
Doomsday Horror: deck recipe

update 23/03/2017


Using Magical Merchant, Trance Archfiend, and Fiend Farewell skill, you can send quite a lot of Dark monsters to the graveyard. Then, use monster cards in the graveyard to activate the effect of Skull Lair, and let Doomsday Horror gain high Atk.

skillFiend Farewell
Essential cards
(Box reset)

Example deck

Sphere KuribohSphere KuribohTrance ArchfiendTrance ArchfiendTrance ArchfiendDoomsday Horror
Doomsday HorrorDoomsday HorrorDark Mimic LV3Dark Mimic LV3Dark Mimic LV3Prometheus, King of the Shadows
Prometheus, King of the ShadowsMagical MerchantMagical MerchantMagical MerchantThe Gross Ghost of Fled DreamsThe Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams
Chaos ZoneSkull LairSkull LairSkull Lair----

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Fiend Farewell
Can be used when one of your monsters is destroyed by battle. 1 random Fiend-Type monster from your Deck is sent to the graveyard.

Yami Bakura

How to use this deck

Send Dark monsters to the graveyard

Use the flip effect of Magical Merchant, send as many Dark monsters to the graveyard and to get Skull Lair. If you don't have the monster card in your starting hand, use other monsters like The Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams and Trance Archfiend to stall turns and to activate Fiend Farewell skill to send a Fiend monster from your deck to the graveyard.

Activate Skull Lair

Use Skull Lair to destroy a monster on the field and remove monster cards in your graveyard from play. Then, your Doomsday Horror is possible to gain very high ATK and DEF. Depending on a situation, you might need to destroy your Doomsday Horror to back banished monster cards to your graveyard, then you can use the effect of Skull Lair again.

Make full use of banished cards

Chaos Zone allows you to special summon a monster from banished zone. You will use the effect to special summon Doomsday Horror.

Prometheus, King of the Shadows is possible to kill your opponent in one turn. Destroy your Doomsday Horror using Skull Lair to send back cards in the banished zone to the graveyard, and normal summon Prometheus, King of the Shadows, then it gains significantly high Atk.

Other useful cards

Twin-Barrel Dragon
Twin-Barrel Dragon
Alternative dark monster that you can use if you have multiples of it.
Whiptail Crow
Whiptail Crow
Alternative dark monster that you can use if you have multiples of it.
Creeping Darkness
Creeping Darkness
To fetch Doomsday Horror so you can attack or return banished monsters back to the graveyard.
Escape from the Dark Dimension
Escape from the Dark Dimension
If you have multiple high level dark monsters, this allows you to special summon a strong monster right after you banish it.


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I miss this deck
can someone revisit
<< Anonymous(nasty)
Anonymous Reply
Probably replacing the slow pieces; merchant, mimic and trance, for faster ones; lumina, charge, solar and twilightsworn monsters..........but at that point building a standard syncro/lightsworn deck would be better.
But what about if you need to add back into your deck?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Local tornado lets you reset your grave and hand to deck if that counts.
Is there anyway that Puppet Master will fit into this deck at all, I've been trying to find a use for that card seems like a really fun effect to use. But no luck
<< Anonymous(Ruben)
Anonymous Reply
No, because that card is straight up 🔥. Paying half lp and then must protect the 0 atk monster somehow, geez.
<< Anonymous
LordKarasu Reply
Personally, when doing this i use lab of nightmares.
can i use other hability?
Complete noob
Any help is much obliged with this deck, sometimes I completely annihilate my oppenets and others I feel as though I'm going wrong somewhere. Any tips or pointers please? I'm currently trying for a second Sphere kuriboh if that helps, thanks guys
<< Anonymous(Complete noob )
Anonymous Reply
Add two magical merchants and remove ladybug and the two dark possed soul. I'd also recomend removing veil of darkness, because you don't want to draw it when you Magical Merchant goes off
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(Complete noob )
Anonyboy Reply
Advice: Add a soul absorption somewhere in there so you can survive a little longer.
<< Anonymous(Complete noob )
Wooster Reply
I would make it a 30 card deck, and replace Balance with Restart. 3 Magical Merchants and at least two Gokipons.

Remove Mirror Wall, Enemy Controller, and the Dark draw card. They clog Magical Merchant's self mill ability. If Chaos Zone wasn't so darn useful I'd recommend removing it too.

Add 3 Tourbuses. They can put back the monsters you didn't mean to mill when sent there by Merchant.
Someone used this against me using Destiny Draw Yugi, Soul absorption to recover lp with banishing, and Dark Necrofear. Insane combo when it comes off
this deck is underrated. but i wont tell you how this deck become a real menacing threat. or u will see it in high ranks yourself
Can it work with only 1 kuriboh?
<< Anonymous(Kuribohquestion)
Anonymous Reply
yh its fine
This deck is fun to play
Any suggestions on cards, or packs. I used a Bakuras fiend farewell ability
<< Anonymous(VK)
Anonymous Reply
What do you mean by the tribute monsters also I will add more horrors when I get them
<< Anonymous(VK)
Edgar81539 Reply
The tribute monsters are the ones that need tributes to be summoned, Barrel Dragon and Mefist. You don't have Escape from the Dark Dimension to get them to field for free so they only make the deck worse.
<< Anonymous
Some guy Reply
If you don't know what tribute monsters are, you're a dumb noob.
<< Anonymous(Some guy)
Anonymous Reply
@Some guy, you can leave sir. We don't need your type here especially when someone's trying to learn...
This is what iv built. Pretty good
What skill should I use if I don't have fiend farewell?
<< Anonymous
Some guy Reply
Tether of defeat, compensation. ie fiend farewell would be the best, but it's not necessary and you can easily use any of bakura's other skills instead of it.

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It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
045-624-493 duel me, i want to make you lose time.
My good ol buddy. Still get wins with it.
It was going to happen sooner or later. I never used the card that much though
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