Banish, from your side of the field or your Graveyard, the Fusion Material Monsters that are listed on a DARK Machine-Type Fusion Monster Card, then Special Summon that Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck. (This Special Summon is treated as a Fusion Summon.)
With enough graveyard setup, you can summon use Overload Fusion to summon Chimeratech Overdragon with a ridiculous amount of attack for practically no cost. Enough to OTK your opponent.
DARK Machine Fusions
Here are some other monsters you can summon with Overload Fusion. The Cyberdark Archetype would find Overload Fusion particularly useful.
Any card that can load your graveyard with fusion materials to be used for a DARK Machine Fusion monster would be good. Future Fusion can lead to you summoning 2 Fusion monsters. That Grass Looks Greener and Lightsworn monsters can mill cards from the top of your deck.
When your Fusion monster is about to be removed from the field, you can use Dimension Explosion to return that Fusion monster to the Extra deck and revive 2 banished monsters.
Another situation where this could be useful is when you are pushing for damage.
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