
Chimeratech Overdragon: deck recipe

Duel Links Chimeratech Overdragon deck, Chimeratech Overdragon in the meta, how to use Chimeratech Overdragon.
update 03/01/2018


Even though we got the original Cyber Dragon user, Zane Truesdale, making his first appearance in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links, we don’t actually have access yet to his more notable cards like Cyber Dragon, Cyber Twin Dragon, Cyber End Dragon and Power Bond (we expect these cards to maybe become available as a level up reward, or to be in his starter deck, or if Konami deems them too powerful we might have to wait much longer).

However we do have access to some interesting Cyber Dragon support cards like Cyber Dragon Zwei, Proto-Cyber Dragon, Cybernetic Fusion Support and Chimeratech Overdragon.

So while we wait for his better cards to come to Duel Links, we decided we would bring you a fun, semi-viable deck that relies on removing all of your opponent’s life points with Chimeratech Overdragon.

Example deck

Cyber Dragon ZweiCyber Dragon ZweiCyber Dragon ZweiSergeant ElectroSergeant ElectroSergeant Electro
Dekoichi the Battlechanted LocomotiveDekoichi the Battlechanted LocomotiveDekoichi the Battlechanted LocomotiveCybernetic Fusion SupportCybernetic Fusion SupportPolymerization
PolymerizationStormStormBig Bang ShotHalf ShutPulse Mines
Pulse MinesPulse Mines

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Last Gamble
Can be used in your Main Phase, starting from the fifth turn. Upon activation, reduces your LP to 100 and discards 2 cards from your hand. You roll a die and draw that number of cards. This skill can only be used once per Duel.

Joey Wheeler

How to Use

The win condition of this deck will be to summon a big Chimeratech Overdragon, and finish of your opponent in one turn by dealing piercing damage or using the effect of Half Shut (after you preferably cleared your opponent’s backrow with Storm).

Chimeratech Overdragon

Chimeratech Overdragon
Chimeratech Overdragon
DARK Machine ★9
ATK ? / DEF ?
"Cyber Dragon" + 1 or more Machine-Type monsters
Must be Fusion Summoned and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. When this card is Fusion Summoned: Send all other cards you control to the Graveyard. The original ATK and DEF of this card each become equal to the number of Fusion Material Monsters used for its Fusion Summon x 800. Each turn, this card can attack your opponent's monsters a number of times equal to the number of Fusion Material Monsters used for its Fusion Summon.

As mentioned this is your Ace monster and main win condition with the deck. To fusion summon this monster your need to fusion summon 1 Cyber Dragon and one or more other machine type monsters. This monster’s attack will be equal to 800 times the amount of fusion materials used (meaning if you used 1 Cyber Dragon and 4 other machine monsters its attack will be 4000). This monster can also attack your opponent’s monsters a number of times equal to the amount of fusion materials used.

Keep in mind: if you used four fusion materials, you cannot clear three of your opponent’s monsters and then attack your opponent directly.

So the way you’ll want to remove all your opponent’s life points is by dealing Piercing Damage (for example with Big Bang Shot) or by targeting a face-up attack position monster your opponent controls with Half Shut, and attacking it over and over again, because it will not be destroyed thanks to Half Shut’s effect.

The way you’ll want to get this monster’s attack as high as possible, is by using the Quick-Play Spell card Cybernetic Fusion Support, more on that later.

Don’t forget that this card destroys all cards you control, so you’ll want to use each monster on your field for the fusion summon, and use Storm before summoning it (because they’ll get destroyed anyway).

Cyber Dragon Zwei

Cyber Dragon Zwei
Cyber Dragon Zwei
LIGHT Machine ★4
ATK 1500 / DEF 1000
If this card attacks an opponent's monster, it gains 300 ATK during the Damage Step only. Once per turn: You can reveal 1 Spell Card in your hand; this card's name becomes "Cyber Dragon" until the End Phase. This card's name becomes "Cyber Dragon" while it is in the Graveyard.

Chimeratech Overdragon requires at least one Cyber Dragon to be used as fusion material, but because we currently don’t have access to Cyber Dragon, we’ll have to make use of Cyber Dragon Zwei (and maybe Proto-Cyber Dragon) which has the ability to make its name become Cyber Dragon (either on the field or in the graveyard).

Most of the time you’ll rely on his name becoming Cyber Dragon when he’s in the graveyard, either by getting destroyed by battle or by discarding it for the effect of Last Gamble.

Afterwards you can use the effect of Cybernetic Fusion Support to use it as fusion material and because it’s in the graveyard it will count as Cyber Dragon.

If you weren’t able to get a Cyber Dragon Zwei in your graveyard but you were able to draw one after using Last Gamble, you can still normal summon it, reveal a spell card in your hand to your opponent and it will count as Cyber Dragon.

Cybernetic Fusion Support

Cybernetic Fusion Support
Cybernetic Fusion Support
Quick-Play Spell card
Pay half your LP; once, if you Fusion Summon a Machine-Type Fusion Monster this turn, you can banish monsters from your hand, Graveyard, and/or your side of the field as the Fusion Materials. You can only activate 1 "Cybernetic Fusion Support" per turn.

It’s thank to this card that you can possibly make a very big Chimeratech Overdragon because you can use all the machine monsters that are in your graveyard as well. It also helps to meet the requirement of using at least 1 Cyber Dragon as fusion material since Cyber Dragon Zwei becomes Cyber Dragon in the graveyard.

Sergeant Electro

The great thing about this deck is that it can get a lot of use out of Sergeant Electro. Not only is this card actually really good in the meta and will help you survive until your Last Gamble turn, it’s also a machine so it can be used when you are ready to bring out Chimeratech Overdragon.

Don’t forget: Chimeratech Overdragon destroys all your cards on the field, so not using Sergeant Electro as a fusion material to keep your opponent’s backrow locked down is an obvious mistake.

Pulse Mines

Because all monsters in this deck are machine type, Pulse Mines is a great card to stall and survive. Even if you used Pulse Mines the turn before you use Last Gamble, you can use Big Bang Shot to still inflict Battle Damage to your opponent.

Half Shut and Big Bang Shot

These cards allow you to inflict lethal damage to your opponent even if his monsters are in defense position, or if your opponent controls only 1 or 2 monsters you can beat his monsters over and over again with Half Shut

These cards also both have some defensive use, which makes them versatile. If you equip Big Bang Shot to an opponent’s monster and use storm or summon Chimeratech Overdragon that Big Bang Shot will be destroyed and so will your opponent’s monster. Half Shut can make one of your monsters indestructible (by battle) for one turn, which may be critical to survive until your Last Gamble turn.

Pro tip: don’t forget, if you equip your Big Bang Shot to your opponent’s monster and he attacks one of your monsters in defense position, your opponent will be the one taking that piercing damage and not you (because of the wording on that card).


Because you’ll only get one shot at beating your opponent when you summon Chimeratech Overdragon, you’ll need to make sure your opponent can’t stop you with cards like Enemy Controller or Floodgate Trap Hole.

Because Chimeratech Overdragon destroys all your traps and spells anyway when he’s summoned you can get some last use out of your traps by using them as ‘cost’ for Storm. Don’t forget you can chain cards to Storm; say you have Cybernetic Fusion Support in hand, and a trap/spell on the field you’re going to destroy anyway with Storm, you can chain Cybernetic Fusion Support to Storm’s activation and get both the use out of your quick-play spell and destroy one more spell/trap with Storm. Because it doesn’t matter in most situations when you use Cybernetic Fusion Support, it’s best used in combination with Storm.

Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive

Normally decks that use Last Gamble and rely on winning in one turn with some sort of combo need cards that allow them to draw, to raise the chance of having that combo, or have more cards to choose from to discard for Last Gamble. The preferred draw card normally is Crystal Seer because you excavate 2 cards and choose which one you want to add to your hand, giving you more consistency. However since Dekoichi is a machine monster card that draws you a card when flipped, it’s better than crystal seer to make your Chimeratech Overdragon stronger.

Last Gamble

[Skill] descriptionUser
Last Gamble
Can be used in your Main Phase, starting from the fifth turn. Upon activation, reduces your LP to 100 and discards 2 cards from your hand. You roll a die and draw that number of cards. This skill can only be used once per Duel.

Joey Wheeler

Last Gamble works great with this deck, because you’ll want as much cards as possible in your hand during the turn you summon Chimeratech Overdragon. Most cases you’ll want to throw away you Cyber Dragon Zwei and other machines monsters, which you actually want in the graveyard and looks for the cards you are missing for your combo (Polymerization, Cybernetic Fusion Support, Storm, Big Bang Shot or Half Shut).

Additional Notes

  • Even though this deck works best with the help of three copies of Sergeant Electro, we listed it as a Semi-Expensive deck because you could make a version with less copies of Sergeant Electro, and more copies of other machine type monster cards.
  • If you don’t think you are able to kill your opponent with with the help of Half Shut/Big Bang Shot, don’t forget you can also normal summon one monster from your hand (after you did the fusion summon), and because you’ll most likely be able to clear each of your opponent’s monsters, that normal summoned monster will be able to make a direct attack.

Other Useful Cards

Wall of Disruption
Wall of Disruption
Great stall card and if used before the turn you fusion summon you can attack all your opponent’s low attack monsters with Chimeratech Overdragon, which in most cases will be enough for lethal, removing the need of using Half Shut/Big Bang Shot.
Scrap Recycler
Scrap Recycler
This machine monster can send one other machine monster from your deck to your graveyard when summoned, meaning you can easily put Cyber Dragon Zwei in your graveyard, thin your deck, raise the chances of drawing your spells and boost your Chimeratech Overdragon.
H - Heated Heart
H - Heated Heart
Just like Big Bang Shot, this card allows a monster to deal Piercing Damage, however only for one turn but normally you shouldn’t need rely on its effect for more than one turn. This card is less versatile than Big Bang Shot though.
Windstorm of Etaqua
Windstorm of Etaqua
Just like Pulse Mines (and Curse of Anubis) the point of this card is to stall for an extra turn.
Proto-Cyber Dragon
Proto-Cyber Dragon
If you feel that you can’t consistently get Cyber Dragon Zwei in the graveyard (or in hand with a spell) you can add copies of Proto-Cyber Dragon if you feel that would raise the consistency of you getting out Chimeratech Overdragon.


Hot New Top
This is bad deck don’t use it unless we’ve got the real cyber dragon level 6
<< Anonymous(CyberD1ck)
Anonymous Reply
lv 5
<< Anonymous(CyberD1ck)
SPYRAL Double Helix Reply
<< Anonymous(CyberD1ck)
Anonymous Reply
And it turns out the good Cyber Dragon deck does not exactly need the original CyDra to function lol
is it just me or is anyone else having problems with Chimeratech? It won't allow me to fuse any more than 3 cards, capping its damage at only 2400.
<< Anonymous
Mier Reply
I can’t get over 3cards it’s highest attack is 24
<< Anonymous(Mier)
Anonymous Reply
active cybernatic so you can fusion from hand field and graveyard im dont have any problem getting my chimeratech over 6k
<< Anonymous
I'm having this problem too, what was happening with you?
<< Anonymous(ADRYST)
Anonymous Reply
He forgot to activate Cybernetic Fusion Support first.
I swear I must be the only one using a Cyber KOG deck. It's really quite simple all i had to do was combine it with another machine archetype deck that gets 🔥 on and it was basically unstoppable. And no Im not willing to share it just yet. It's still in testing.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I got kog with Baboon deck feat Berserk Gorilla
<< Anonymous(Jembut)
Anonymous Reply
i smell 🔥ed indonesian
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Heh mbut jembut ayo duel
<< Anonymous(Jembut)
Indog Reply
Mr. Trololol
Gooood comeback potential in this card, but not something you should rely on.
They are holding out on Zane because his deck is too good
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
It's not so much that his deck is too good. It's that Cyber Dragon is too good here. (Well, and Cyber Twin Dragon, but I'd expect us to just not get that, similar to Power Bond and Overload Fusion.) Given the 4000 LP format, it's probably more powerful than it was when it was introduced in the TCG/OCG, where it was also EVERYWHERE.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Lmao then why they give out Dr. Crowler his deck is OP
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Then explain Sylvan and Fur Hire?

Especially Sylvan which actually benefits more from the 20 cards deck setting
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Konami thinking with their wallet again
Even with Zane unlocked this is still the best version of cyber dragon deck and that's just sad.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
no its not
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
"...we would bring you a fun, semi-viable deck ..." , it's written right there..
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
They purposely avoided giving us the good cyber dragon cards. We might get some when Zane is unlockable, but we might get only 1-2 copies of really good cards.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Crowded out by Cyber Stein.
Is this card worth getting? I do not have any cyber dragon yet. Will Zane come back soon?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
I believe yes.And this card not worth getting. It needs other support to be viable
<< Anonymous
Valencia Reply
I got it from he ticket only to have 3 of them and because I did not see anything else I needed or wanted. Now I have no idea what the heck to do with this thing. I probably won't be able to make it all kick 🔥 like Zane did, and I don't want to use Last Gamble because I highly doubt I'll be one of those insanely lucky people in the street replays who always draw six cards or something with it.
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
well i was to lazy get this one, anyway i guess it dos't seem that worth it
why is Jade Knight nowhere mentioned here? Pretty useful (and f2p) card for Cyber Dragon Zwei imo
gotta use monsters that spa, machine tokens on the field ,this way you get better protection and always stronger fusion options
this deck dont work
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
worked for me, got multiple 5k+ overdragons which is hilarious

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Skill doesn't work. I have the requirements it asks for. Does not add scales like it says
Could this card still destroy a monster who's original attack is ? Like the calculator a...
Gem 117
Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
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