
Clown deck by NateDubz

update 03/04/2017

Deck list

Sphere KuribohSphere KuribohSergeant ElectroSergeant ElectroSergeant ElectroGuardian Statue
Guardian StatueGuardian StatuePossessed Dark SoulPossessed Dark SoulDream ClownDream Clown
Dream ClownMirror WallMirror WallMirror WallDesert SunlightDesert Sunlight
Desert SunlightWindstorm of Etaqua----

Set skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Return 1 card in your hand to your Deck and draw another. The skill can only be used once per turn and twice per Duel.

Comments from NateDubz

The strategy is purely simple and has been utilized before. The idea is to control the entire board and swing with small attacks here and there at advantageous times until you win.
Dark Soul is in here for the obvious reasons, Relinquished. It is the top tier meta right now. Desert Ruin is for the end of turn Switch play with Dream Clown to prevent Michizure and the like once they set it. It is also for the plays where a Guardian is in attack mode, in combo with Mirror Wall it allows him to live one extra turn which is crucial when maintaining board control. Econ>Kuriboh when you actually have Econ, however I don't but it is a solid card in replacement.
One thing about this deck, PAY for the Mirror Wall the 1st time against mill decks, currently the top tier Mill Meta utilizes the life point gain spell card when you have less life points than your opponent(the name escapes me). It seals the game for you. Also pay for the cost to keep attacking monsters at lower ATK to allow for even more board control along with basically giving you 4 usages of mirror Wall.

It took a while to get KoG because Weevil burn is my toughest matchup by far with the current list. I've basically taken the loss but still somehow win 60% of the time.


Date submitted: April 2


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This deck is made by a πŸ”₯ , sucks pretty hard (No offense).
<< Anonymous
NateDubz Reply
Sucks pretty hard and calls me a πŸ”₯ and has the nerve to say, "no offense"?

Seriously?? This is why Yugioh is not a top tier TCG anymore. The community is so horrible and makes it not fun to play. Good job being a keyboard warrior while hiding behind the name "anonymous".
<< Anonymous
Ano Reply
Its a great deck nate, ignore him
This is my version of Switcheroo Clown Deck. No Sergeant, no Mirror Wall.

Monster (12)
3x Thunder Dragon (used with Switcheroo for thinning the deck)
3x Dream Clown
2x Blade Rabbit
2x Guardian Statue
1x Posessed Dark Soul
1x Sphere Kuriboh

Spell (3)
2x Enemy Controller
1x Twister

Trap (5)
3x Desert Sunlight
1x Windstorm of Etaqua
1x Curse of Anubis

Thunder Dragon (tribute summon) and Twister may also help you against Burn Deck's Mask of Accursed
<< Anonymous(bermudez)
NateDubz Reply
If it works for you then that is awesome. I just feel you don't have enough going on to sustain. The biggest weakness of this deck deck is the Early turns and late game. It can run out of steam which means the loss of your monsters. If you don't run mirror wall because you don't have it I would understand, but not running it for the sake of being different makes no sense, imo.
<< Anonymous(bermudez)
Addon234 Reply
I'd switch a mirror wall with curse of an
"Desert Ruin is for the end of turn Switch play with Dream Clown to prevent Michizure and the like once they set it. It is also for the plays where a Guardian is in attack mode, in combo with Mirror Wall it allows him to live one extra turn which is crucial when maintaining board control."

What do you mean by this? End of turn switch play?
<< Anonymous(Chelsea)
Chelsea Reply
Okay, anything you would recommend I change in my deck in the comment below?
<< Anonymous(Chelsea)
NateDubz Reply
I feel you need some more attacking monsters. I use Electro, if you don't have it but have x3 amazoness then ABSOLUTELY use it. I go with 2 Possesed Soul, but I personally wouldn't waste space on x2 4 starred lady bug. I'd reccomend a 1/1 split of Soul/Bug, or 2 Soul and 0 Bug or whatever you prefer. Based on your list, you need x2 more ways to stop attacks. have anymore Kuriboh?
<< Anonymous(Chelsea)
Chelsea Reply
No more kuriboh, but I am 100 packs into Neo impact and still can get another half shut + Mirror wall. That will help a lot.
<< Anonymous(Chelsea)
Chelsea Reply
Also I don't have any amazoness yet lol. I could farm some Mai though and hope for the best, but I have got 0 econ and 0 gravekeepers from Ishizu so I'd have to get lucky to get even 1 or 2 with 800 keys
I'll have you know that dessert sunlight can become a dead card if you ain't got d-clown, why not put rabbit anyways, better to have less dessert maybe only one and need to have EC or crass clown and maybe twister or de-spell for gravity axe.
<< Anonymous(Lleyk)
NateDubz Reply
I decided against De-Spell and Twister to maintain consistency and just simply lose the matchup against gravity axe decks. They are rare decks in the top meta, so why waste a crucial card space for a card that is rarely used, you know?

Guardian is much better than Rabbit in my testing and my playstyle(it may work out better for you).
<< Anonymous(Lleyk)
NateDubz Reply
Yes, if you have Econ USE it. I would use it but I don't have any, unfortunately. The Dark soul could always be lowered as well, I only have 2 in here mainly because of the amount of times I played relinquished decks that also ran fulfillment of contract, it made it a tough matchup to now pretty easy. Desert Eagle is crucial, you need at least 2 no less. I run 3 for consistency.
this deck is very weak to bad draws. like 2 dark souls and 2 sunlights, etc.
can we replace MW with rising energy or anubis?
MW x3
I miss just 3 electros, possible substitutes??? The rest i have all so just those 3 cards are making troubles to me
3 MW T_T
<< Anonymous
Manolo Reply
NateDUbz, let me affectionately say this:
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
Wow, and I thought I was lucky. 10 packs for MW #1, reset. 30 packs for #2, reset. 175 packs for #3
<< Anonymous
NateDubz Reply
I have farmed over 3000 keys with nearly 95% win rate, have not got a single Econ or Blue Eyes. My luck is still bad with drops. I got lucky with that pack, so I guess it equals out haha
<< Anonymous
Manolo Reply
Yeah man, I'm very lucky with Kaiba (he gave me 4 BEWD, 2 ECon and 3 Champion's Vigilance) and LD drops in general (except for Weevil's 3400 keys and only 1 Coccoon). But the πŸ”₯in pack, got my 2 Kuribohs with 10 and 40 packs left respectively!

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