
Megalith: deck recipe [Jul 23]

Duel Links Megalith Ritual deck, Megalith Ritual in the current meta, how to use.
update 23/07/2022

Required Card Boxes

Main Deck

Neo-Impact Chronicle of Glory

Extra Deck

Shining Hope Voltage of the Metal Infinite Ray Photons of Galaxy

Example Decklist

Standard Version

Megalith BethorMegalith BethorMegalith BethorMegalith HagithMegalith HagithMegalith Hagith
Megalith OphielMegalith OphielMegalith OphielMegalith PhalegMegalith PhalegCyber Angel Benten
Cyber Angel BentenCyber Angel BentenMegalith OchSenju of the Thousand HandsSenju of the Thousand HandsSenju of the Thousand Hands
Megalith PortalMegalith Emergence----
Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of HeliopolisAbyss DwellerNumber 70: Malevolent SinNumber 70: Malevolent SinDiamond Dire WolfSteelswarm Roach
Gagaga Samurai-----

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Master of Rites II
Begin Duel with the Continuous Spell Ritual Cage activated.
Alexis Rhodes
Alexis Rhodes

How to Play

Cyber Angel Supports

Cyber Angel Benten
Cyber Angel Benten
LIGHT Fairy ★6
ATK 1800 / DEF 1500
Alexis Rhodes Lvl 16 [R]
Alexis Rhodes [R]
Alluring Alexis Roaming Event [R]
You can Ritual Summon this card with "Machine Angel Ritual". If this card destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard: Inflict damage to your opponent equal to that monster's original DEF in the Graveyard. If this card is Tributed: You can add 1 LIGHT Fairy-Type monster from your Deck to your hand.


These cards will help you fetch Ritual monsters, giving you additional resources and adding consistency to your plays.

Senju of the Thousand Hands
Senju of the Thousand Hands
LIGHT Fairy ★4
ATK 1400 / DEF 1000
Neo-Impact [UR]
When this card is Normal or Flip Summoned: You can add 1 Ritual Monster from your Deck to your hand.

Senju can search out any piece of your Ritual combo, since the Megalith Ritual monsters also double as their Ritual Spells. After summoning Senju and using its search effect, you can use Senju as ritual fodder.

Megalith Monsters

Megaliths have a unique play-style even among Ritual decks. The Ritual monsters themselves are used as Ritual Spell for other Megalith monsters. The level-8 Megaliths can be discarded to start a Ritual Summon, while the level-4 Megaliths are tributed from the field to start a Ritual Summon. Luckily when using level-4 Megaliths to initiate a Ritual Summon that level-4 will also count as ritual fodder, somewhat mitigating the cost of putting it on the field.

Level-4 Megaliths have the unique effect of letting you Ritual Summon during the opponent's turn. This lets you do disruptive plays such as tagging into Bethor and destroy multiple of your opponent's cards. Or you can tag into another level-4 Megalith to dodge targeting effects.

You want to have level-8 Megalith monsters onhand to start your combos. Here is an example:

  1. Summon Senju to search a level-8 (i.e. Bethor) or level-4 (i.e. Ophiel) Megalith whichever you don't have onhand yet. Ideally you should have 2 level-8 and 1 level-4.
  2. Discard the Bethor and use Senju as ritual tribute to summon Ophiel.
  3. Ophiel searches Hagith. And if you have Portal active, you can retrieve Bethor.
  4. Tribute Ophiel to summon Hagith and search Portal. Activate Portal in preparation for your next Ritual Summon which could be during the opponent's turn.
Megalith Hagith
Megalith Hagith
EARTH Rock ★4
ATK 1300 / DEF 2600
Chronicle of Glory [SR]
You can Ritual Summon this card with a "Megalith" card. If this card is Ritual Summoned: You can add 1 "Megalith" Spell/Trap from your Deck to your hand. During your Main Phase: You can activate this effect; Ritual Summon 1 Ritual Monster from your hand, by Tributing monsters from your hand or field, including this card on your field, whose total Levels equal or exceed the Level of the Ritual Monster. You can only use this effect of "Megalith Hagith" once per turn.

Upon summon Hagith searches your Spell/Traps cards. The Spell/Trap Support for Megalith are actually great for maintaining your resources, and Hagith's search effect lets you mitigate the resources spent summoning it.

Megalith Ophiel
Megalith Ophiel
EARTH Rock ★4
ATK 1600 / DEF 2500
Chronicle of Glory [SR]
You can Ritual Summon this card with a "Megalith" card. If this card is Ritual Summoned: You can add 1 "Megalith" monster from your Deck to your hand, except "Megalith Ophiel". During your Main Phase: You can activate this effect; Ritual Summon 1 Ritual Monster from your hand, by Tributing monsters from your hand or field, including this card on your field, whose total Levels equal or exceed the Level of the Ritual Monster. You can only use this effect of "Megalith Ophiel" once per turn.

Ophiel might be the best of the level-4's because of its ability to search Megalith monsters which is what you use to make most of your plays. Try to summon him as often as possible, but keep in mind the search effect can only be used once per turn.

Megalith Och
Megalith Och
EARTH Rock ★4
ATK 1000 / DEF 2700
Chronicle of Glory [R]
You can Ritual Summon this card with a "Megalith" card. If this card is Ritual Summoned: You can draw 1 card, then discard 1 card. During the Main Phase (Quick Effect): You can activate this effect; Ritual Summon 1 Ritual Monster from your hand, by Tributing monsters from your hand or field, including this card on your field, whose total Levels equal or exceed the Level of the Ritual Monster. You can only use this effect of "Megalith Och" once per turn.

Unlike Hagith and Ophiel, Och's effect upon summoning does not net you additional resources. But this effect helps you load the graveyard with Ritual monsters to boost Bethor and Phaleg's effect when they eventually get summoned.

Megalith Bethor
Megalith Bethor
EARTH Rock ★8
ATK 1500 / DEF 2600
Chronicle of Glory [UR]
You can Ritual Summon this card with a "Megalith" card. You can discard this card; Ritual Summon 1 "Megalith" Ritual Monster from your hand, by Tributing monsters from your hand or field whose total Levels equal or exceed its Level. If this card is Ritual Summoned: You can target cards your opponent controls, up to the number of Ritual Monsters with different names in your GY; destroy them. You can only use each effect of "Megalith Bethor" once per turn.

Bethor's mass destruction effect is great for setting up OTKs, mid to late Duel this effect can easily clear both the monster and Spell/Trap zones of your opponent.

And because of the level-4 Megaliths' effects you can activate this mass destruction effect on-demand during the opponent's Main Phase, disrupting the board they setup. In this case Bethor acts like a more powerful Treacherous Trap Hole.

Megalith Phaleg
Megalith Phaleg
EARTH Rock ★8
ATK 2500 / DEF 1200
Chronicle of Glory [R]
You can Ritual Summon this card with a "Megalith" card. You can discard this card; Ritual Summon 1 "Megalith" Ritual Monster from your hand, by Tributing monsters from your hand or field whose total Levels equal or exceed its Level. You can only use this effect of "Megalith Phaleg" once per turn. Monsters you control gain 300 ATK/DEF for each Ritual Monster in your GY.

Phaleg is a big beater that also turns your other Megaliths into beaters. This lets you OTK after clearing the opponent's field with Bethor. Ideally you can end the Duel by summoning Bethor during the opponent's turn and then summoning Phaleg when your turn comes around.

Level-4 Megalith cycle

You can activate the search effect of multiple Level-4 Megaliths without losing resource count. This is because level-4 Megaliths act as both the Ritual Spell and ritual tribute. This lets you summon level-4 Megaliths by only using another level-4 Megalith on your field as cost. This will also load the graveyard in preparation for Bethor or Phaleg's summoning.

For example:

  1. Summon Ophiel. Search a Megalith, you can even search the level-4 you want to summon next.
  2. Use Ophiel as tribute to summon Hagith. Best to search Portal if you don't have it yet.
  3. Use Hagith as tribute to summon Och.

Megalith Spell/Trap

Megalith Spell/Trap cards are used to compensate the resource cost of Ritual Summoning. Megalith Portal lets you recover a Ritual monster from the graveyard after Ritual Summoning a Megalith monster. This can be the level-8 Megalith you discard or level-4 Megalith you tributed to initiate the Ritual Summon.

Ritual Summon a level-4 Megalith using another level-4 Megalith as tribute while Portal is on the field results in a net gain in resources.

Megalith Emergence's best use is to revive level-4 Megaliths and then start a combo with the revived monster.

Megalith Portal
Megalith Portal
Field Spell
Chronicle of Glory [SR]
The first time each Ritual Summoned monster would be destroyed by battle each turn, it is not destroyed. If a "Megalith" monster is Special Summoned (except during the Damage Step): You can target 1 Ritual Monster in your GY; add it to your hand. You can only use this effect of "Megalith Portal" once per turn.
Megalith Emergence
Megalith Emergence
Continuous Trap
Chronicle of Glory [R]
You can target 1 "Megalith" monster in your GY; Special Summon it in Defense Position, but place it on the bottom of the Deck when it leaves the field (even if this card leaves the field). You can only use this effect of "Megalith Emergence" once per turn.

Extra Decks

Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis
Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis
LIGHT Dragon ★8
ATK 3000 / DEF 2500
Infinite Ray [UR]
2 Level 8 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; Tribute any number of monsters from your hand and/or your side of the field (minimum 1), then destroy an equal number of cards on the field.

This card has a powerful multi-card removal effect which can potentially wipe out the enemy field.

Abyss Dweller
Abyss Dweller
WATER Sea Serpent ★4
ATK 1700 / DEF 1400
Photons of Galaxy [UR]
2 Level 4 monsters
While this card has an Xyz Material attached that was originally WATER, all WATER monsters you control gain 500 ATK. Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; any card effects that activate in your opponent's Graveyard cannot be activated this turn.

Abyss Dweller is an anti-Graveyard interaction tech, intended to hinder Decks that activate a ton of effects from the graveyard. It's best to activate this at the start of the opponent's turn, so make sure to toggle Chain to "ON" and activate Abyss Dweller's effect during the opponent's Draw Phase.

Number 70: Malevolent Sin
Number 70: Malevolent Sin
DARK Insect ★4
ATK 2400 / DEF 1200
Photons of Galaxy [SR]
2 Level 4 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; banish it until your opponent's next Standby Phase. At the end of the Damage Step, if this card attacked: You can make this card gain 300 ATK, and if you do, increase its Rank by 3.

Malevolent Sin is an anti-Xyz tech. Summon Malevolent Sin and use its effect to temporarily banish an enemy Xyz monster. The Xyz monster will return with no materials attached to it.

Steelswarm Roach
Steelswarm Roach
DARK Fiend ★4
ATK 1900 / DEF 0
Photons of Galaxy [SR]
2 Level 4 monsters
During either player's turn, when a Level 5 or higher monster would be Special Summoned: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; negate the Special Summon, and if you do, destroy it.

Roach is great for monster suppresion, much like a Trap Hole card. When your opponent summons a boss monster, use Roach's effect to immediately destroy it. This is an especially good counter against Synchro Decks. But most of the time, just Roach's presence on the field is enough to deter the opponent from making big monsters.

Gagaga Samurai
Gagaga Samurai
EARTH Warrior ★4
ATK 1900 / DEF 1600
Shining Hope [SR]
2 Level 4 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 "Gagaga" monster you control; it can make a second attack during each Battle Phase this turn. When another monster you control is targeted for an attack while this card is in Attack Position: You can change this card to Defense Position, and if you do, change the attack target to this card and perform damage calculation.

Summon Samurai to deal massive direct damage with his double attack effect.

Diamond Dire Wolf
Diamond Dire Wolf
EARTH Beast ★4
ATK 2000 / DEF 1200
Voltage of the Metal [SR]
2 Level 4 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 Beast, Beast-Warrior, or Winged Beast-Type monster you control and 1 other card on the field; destroy them.

Diamond Dire Wolf gets rid of itself along with any enemy card. Use this as on-demand removal against a problematic card, or secure your attacks by getting rid of enemy backrow.

Other Cards Option

Gishki Chain
Gishki Chain
WATER Sea Serpent ★4
ATK 1800 / DEF 1000
Abyss Encounters [UR]
If this card is Normal Summoned: Look at the top 3 cards of your Deck, you can reveal 1 Ritual Monster or 1 Ritual Spell Card among them and add it to your hand, also after that, place any remaining cards on the top of your Deck in any order.

Gishki Chain's search effect is inferior to Senju but more searchers means more consistency and resource gain. Arranging the top cards of your deck is also useful for setting up later combos.

Cyber Angel Idaten
Cyber Angel Idaten
LIGHT Fairy ★6
ATK 1600 / DEF 2000
Alexis Rhodes [SR]
You can Ritual Summon this card with "Machine Angel Ritual". If this card is Ritual Summoned: You can add 1 Ritual Spell Card from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand. If this card is Tributed: You can make all Ritual Monsters you control gain 1000 ATK and DEF.

You wont really summon Idaten, instead she will be used as ritual tribute, which boosts all the Ritual monsters you control by 1000 ATK. And since most Megaliths have low ATK stats this is needed to put them at decent amounts of ATK.

Other Extra Decks

Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
DARK Fiend ★4
ATK 1800 / DEF 2300
Shark Fang [UR]
2 Level 4 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 face-up Attack Position monster your opponent controls; change it to face-down Defense Position. If a "Djinn" Xyz Monster you control would be destroyed, you can detach 1 Xyz Material from that monster instead.

Maestroke flips monsters face-down, which is a good way of turning off effects and exposing weak DEF stats. It can also spend its materials to protect itself from destruction.

Photon Papilloperative
Photon Papilloperative
LIGHT Warrior ★4
ATK 2100 / DEF 1800
Photons of Galaxy [R]
2 Level 4 monsters
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 Defense Position monster on the field; change it to face-up Attack Position, and if you do, it loses 600 ATK.

Having this as an option lets you force your opponent into attack position so you can deal some damage and potentially OTK with just 1 attack.


Hot New Top
The only thing acceptable in this box is this archetype which is an absolute waste, weak in every department. In comparison Mayakashi is a top tier deck , the biggest biggest Megalith has 2500 ATK only come on what r u smoking Konami ? Its pretty clear this box has 0 potential
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I don't think it's had any relevant showing since BUT Megalith got first place Stage 2 in the EU KC Cup a while back. So, yeah, uh, I don't think you can say it's pretty clear the box has 0 potential anymore
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
lol you are right, megalith having some achievements while overhyped decks like memernity and memellarknights never did a damn
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
memernity and memellarknights hahahahaha
you are a genious
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Pfft i loled... Thanks
I'll use it instead their OG name
8 starters and I still brick often lol
Megalith Noob
Truth is, I run a Megalight deck, but I use Sonic Bird, Senju, Earth Chant and Inverse Universe because I never learned how to play the archetype properly :D
<< Anonymous(Megalith Noob)
Candend Reply
Lol. But inverse universe is okay since megalith has better DEF than ATK.
<< Anonymous(Megalith Noob)
Anonymous Reply
Yeah, the archetype's too confusing.

Would have been better if there's an actual "Megalith" Ritual Spell (or at least put Megalith Unformed in Duel Links!) and at least one Level 4 main deck monster so that we can also play the Rituals normally.
<< Anonymous(Megalith Noob)
Anonymous Reply
Modern problems require modern solutions.
Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.
I think megaliths have 2-3 more cards in their archetype that could make them better in DL but I wonder if we will ever get those.
How many gems would this deck cost?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
around 15k for the megalith part (asumming average luck). recent builds only run 2 hagith so reset once you get ophiel and bethor

for the senju part the cost skyrockets so you better use dream tickets or buy the bundle

the xyz are not that important at the beginning so you can slowly get them while you play events or pvp (around 10k to get abyss dweller and roach supposing average luck)
Draitron when konami?
Generic ritual support when konami???
<< Anonymous
Konami Reply
The day after tomorrow...
<< Anonymous(Konami)
Konami Reply a nice movie
I wish to get another a good Ritual archetype/ least tier3. Dang, Konami put priority on XYZ first than adding Preparation Rites in mini/main box.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I'd love it if we finally got Manju and Djinn Cursechanter of Rituals. I always liked the Djinns and would be interested to see where they could get if cards like Reshef and some foolish effect (Armageddon Knight's probably a long way away), or the Shinobaron and Shinobaroness cards for spirits.

Djinn Releaser can stay away, as if it were to be in Links, it would quite quickly become banned
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
since flip to face down still in meta, prediction princess would be a nice addition
Can’t get more than one copy of Idaten
You get only one through the level ups of Alexis Rhodes
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
OP is probably a F2P. They always pick the free gems over the event exclusive cards.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Or OP is just a new player
<< Anonymous
WoodFrJared Reply
Hi, you can obtain another 2 copies of Idaten from previous campaign event.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Idaten was only an R didn't have gems to compete with.
This deck should have senju in it plus block dragon is strong , bethor on opponents turn then summon block which puts you at 4k damage
i think the rock field spell can be good here
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
The legality field spell is a key card to play
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Megalith not legality
Tier 0 in the fun department but easy to distrupt

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Comments (updated every hour)

It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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