
>Twister (or Double Cyclone due to Geartown)
>Treacherous Trap Hole (Limit 2 made it more consistent in spell oriented decks)
>Bm-4 Blast Spider
<< Anonymous(Exodia_Apophis )
Anonymous Reply
Putting TTH to 1 would be buffing it- letting people run things like 2 copies of econ and it isn’t a good idea
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
yey someone can think properly thats good :)
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Hence why I said TTH should be Forbidden.

Neither 2 nor 1 will do any good now. Not much meta decks now needs to run other semi-limited cards, and people usually run just 1 copy anyway.
Limited 3 rules had been planned by Konami since months ago, but they still not implementing it yet. Maybe they need to wait for the right moment, but maybe they won't implement it at all because it could ruin their business. Imagine if EX Structure Deck cards are included in limited 3 list, for example Desperado, Neos Fusion, Cosmo Brain and Geartown. You cannot run Neos Fusion if you run 3x Desperado. This could make people spend money ONLY on their favorite archetype, while previously they spent money on EVERY Structure Deck since all EX cards are unlimited.
Does TsunTsun have life or sleep?

He is always 1st Global with 100k Points
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
He stays up 3 days with no sleep. Drink coffee to push for those high DP points. The guy is a trooper!
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
for some people, competitive game is their whole lyfe.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
translating.... no life MWAHAHAHAHA
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
he does have a job irl, he said it on stream but i dont understand much japanese to know what it is

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Priest seto dule links
Never change, Brandon. Never change. You are the most weird bot here. I appreciate your existence
Did you fall for a crypto scam and are looking for a way to cope with? Look no further! I have th...
Sounds as legit as the shady @@@ dealer I see sometimes after nightfall in the park V
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