
Evil Dragon Ananta: deck recipe

update 24/09/2017


When Playing this deck, your goal is to get as much Reptile-type monsters in your field and graveyard as possible so that you can summon Evil Dragon Ananta with huge stats. Draw Sense: High Level ensures you draw Evil Dragon Ananta when your life points are lowered by at least 1500 points.

Example deck

Evil Dragon AnantaEvil Dragon AnantaEvil Dragon AnantaGale LizardGale LizardSkreech
SkreechSkreechDon TurtleDon TurtleDon TurtleGagagigo
GagagigoGagagigoEnemy ControllerEnemy ControllerSnake WhistleSnake Whistle
Snake WhistleWindstorm of Etaqua--------

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Draw Sense: High Level
Can be used each time your Life Points decrease by 1800. In the Draw Phase, instead of doing a normal draw, draw a random monster of Level 5 or higher

Seto Kaiba

How to use

Deck mill

Use cards to get reptile monsters out of your deck.

  • It was intentional to fill your deck with all WATER attribute Reptile-type monsters so that you can easily make use of Skreech's effect. When Skreech is destroyed you can mill 2 WATER monsters from your deck, prioritize sending Don Turtle as he is the least useful among your WATER Reptiles.
  • Snake Whistle Special summons a Level 4 or lower Reptile-type monster from your deck after a Reptile-type monster on your field was destroyed. Best use would to bring out another Skreech after the one on your field was destroyed, this combo mills up to 5 cards from your deck.

WATER Reptiles

WATER attribute Reptile monsters were chosen because they can be easily milled out with Skreech, which is also a WATER Reptile monster.

  • Gale Lizard returns a monster on your opponent's field back to thier hand when it is flipped face-up. This becomes more dreadful if you return something strong and/or difficult to summon back to your opponent's hand.
  • Summon Don Turtle right before you summon Evil Dragon Ananta then special summon all other Don Turtle in your hand. This will help boost Evil Dragon Ananta's stats when you summon him.
  • Gagagigo is an excellent beater with his 1850 attack, and he is currently the best low-leveled beater that will synergize with this deck.

Evil Dragon Ananta

Your boss monster for this deck, Evil Dragon Ananta can reach insanely high attack and defense stats with enough reptiles in your field and graveyard. Additionally, he has a card removal effect that automatically destroys a card during every one of your end phases, use this to clear your opponent's backrow allowing you to attack safely. Although this effect is not optional and requires that a card on the field is destroyed. make sure to summon or set a card on the field as a backup, so that Evil Dragon Ananta does not destroy himself.

Other useful cards

Sinister Serpent
Sinister Serpent
WATER Reptile-type monster, and can add itself to your hand during your Standby Phase.
Boost your WATER monster's attack.
Attack Pheromones
Attack Pheromones
Changes opponent's monster to attack position so that you can do damage with Evil Dragon Ananta.
Molting Escape
Molting Escape
Protects your Reptile-type monster form an attack and gives it an attack boost.
Damage = Reptile
Damage = Reptile
Special summons and deck search.


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Works really well with an alien deck. Good final boss if your aliens have been destroyed.
If you E-con take this card before the turn ends do you get to use the effect instead of your opponent?
<< Anonymous(KaibaSucksDecks)
Anonymous Reply
Yes you can destroy one card if you E-con take it
Mah Boi
Why would you use 3 Ananta on a deck? You cannot have more than one in your field, and if that one is destroyed, you probably won't be able to summon a second one with reasonable stats...
<< Anonymous(Mah Boi)
Anonymous Reply
its to get a higher chance to draw the card
<< Anonymous(Mah Boi)
Mah Boi Reply
GameA already suggests using draw sense high level for that. Besides, using 2 Anantas with restart is enough. 3 Anantas is way too bricky.
<< Anonymous(Mah Boi)
Anonymous Reply
It's really only bricky when you get like 2 or 3 Anantas in your opening hand without a single reptile fodder. But then that's why restart is a good skill here. The moment you were able to summon your first ananta, the 2nd and 3rd anantas will always have fodder as they can use the previous ananta.
<< Anonymous(Mah Boi)
Anonymous Reply
And what happens when you dump all of your resources and your opponent uses just about any spell or trap to destroy your Ananta? This deck doesn't appear to have any kind of answer for back row.

I've been playing reptiles a bit, and I've noticed that Ananta is a great panic button, but I wouldn't base my entire strategy on it. Play a well rounded reptile beatdown deck with one Ananta, maybe two, as a backup plan, and you should do better overall.

Also, having a weak Ananta with a Molting Escape on it is much safer than blowing your load on a giant Ananta that's just begging for an econ take. I've won games with a 600 ATK/DEF Ananta because my opponent just couldn't summon monsters fast enough to 🔥 it twice in one turn, without leaving themselves vulnerable to a pair of Gagagigo.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
you dont need a big ananta 2k atk is enough and some protection i put card guard in my ananta control deck
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This definitely. I summon my Ananta as soon as possible (most times as 600 atk/def mon) and protect it with backrow. And I agree that Molting Escape is a great card here. I used to run 2 but replaced one when I got SRH but it's a great protection for Ananta as long as you keep popping every monster the opponent summons each turn.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
yeah what i do is to fusion worm zero (discard all reptiles to graveyard from hand and still can revive them to field) then in worm zero is destroyed my last resort is anantana, btw the deck posted here was obviously untested, since snake whistle dont work like that.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
That’s the way it should be play. It’s a control deck. Noobs summon it with high stats late into the game when your opponent has board advantage. You want to summon it as early as you can, protect it and destroy your opponents resources.
I'm a huge Ananta/worm player and i can assured you nay-sayers that Ananta deck are very competitive; i'm KOG using 3 copies of ananta. the trick to ananta is to get rid of only 1 of your worms and triggering the effect.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Also the recommended cards at the front page for the Ananta deck is bad. I rate it tier 5.
Haitham KH
the only problem with this site is that they are posting decks which are too expensive for 90% of the players! why not posting alternatives ? like 3 decks from high to low budget!!!
<< Anonymous(Haitham KH)
Anonymous Reply
Well I got 3 Anantas by spending 90% of the gems I got on my first 3 weeks of playing on Generation Next as an F2P. It can be done lol.
<< Anonymous(Haitham KH)
Anonymous Reply
people who have job have family and know where to spend the money. most of kids who play this game just steal credit card of their mother anyway. problem with this deck is Echoes of Silence and Chaotic Compliance are 🔥ty boxes and no one is goin to open them as f2p to get some fun deck working. even spending 100 usd in this game will get you nowhere because deals are so 🔥ty, is waste of mone
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
My mother is dead.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
You know who else's mother is dead? :) -patpat- Yugi. In the anime at least -shrug!- Cheer up mister!
Ananta currently loses its atk points when Riryoku resolves. That, coupled with snake whistle not working, make this deck an unstable mess. Until the devs fix their 🔥 don't even bother with an Ananta deck.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
the riryoku ananta thing is working properly don't 🔥 about stuff you don't understand
thank you auto duel
Anyone notice 3 to 4 weeks ago and still today that snake whistle will not work at all. I guess it's a bug that they still haven't fixed. I tried the stack and it has potential snake whistle would be key
<< Anonymous(thank you auto duel)
Anonymous Reply
Yeahhh it is still not working for me either. I just replaced it until they fix it. Added another econ and regretful rebirth(s). RR activates skreech's ability twice so that's nice
Use Worm Call instead of Snake Whistle until it gets fixed.
<< Anonymous(Leukocyte)
Anonymous Reply
Thank you so much great idea. I spent money and time because I wanted to make this deck work
Trying to get a huge Ananta out is a waste of time lol. Ananta is supposed to be played in a control deck.
Snake whistle is currently not working.
6 UR cards in a deck lul.
Lol these comment... Go away from this site, kid!
<< Anonymous
Richdude Reply
Ahaha i bet u're triggered after reading my comment. Scroll down, you little whiny bittch!
<< Anonymous(Richdude)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(Richdude)
Anonymous Reply
Oh boy another 🔥 where do they keep coming from?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
you 🔥ing dickhead

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