
Fabled Snipe: deck recipe

Duel Links Fabled artchtype in the meta, Snipe HUnter & Fabled monsters combo, Gusto monsters combo.
update 06/05/2018

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This is a control deck that is centered around powerful effects that require discard costs to gain advantage. Then using those cards' (that were used as costs) effects to gain even more advantage. You can also put the game in your favor by locking your opponent out of his plays by Summoning Chaos Hunter or using Snipe Hunter to destroy key cards.

Example Deck

Chaos HunterThe TrickyThe TrickySnipe HunterSnipe HunterSnipe Hunter
The Fabled GanashiaThe Fabled GanashiaThe Fabled GanashiaGusto GriffinGusto GriffinGusto Griffin
Sinister SerpentCaam, Serenity of GustoCaam, Serenity of GustoEnemy ControllerEnemy Controller)Enemy Controller
Treacherous Trap HoleTreacherous Trap Hole--------

Set Skill

[Skill] descriptionUser
Can be used only once after starting hands are dealt. Reveal and redraw your starting hand.
Bandit Keith
Bandit Keith

How to Use

Snipe Hunter

Snipe Hunter is a great way to clear the board of any threats. You can discard a card to target any card on the field and get a chance to destroy it. Your destruction effect will only fail if you get a 1 or a 6, therefore the chances of you destroying your opponent's card is 2 out of 3. Another Good thing about this monster is that his effect can target both monsters and spell/trap cards making him a very versatile form of destruction against any deck you face.

Special Summon

Both of these are the big monsters of your deck. They are quite powerful while also having the ability to special summon themselves from the hand for a discard cost. The Tricky is just a beater that you can special summon by discarding a card in your hand. Meanwhile Chaos Hunter is a great Anti-Meta card, because it stops any play that involves banishing a card. Meaning your opponent cannot activate Rose Lover to special summon a Plant-type monster from their hand, which could be very annoying for Sylvan and Aromage players. Amazoness Onslaught also becomes useless as it banishes your monsters as a form of removal, meaning you can attack safely into your opponent's Amazoness monsters. Cyber Angel players cannot activate the effect of Machine Angel Ritual in their graveyard to protect their Fairy-type monsters.

Monsters to use as Cost

Since this deck heavily relies on discard costs to make it's plays. It would be best if you could also get the most value out of the cards you discard. These monsters' effects activate when they are discarded and allow you to regain card advantage.

  • The Fabled Ganashia revives himself when he is discarded to the graveyard. Additionally he gains 200 attack when summoned this way making him a decent beater on the field.
  • Gusto Griffin allows you to special summon a Gusto monster from your deck when he is discarded to the graveyard. the best target Would be Caam, Serenity of Gusto which has decent stats and an effect to help you recycle Gusto monsters in your graveyard back to deck and draw a card, this gives you a plus 1 in card advantage.
  • Sinister Serpent can retrieve himself and return to your hand during the standby phase. But it is best to wait a turn before discarding him, because if you discard him the turn he was retrieved he will be banished during your opponent's next end phase meaning you cannot reuse him anymore.


Caam, Serenity of Gusto is a great way of gaining card advantage. Caam can be special summoned by Gusto Griffin's effect which is a great way to get her out and add Gusto monsters to the graveyard. Return Gusto monsters from your graveyard back to deck and draw a card. This works well in a deck such as this, heavily reliant on discarding cards to bring out it's big monsters and cost for card removal, to make sure you do not use up your hand too quickly.

Treacherous Trap Hole

Since you use no other trap cards in this deck, Treacherous Trap Hole is a great monster removal card. It can be activated when your opponent has 2 or more monsters and you have no trap cards in the graveyard. It does not require any cost meaning that you outright destroy 2 cards your opponent controls for the price of one, making this card excellent for gaining advantage. The downside is that once you have already activated one of your Treacherous Trap Holes the other one becomes a dead card, but you can still make use of it as a discard cost for your other effects.


We need new boxes
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
New one literally just came out
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
said no one ever
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
we're not as rich as you 🔥boi, you have your mom's credit card while we only have our liver
Not work..... in 4 fights 0 win.... even against worst decks....
Just got 3 Snipe Hunter and wanted to build something with them and Fabled Ganashia. I wasn't aware the Gustos had a similar engine so this is useful
tfw snipe hunter misses 5 times in a row
I already made this deck. My version 100% better, though I don't have any The Tricky cards yet. Soulkius for the win.
<< Anonymous(Kyunbio)
Anonymous Reply
Decklist please.
this deck just teaches us that gambling is not good...

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Freind code add me plz 001xua0gzw0c
It's used in Dragonic Contact decks | v
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