
Silent Magician | Decks and Ruling

This page notes details of Silent Magician (LIGHT/Spellcaster/Effect Monster) : decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links!
update 30/03/2020

Silent Magician

Silent Magician
Monster TypeSpellcaster
Card typeEffect
Card Effect TypeSummoning condition / Continuous Effect / Quick Effect / Trigger Effect
ArchetypesSilent Magician / Magician
Supports ArchetypesSilent Magician
Related to ArchetypesLV / Signature move


Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by Tributing 1 Spellcaster-Type monster, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. This card gains 500 ATK for each card in your hand. Once per turn, during either player's turn, when a Spell Card is activated: You can negate the activation. If this card is destroyed by battle, or if this card in its owner's control is destroyed by an opponent's card effect: You can Special Summon 1 "Silent Magician" monster from your hand or Deck, except "Silent Magician", ignoring its Summoning conditions.

How to Get

Level-up reward--
Victory against--
Card trader--
OtherSpellbound Silence [UR]




  • Able to negate a Spell card from your opponent once per turn without any cost.
  • Can be special summoned by tributing 1 Spellcaster monster on your Field.


  • ATK increase is dependant on the number of cards in your hand.
  • Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set nor Special Summoned by any other ways.
  • Weak base ATK and DEF stats.


  • Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress is also another Spellcaster-type monster frequently used in Archfiends or Spellbook decks due to its ability to destroy 1 Spell/Trap card your opponent controls. Simply use its effect and you can Tribute it to Special Summon Silent Magician to the Field.
  • Always try to keep at least 2 cards in your hand, so that your Silent Magician can maintain around 2000 ATK to stand a better survival chance on the Field, in which the more cards you have, the stronger Silent Magician’s ATK will be.
  • Negating key Spell cards from your opponent during either player’s turn will significantly disrupt their strategy and greatly increase your card advantage.
  • You cannot negate the effects of spell cards that are already face-up on the field like with continuous spells and field spells.

Spellbook Synergy

This 2 monsters are the common opening Spellcaster-type monsters in a Spellbook deck. You can Normal Summon Spellbook Magician of Prophecy and use its effect to search for any Spellbook card, then tribute it to Special Summon Silent Magician from your hand. If you use Fool of Prophecy, you can use its effect to excavate 1 “Spellbook” Spell card from your Deck to the Graveyard, subsequently tribute it to Special Summon Silent Magician from your hand. Since Silent Magician is also a Spellcaster-type monster, you can continue to use your Spellbook Spell cards combo, like Spellbook of Secrets, Spellbook of the Master, Spellbook of Eternity, Spellbook of Power and Spellbook of Fate. However, you cannot Special Summon Silent Magician by using Spellbook of Life.

Silent Magician LV8

When the non-LV Silent Magician is destroyed, she special summons Silent Magician LV8 from your hand or deck. She has a powerful 3500 attack that is immune to your opponent's spell cards making her a great beater, but be careful of your opponent's trap cards. Also keep in mind that Silent Magician needs to be destroyed for you to activate her special summoning effect.

Silent Burning

Silent Burning gives both you and your opponent a full 6 cards in both hands. This turns Silent Magician into a 4000 attack monster so you can try to OTK your opponent before they have a chance to use the extra draws Silent Burning gave them. While in the graveyard you can also banish Silent Burning to search your deck for another Silent Magician.

That Grass Looks Greener

You can use both Silent Magician and Silent Burning in a 30 card Grass Spellbook deck. That Grass Looks Greener would mill Silent Burning along with other cards. You can then banish Silent Burning in your graveyard to Search out Silent Magician from your deck. This might be risky though since there is a possibility to mill all your Silent Magicians.


Like Spellbooks, Gravekeepers are a Spellcaster centered archetype, but their specialty is in gaining advantage through their tribute summons. Gravekeepers don't really have high attack monsters they can tribute into, which can be solved by Silent Magician because of her ability to gain attack depending on your hand size. The additional effect of turning into Silent Magician LV8 with 3500 attack also helps with Gravekeeper's lack of beaters. The main card to synergize with Silent Magician would be Gravekeeper's Recruiter, tribute him to summon Silent Magician and search your deck for another Gravekeeper. Gravekeeper's Chief also helps give you more field presence that you can tribute into Silent Magician.

Useful Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Power of Dark
Begins Duel with the Field Spell "Yami" activated.
Yami Yugi
Yami Yugi




ActionsTributes for cost / Activates from your Graveyard
Monster/Spell/Trap categoriesNegates the activation of Spell Cards
Summoning categoriesCannot Normal Summon / Cannot Set / Nomi / Special Summons itself from your hand / Special Summons from your hand / Special Summons from your Deck / Ignoring the Summoning conditions
Stat changesThis card gains ATK


Hot New Top
This card literally make my effort summoning Valkyrion the Magna Warrior as if it was nothing to be proud of.
Killer Queen
she negate
she attack
but most importantly
she got a nice rack
<< Anonymous(Killer Queen)
Pancake-kun Reply
Hahaha! That genuinely made my day
<< Anonymous(Killer Queen)
Darth Reply
<< Anonymous(Killer Queen)
Rambunctious Reply
Can you monster reborn Silent Magician? If you summoned her properly the first time?
remove cancer
pay 2 win- op card
<< Anonymous(remove cancer)
<< Anonymous(HECKING NERD)
Anonymous Reply
pay 2 win
Any counter decks against Silent Magician/Spellbooks?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Use traps, Wall of D is their bane.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
karakuri lv 3 counter that card if they proceed to banish your backrow(s), his effect not destroying but just sent the face-up card to graveyard. so this silent magician cant use her lv 8.
<< Anonymous
Jack Bauer Reply
Parasite Paracide
Dna surgery
Zombie world
Kycoo the ghost destroyer
For a deck that is gated behind paywall, this deck sure isn't as meta as expected lol
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Fur hire changed the meta into most only fur hire.

Silent magician was strong in the meta before fur hire release
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Changed the meta into almost only fur hire.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, but considering the paywall, you'd expect Silent Magician deck would last for a while before disappearing, even as new decks comes in right afterwards.

But nope, she disappeared as soon as a new box shows up.

Even the Gold Sarcophagus card isn't exactly used by those who paid for the deck.

The structure deck could have been a normal one instead of EX, and nothing would have changed.
So many players are playing this p2w deck with this card in it. 3 Silent Magician and 2 or 3 Silent Magician LV8.

But they still loose to my Frog-Monarch deck with my 3 Toon Barrel Dragon and 3 Sphere Kuriboh.
<< Anonymous(xnxx )
Anonymous Reply
P2w but lose to you thats mean this isnt p2w as people speak, buying what you know is way better than buying gems while hoping geeting sr or ur
This card isn't attractive anymore for 🔥 material after a week. RIP some dollars spent. :(
Damn, this WAIFU is a god damn killer. Imagine going around the spellbooks just to 🔥 this then she summons and LV8 🔥 with 3500 ATK. WTH KONAMI
So many 🔥s complain about this card that is not even broken, card description clearly says 1 per turn.
If I'd have to complain, it'd be about Dyna Fur Hire and the Nerf of Balance and Restart; now you can't even see your opponent's cards wtf man...

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